13 Best Wireless & Invisible Dog Fences [Updated in 2025]

Last Updated on February, 2025

Physical fences are a thing of the past; more and more pet owners are moving into the invisible fencing ecosystem, and why not?

These excellent devices are far better than the bricks or wood you’d otherwise install. Being much less expensive and packed with awesome tech, you need to consider these before making a decision.

What type of tech? 

If that’s your question, here’s a brief answer.

Invisible dog fences allow you to track and get updates on your dog’s location 24/7, even if you’re away from them.

Plus, most of them are supremely portable; all you have to do is, take them with you and create the amount of fences you need from right where you’re standing. 

This is just a sneak peek of the brilliance these devices have in store. 

That said, invisible dog fences are something that you absolutely should have to keep your dog safe. 

Below we have picked 13 out of the 25 invisible dog fences we reviewed based on a lot of factors (mentioned below). 

Keep reading and pick the one that’ll suit your needs the most.

Editor’s Choice
spot on dog collar product image
SpotOn Gen 2
GPS Correction Accuracy
Battery Life
Extra Features







Overall Score



#2nd Best Choice
Halo Collar 4 product image
Halo 4
GPS Correction Accuracy
Battery Life
Extra Features







Overall Score


#3rd Best Choice
Dogtra Pathfinder 2 product image
Dogtra Pathfinder
GPS Correction Accuracy
Battery Life
Extra Features







Overall Score


Best Invisible Fences in a Nutshell

Our Top 13 Picks for the Best Invisible Dog Fence

Below are all of the best invisible dog fences we recommend. All of these we picked based on hours of personnel testing and tons of research.

Factors such as coverage, battery life, durability, containment shapes, and techniques were all taken into account to provide you with the best possible option on the market. 

All you have to do is read through and pick the one that suits you the most! 

1. SpotOn Gen 2 Virtual Smart Fence (Editor’s Choice)

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Every invisible fence company claims to have the best product on the market, but only SpotOn proves it

YES, testings done by Spirent, a leader of Positioning & GPS Testing, show that SpotOn is seven times more powerful than its closest competitor Halo when it comes to correction accuracy. 

Now you might think, what’s the connection between GPS and a wireless invisible fence. 

Both are essentially the same, but GPS fences are highly customizable with much more accurate invisible fence creation and on time corrections. 

If you want the most secure option, GPS smart fences are the way to go. 

And SpotOn, in particular, is the best option out of all. 

Let me tell you why by starting off with its fence creation. SpotOn with is GPS capability, lets you create fences of any shape and size. This isn’t something you can do with a non-GPS wireless fence, as most of them are only able to create circular fence with limited size. 

Also, an important thing to note is, SpotOn is fully operated via its app. Creating fences, checking your dog’s location are all done through it. So, it’s much easier to operate. 

To create fences, there are two options, the first and the easiest option is drawing the fences right on phone app, you can simply drag your fingers and create the fence. The second option is walking along with the phone and collar in hand, and the fence posts will be dropped automatically. 

a human holding spoton collar
a dog wearing spoton collar and lying on the ground

Even though the second option is time consuming, I found it to be the most accurate when testing.

As for the number of fences you can create, SpotOn allows for 20, you can edit and use any of those any time. 

SpotOn’s Keep Out Zones is another example as to why GPS fences are a much better option compared to regular wireless fences. With this turned on, you can essentially keep your dog away from areas you don’t want them to enter, such as your pool, garden etc.

Another great benefit is the portability of the GPS fences. Regular wireless fences, most of the time, come with a base that you need to place somewhere in your house for the fences to work properly, but with SpotOn, that’s not an issue. 

You can even create a fence for your dog even if you’re away from your home. For those hikers and campers out there, SpotOn’s Off-grid Mode is a game changer. This allows you to set up fences by connecting to your phone via Bluetooth in areas with poor GPS signal. 

Tried Off-grid Mode in my backyard, and it’s not a gimmick, it works. 

Now for corrections. Wireless fences typically come with 03 corrections; Tone, Vibration and Static Stimulation. The same goes for SpotOn, the only difference is that it has two types of Tone (Alert and Warning), and here’s how all of them work. 

When your dog is 10 feet from the boundary, the alert tone starts. If they get closer, within 5 feet, a warning tone goes off. If your dog reaches the boundary line, the system will either vibrate or give a static correction, depending on what you’ve set.

That’s all, nothing too complicated. Also, the SpotOn understands when your dog is heading towards the safe zone and stops any ongoing correction. This cannot be said for all type of fences. 

SpotOn has real time location tracking too, connecting to up to 128 satellites, SpotOn will allow you to keep a constant eye on your dog’s location if it is inside the fence or outside the fence. That said, location tracking is tied under a subscription, along with alert notifications

These are notifications that you’ll receive when the collar’s battery is running low and when your dog approaches the boundary line.  

Even though you can use the collar without any subscription, I’d recommend you get one, as that allows you to see your dog’s location 24/7. You can’t do that with any of the regular wireless fences.

This satellite connectivity massively improves the correction accuracy. Your dog will receive the feedback right in line without any delays. 

So, that’s SpotOn for you. If you want to keep your dog safe inside the fence and not worry about it, this is the way to go, it just gets everything right, you can’t go wrong with it. 

One last thing, not just SpotOn, but any invisible fence you get, before you start using them, you should train your dog so that it understands how everything works. SpotOn comes with its own detailed training program too, you can follow the steps outlined there.


  • For Dogs That Have a Neck Size Between 10 to 26 inches
  • Available In Grey Color
  • 25 Hours of Battery Runtime
  • Real-Time GPS Location Tracking With The Help of Up to 30 Satellites
  • Overlapping Fences, Which Allows to Create a Fence For Just The Yard or The Entire Property
  • Supports Wi-Fi, LTE, And Bluetooth
  • IP67 Waterproof collar
  • One-Year Warranty
  • 90-Day Satisfaction Guarantee

You can read more about SpotOn Virtual Smart Dog Fence Here.


Collar made with comfortable materials for dogs
Durable with IP67 rating
Easy setup with a mobile app
No wires or transmitters needed
Customizable fence shapes and up to 20 fences
Wide coverage options, including circular fences
Effective alert and correction system
Accurate location tracking with True Location™ tech
Impressive battery life


Will not fit majority of the small dogs

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2. Halo 4 (#2nd Best Choice)

Halo’s 4th iteration is much improved over its predecessors. Being the first and only dog fence with dual-frequency GPS, it gets a much needed location accuracy boost with a few extra additional tricks. 

The results?

I’d say it performs as good as SpotOn. 

Halo has always played a catch-up game against SpotOn, but this time, they’re much closer thanks to the improvements in Halo 4. 

Let’s start off by taking a look at the invisible fences. Creating boundaries, Boundary Feedback are all similar to what you get on SpotOn, no differences there.

You have two options to create boundaries. Draw them on the app, or walk along with the collar and the phone to create your desired boundary. The fence shape can be anything, not limited to circular, and the max size you can go up to is 6.2 miles, which is more than enough.

Now onto the boundary feedback, Halo calls them Prevention Feedback, and it consists of three layers: Warning Feedback, Boundary Feedback, and Emergency Feedback.

Here’s how the prevention feedback in this invisible fence system works: if your dog is 7 to 10 ft away from the boundary you’ve created, the Halo collar will use warning feedback that consists of the typical prompts: sound, vibration, or static stimulation

The prevention feedback is fully customizable, allowing you to set any type of prompt for the system. For example, you can choose to use vibration as the warning feedback.

With that, you’ll also receive alerts on your smartphone if your dog starts getting prevention feedback, allowing you to act quickly. 

a human holding a halo collar
a dog sitting on the ground and wearing halo collar

If your dog neglects the warning feedback and is still moving towards the boundary, boundary feedback comes into play along with warning feedback.

For example, if you set the warning feedback’s prompt to “tone” and boundary feedback to “vibration,” both will work simultaneously. 

Emergency feedback will be triggered if your dog sneaks past the boundary. The dog will continue to receive corrections until it turns its head toward the safe zone. Emergency feedback can be either vibration or static stimulation.

From our testing, the vibration feedback got the job done most of the time. 

Once that happens, Encouragement Feedback will begin, and the wireless fence collar will get your dog back inside the safe zone.

Encouragement feedback is a Return Whistle that comes out of the collar. You will need to train your dog to understand all these before putting the collar to work.

So that’s how Halo 4 works to stop your dog from escaping the invisible fence you’ve created. Pretty advanced stuff.

Not to forget the number of fences you can create. With Halo, you can create and store up to 20 fences, just like SpotOn, and to add to that, Off-grid connection is available here as well. 

Location tracking is present here too, and it works well except for cloudy days, where there can be a few delays in the updates. Apart from that, it’s pretty solid, instant location updates no matter where you are. 

That said, to use the Halo collar, a subscription is required, not optional. Even then, I would say that it’s well worth the investment, as it does more than what a typical invisible fence is capable of doing. 

With all things considered, Halo 4 is something you can absolutely go with, it has everything to keep your dog safe and more. All I can say is, It works. 


  • For Dogs That Have a Minimum Neck Size of 11 in. to A Maximum of 30.5 in.
  • Available In Two Different Colors; Black and White
  • 30 Hours of Battery Runtime and 1 Hour Charge Up From Dead
  • Has a 21-Day Training Program By Cesar Millan, Which’ll Help You Train The Dog Understand The Halo Wireless Dog Fence
  • Activity Tracking to Keep Track of Your Dog’s Daily Activities and Other Stuff Related to its Health
  • Has 15 Levels of Static Stimulation 
  • Comes With Beacons That’ll Help You Create Keep Away Zones While Indoors
  • Real-Time GPS Location Tracking
  • Supports Wi-Fi, LTE, and Bluetooth
  • IP67 Water and Dust Resistant Rating
  • 12-Month Warranty

Here’s the full review of Halo 2+ Smart Dog Collar if you want to learn more about this device.


Ultimate invisible dog fence system
Location and activity tracking
Three layers of feedback to get your dog escaping the safe zone
Instant alerts if the dog tries to escape the boundary 
Extremely comfortable and highly durable collar
Excellent battery life
Allows a max of 20 virtual fences with unlimited range 


Only for large dogs, does not fit smaller dogs
Occasionally inconsistent

3. Dogtra PATHFINDER 2 (#3rd Best Choice)

Dogtra PATHFINDER 2 isn’t as advanced as Halo and SpotOn, but if you want an excellent budget option, it’ll be more than enough.

You’ll understand why in a few minutes, so keep reading. 

Let’s start with the fit; the PATHFINDER 2 is clearly not a device for small dogs.

If your dog weighs less than 35 lbs, look for other options; this simply isn’t going to fit. But if it does, excellent. 

Now for the containment, this device, from what I’ve seen, does a great job of keeping your dog safe inside the boundary you’ve created.

Features like instant alerts and feedback when nearing the boundary are all present. 

Moreover, just like SpotOn and Halo, this too is fully operated via your smartphone. Download the app, connect the collar, and that’s it; you’ll be good to go. 

Setting up fences, choosing corrections, and adjusting fences are taken care of by the app. Speaking of setting up fences, a fence can be as big as 2000 yards, and the shape of each fence can be according to your liking

The way the fence works is great too, ensuring maximum security for your dog. For starters, you’ll be notified on three different occasions.

The first alert triggers when your dog is getting near the boundary, The second is when your dog crosses the boundary, and The third and final notification will be once your dog gets back inside the boundary.

Not just alerts, the collar will do its job by sending different corrections to your dog at the same time you receive the notifications (Your Dog Will Not Be Corrected When Heading Back To The Boundary). 

All work together seamlessly, and the chances of PATHFINDER allowing your dog to escape are pretty much nil. 

That said, even if your dog slips past the boundary, you can take advantage of the built-in real-time location tracking system powered by GPS. You can keep track of every step your dog takes. I wouldn’t say it’s as fast as Halo and SpotOn, but for its price, It’s still pretty decent and gives you enough time to take proper action. 

About the corrections, the PATHFINDER 2 has tone, vibration, and static stimulation, just like the majority of the other devices. 

On the other hand, all of the corrections are highly adjustable. like for example, static stimulation has 100 intensity levels; you can pick one based on the temperament of your dog. 

A wireless fence, along with GPS location tracking, is something only premium devices have had for quite a while; now, thanks to Dogtra, dog owners get to enjoy all of it for much less. 

All that out of the way; you can also use the Dogtra PATHFINDER 2 as a dog training collar; if you have an untrained dog, this can be a great tool.

Looking at the build quality and durability, it’s top-notch. Since the PATHFINDER 2 is made to track hunting dogs, the materials can take whatever your dog throws at it. The collar is even IPX7 waterproof rated, enhancing its durability even more. 

That is everything Dogtra PATHFINDER 2 brings to the table. As a wireless dog fence, GPS tracking, and dog training collar, you can’t ask for more, an excellent device overall. 


  • For Dogs That Are 35 lbs or larger
  • Available In Black Color
  • Rechargeable Battery 
  • GPS Location Tracking
  • Safety Light For Night Walks
  • IPX7 Waterproof collar
  • One-Year Warranty


Budget-friendly option
Effective containment and instant alerts
Smartphone-operated with user-friendly app
Customizable fence size and shape
Multiple notification and correction levels
Real-time GPS tracking for added security
Adjustable correction intensity levels
Top-notch build quality and durability
IPX7 waterproof rating
Multipurpose device for training and tracking


Not suitable for dogs under 35 lbs
GPS tracking may not be as fast as premium options.

4. eXtreme Dog Fence System – Max Grade

If you’re a traditional bud and want a fence with wires, then this is the one for you. 

The eXtreme dog fence is proudly made in the U.S and is one the best and most durable when it comes to in-ground dog fences.

I was skeptical when I first got my hands on this system because I’d never even heard of it.

However, it exceeded my expectations and managed to earn its place on this list. 

Wired dog containment systems do not boast state-of-the-art tech like the wireless dog fence system.

eXtreme Dog Fence System - Max Grade

However, they get the job done, and the eXtreme dog fence system is one of them.

The eXtreme dog fence gets everything right except for the collar it comes with; there are better-looking ones on the market. If looks matter to you, this is not going to change your mind. 

It comes with a waterproof collar, though, and that’s a saving grace.

Apart from that, there’s nothing bad. So let’s move on to the good things now.

Wires are the most crucial aspect when it comes to wired invisible dog fences, and eXtreme does the job like no other. Out of all I’ve tested, their 14-gauge dog fence wire is the most durable, with up to 25 years of longevity. 

The Max Grade we reviewed comes with it.

We went with the 500 ft wire version, and it’s capable of covering 1/3 acre of land. There are other options though, the maximum is 2000 ft which is able to cover 4 acres. 

As with all the wired invisible dog fences, the eXtreme dog fence also comes with a transmitter, and it is what literally carries out everything, basically the brain. Before you start anything, you need to set it up. 

Once you set up the transmitter, it should be linked with the collar before it goes into the dog’s neck. The transmitter uses a radio signal to communicate with the collar, and if your dog gets near the buried wire, which is the fence, a correction consisting of static or tone is sent.

It’s instant and works really well. However, unlike other GPS-based wireless fence, you won’t get any alerts. 

And that’s where the training comes in; it’s really important that you get training on point with this fence. Only then you are able to see positive results. 

The eXtreme fence comes with everything you need to set up and use the collar, including 50 training flags and a surge protector to protect the transmitter against voltage “spikes” called transients. 

With all that said, eXtreme is one of the best, if not the best underground dog fences you can get. 

Plus, if you consider the amount of money you need for a physical fence, this is way less.


  • For Dogs That Are 8 lbs to 120 lbs, Collars For More Stubborn Dogs Are Sold Separately
  • Available In Red Color
  • Disposable Proprietary Battery That Can Last 4-6 months
  • Radio Signal Tech
  • 7 levels of static corrections
  • Waterproof collar
  • One-Year Warranty

Read more about Extreme Dog Fence Here.


Fits both small and large sized dogs
Excellent battery life
Provides everything needed to set up and train the dog for the system
Includes a surge protector
Comes with a highly durable 14-gauge


Collar does not look good
Battery needs to be replaced after 4-6 months

5. PetSafe Stay and Play Wireless Fence

Petsafe is one of the most popular invisible dog fences, mainly because of its price and the features that come with it. 

Petsafe Stay and Play Wireless Fence Kit is the company’s one of the best-selling product and, from what I’ve seen, one of the most feature-packed systems the company has bought out to the market. 

That said, let me tell you what the system does best starting from the collar design.

I care about the looks of my dog and Stay, and Play does an okay job of that.

PetSafe Stay and Play Wireless Fence

It does not look flashy, or it doesn’t look like what I’d say bad; it’s just basic. And most might be okay with that. 

Durability is fine, too; the receiver is rugged and covered with the collar material in the front. With that, it’s waterproof, and all that makes it an excellent choice if your pupper is a stubborn chap. 

Moving on, unlike the other wireless dog fences mentioned above, the Stay and Play do not operate via an app. It comes with its own transmitter. 

That is where you’ll be creating your fence and controlling the collar. 

Stay, and Play is not the most advanced invisible fence when compared against the competition, but it does its job so well, and that’s the reason it earned its place in the list.

Here, you can create circular boundaries that can cover a 3/4 acre of land. Since there are not many options, it’s straightforward for most. 

Corrections are typical with the Stay and Play. You getthe tone and five levels of static corrections. It worked great for us; the corrections were instant, and the dogs responded well. 

They’re trained, by the way, so make sure you train yours too. 

Something that’s great about the Stay and Play is its multi dogs system. If you’ve got more than one dog, you must get that extra collar. That’s it; no need to purchase the complete fence kit. 

The multi dogs system also allows you to set different corrections for each dog too. And the amount of dogs that can be added is unlimited. All you need is an additional collar. 

Petsafe has been in the fence industry for so long that it’s hard to find one that has too many flaws. The same goes for the Stay and Play. It’s a great all-round fence with little to no downsides to it.


  • For Dogs That Are 5 lbs or Larger
  • Available In Red Color
  • Rechargeable Collar That Can Last Up to Three Weeks 
  • 5 levels of static corrections
  • Multi Dogs System
  • Waterproof collar

Go through this Petsafe Wireless Dog Fence Review to learn more about this device.


Straightforward and easy system to use
Fits almost all sized dogs
Impressive battery runtime
Corrections are on point
Includes 50 training flags which’ll come in handy during training


Collar could look a little better
Limited coverage

6. SportDOG Brand in-Ground Dog Fence

SportDOG has made itself a household name when it comes to equipment for hunting dogs. But did you know that they make invisible dog fences?

Probably not…

So, here’s what you need to know about SportDOG’s In-Ground Fence.

I feel like a broken record, but I can’t stop talking about the collar receiver every time at the start.

I’ve said it already; I care a lot when it comes to the looks of my dog.

SportDOG Brand in Ground Dog Fence

SportDOG in that department does a great job. The all-black look of the collar looks like it was made for my dog; it’s pretty neat.

There isn’t much to talk about how the invisible fence works though; it’s all pretty much the same at this point. 

SportDOG’s In-Ground Dog Fence can cover a maximum of 100 acres; additional wires should be purchased for that. It can contain any number of dogs when multiple dog collars are purchased. 

What you get right out of the box is different. That can cover 1 to 1/3 acres and can contain one dog, which is not bad.

Like all underground fences, the SportDOG In-Ground Dog Fence is also completely controlled by a transmitter, not an app. Everything, including range, is adjusted through here. 

Corrections are just what you get with all other in-ground fences or wireless fences, for that matter. You get tone, vibration, and 7 levels of traditional static stimulation. I put it to the test with a well-trained dog, and it just worked flawlessly.

No problem there. But make sure you properly train your dog though, otherwise it just won’t work.

I’ve used SportDOG collars for a good amount of hunting trips, and they’ve always exceeded my expectations. I would say the same for their underground dog fence. It just works.


  • For Dogs That Are 8 lbs or Larger
  • Available In Black Color
  • Rechargeable Collar That Can Last Up to A Month 
  • 7 levels of static corrections
  • Multi Dogs System
  • Waterproof collar With Dryer Technology
  • Two-Year Warranty

Learn more about SportDog Invisible Fence here.


Good looking collar with durable materials
Includes 100 training flags
Exceptional battery runtime
Fits dogs as small as 8 pounds


Coverage could’ve been a little higher
Does not come with a surge protector, which most in-ground fence come with

7. PetSafe Wireless Pet Containment System

Expect quite a few PetSafe pet containment systems on this list from now on.

We already talked about the great Stay and Play system earlier, and this is a cheaper version of that.

Don’t get deceived when I say cheaper though; it almost has the same features as the Stay and Play wireless dog fence. 

Let’s take a look at it. 

The collar, it’s the same with a bigger receiver in the Wireless Pet Fence.

PetSafe Wireless Pet Fence

There’s not much difference to talk about here. Compared to the Stay and Play invisible dog fence, this one has a shorter coverage which comes in at 1/2 acre. Even though not much, it still is enough for most.

Just like the Stay and Play, this one, too, is controlled via a transmitter and not an app. Being a wireless invisible dog fence, an app would’ve been great. Anyways, it is what it is. 

Corrections are essentially the same, and no difference there too. Tone and 5 different levels of static simulations are what’s present. 

Battery side has a disadvantage here; it’s not rechargeable, and once every two months, you’ll have to replace it. 

Other than that, there’s no significant difference; this invisible fence is a great cheap alternative to the Stay and Play wireless system. It works the same as it does too.


  • For Dogs That Are 8 lbs or Larger
  • Available In Red Color
  • Non-Rechargeable Battery That Lasts Up to Three Months
  • 7 levels of static corrections
  • Multi Dogs System
  • Waterproof collar


Pretty easy to use
Includes 50 training flags
Fits dogs as small as 8 pounds
Reasonable price


Better coverage could’ve been better
Battery not rechargeable and needs to replaced every two months

8. Luxipaws Wireless Dog Fence and Training Collar

Previously known as invifence, Luxipaws is another excellent option if you’re looking for a budget invisible dog fence.

It packs some great features, all of which make it a great option to consider. 

As always, let’s start with the collar. In my opinion, it’s not the best-looking one out there, and the build quality does not feel that premium.

Yes, it’s cheap, but they could’ve done a little better here. 

Luxipaws Wireless Dog Fence and Training Collar

As you might’ve already guessed, Luxipaws is fully wireless, which is excellent. However, it is controlled via a transmitter, which can be a bummer for some. 

Moving on, the range is considerably low when compared to other electric dog fences in this list. With a maximum coverage of just 1000 feet, it’s not the best one out there. For the price, though, I’d say it’s reasonable. 

There are no changes to the corrections; they’re still the same as the most expensive ones. Tone, vibration, and static stimulation are all present here, and they do a great job of containing the dog. 

The thing that makes Luxipaws stand apart from its competitors is its training feature. You can train your dog with this system with the use of the corrections. That’s great if you still need to train your dog.

Other than that, you can contain up to three dogs with the purchase of additional collars. I’m still surprised that the system provides all this for such a low price. 

Luxipaws might be one of the cheapest wireless dog fences available; pretty sure about that.


  • For Dogs That Are Between 10 to 110 lbs 
  • Available In Black and Orange Color
  • Rechargeable Battery That Last Up to A Full Week
  • Training Mode
  • Multi Dogs System
  • IP65 Waterproof collar


Good amount of features for the price
Allows to train your dog if you haven’t done so already
Good battery life 
One of the cheapest invisible fences available


Collar build quality could’ve been better
Limited range

9. PetSafe YardMax Rechargeable in-Ground Fence

It’s PetSafe once again, and this time it’s an in-ground fence, not wireless, unlike the ones we previously looked at. 

In-ground invisible fences are, most of the time, much cheaper than the wireless ones, and the YardMax is even more affordable.

If you’re on a budget and prefer an in-ground fence instead of a wireless dog fence, this one is a top option. 

No point in talking about the collars as it’s almost identical to the Stay and Play wireless fence and the other one we looked at above. 

PetSafe YardMax Rechargeable in Ground Fence

Coverage is not an issue with an in-ground dog fence; why?

As long as you get additional wires, you can keep extending it. The YardMax provides you with two coverage options before purchasing. A 500 ft wire can cover ⅓ acre, and a 1000 ft wire can cover 1 acre.

Pick the one that fits you. If the numbers are lower than your yard, additional ones can be purchased. However, the maximum is 10 acres.

Wire thickness matters when it comes to an in-ground fence; it’s not something to worry about in the YardMax as it’s a 20-gauge solid copper wire. It’s durable enough for most dogs unless you have a highly aggressive pal. 

Just like its counterparts, the YardMax too allows for unlimited dogs with the purchase of additional collars. 

Speaking of dog’s collar, how can we miss the corrections it provides?

The YardMax is precisely the same as the ones we looked at above regarding corrections. Here you get tone and 5 levels of static stimulation, and that’s all.

YardMax, when it comes to providing corrections, does things a little differently; even though not something drastic, it’s worth mentioning.

Most wired, and wireless dog fences emit the selected corrections if they detect your dog is nearing the fence boundary. However, YardMax only sends the corrections once the dog approaches the boundary. 

There are no changes to how the system works. During our testing, there were no differences, and the dogs responded well even though the approach was different.


  • For Dogs That Are 5 lbs or Larger
  • Available In Black Color
  • Rechargeable Battery That Last Up to Three Months
  • Indoor Fencing Capabilities If Pawz Away is Purchased
  • Multi Dogs System
  • Waterproof collar


Reasonably priced wired fence
Excellent battery life 
Unlimited dogs can be contained with the purchase of additional collars
Durable wire 


Limited range considering it’s an in-ground fence 
The transmitter in the system can be cumbersome to use 

10. Pet Control HQ Electric Pet Containment System

Two in one invisible dog fences do not come much better than this.

Pet Control HQ might be one of the newest entries to the invisible fence market, but their wired dog fence system doesn’t look like it. 

Here’s why…

First of all, the pet containment system comes with a surprisingly well-designed collar. I think this has one of the best-looking ones on the list.

The only downside, however, is the material. It feels a bit too rubbery.

Apart from that, though, it’s great. 

Pet Control HQ Electric Pet Containment System

It’s an in-ground dog fence system if I haven’t mentioned it already.

20AWG (American Wire Gauge) is the type that comes with the Pet Control HQ’s system, the material the wire’s made up of is Single Core Copper. This is a place where this pet containment system misses its mark.

I won’t say that it’s one of the most durable wires available. Make sure you bury it deep enough and that too properly. 

Coverage is similar to what most in-ground fence systems offerin the box. Pet Control HQ’s system comes with a 150-meter wire in the box, and that’s able to cover 1/3 Acre. But you can extend it up to 10 acres with extra wires.

Vibration is present with tone and static stimulation, which is excellent as most of the wired electric fences come with just tone and shock. 

Corrections work fast and are great for distracting the dog. That’s thanks to the way the static corrections are optimized. 

I already mentioned that it’s a 2-in-1 system.

Pet Control HQ Electric Fence System also comes with a training remote in the box. It’s great for training; I personally did not use it as my dogs were already trained. I did test it though, and the operations were excellent. 

With all this, the Pet Control HQ Electric Fence System is an impressive device that works really well. The price is reasonable too.


  • For Dogs That Are Between 11 to 154 lbs
  • Available In Black Color
  • Rechargeable Battery That Last Up to Three Days in Containment Mode And 12-Hour in Training Mode
  • Training Remote Included
  • Multi Dogs System
  • IPX7 Rated Waterproof collar


Allows for both training and containing dogs
Good battery runtime
Comes with a training guide
Transmitter has a built-in surge protector
Reasonable price


Range is limited
Wire can be a bit more durable

11. FOCUSER Electric Wireless Invisible Dog Fence System

Focuser wireless dog fence system is a simple yet effective solution to contain your dog.

This has everything to keep your dog contained safely and being a wireless pet containment system, it’s easy to set up and get started. 

FOCUSER electric system is one of the cheapest on this list, and that’s shown in their collar’s build quality.

It’s an excellent-looking collar but not the most durable one out there.

FOCUSER Electric Wireless Invisible Dog Fence System

Range is another area where the collar shows why it’s cheap. Make sure you have a small yard before getting one, as it can only cover 300 meters.

Wireless invisible dog fences typically come with all three correction settings, and this one does not miss out on that. You’ll get tone, vibration, and shock with the FOCUSER wireless fence. 

The system takes advantage of Radio signal technology when it comes to the communication between the collar and the transmitter, and that was reliable during the testing without any delays. 

If you have a small fence and want a serviceable electric fence to keep your dog safe, this is a great option, and for the price, it’s something worth considering.


  • For Dogs That Are Between 10 to 110 lbs
  • Available In White Color
  • Rechargeable Battery That Last Up to 12 Hours
  • Multiple dogs system
  • IP67 Rated Waterproof collar


Reliable radio signal
Built-in safety chip that prevents the collar from overcorrecting the dog
Affordable price


Range is very limited
Collar not that durable 
Poor battery runtime

12. PetSafe Stubborn Dog Underground Dog Fence

Trust me; this is the last PetSafe fence on this list. 

And for this one, I won’t delve in deep. Because, It’s PetSafe, and as you may know already, they’re all literally the same with different names.

Collar is literally identical to the ones we looked at above, no difference. 

With that, the coverage is also similar to the YardMax, which is ⅓ acres, and the max coverage is 25 acres (additional wires should be purchased).

Corrections is where this electric dog fence excels; there’s vibration, which is rare in a PetSafe product. Tone, vibration, and 4 levels of static correction are what’s present here.

PetSafe Stubborn Dog Underground Dog Fence

Wire thickness is the same as YardMax; in the box comes a 20-gauge wire, and that’s, as already mentioned, is more than enough, and PetSafe’s wires are generally one of the best available.

Overall, this wired electric fence from PetSafe does everything that a typical invisible fence does, but in a better way plus, it’s largely similar to the YardMax, which is another excellent system from the same company.


  • For Dogs That Are 8 lbs or Larger
  • Available In Red Color
  • Rechargeable Battery That Last Up to Three Months
  • 4 levels of static correction
  • Waterproof collar


Has all three correction settings
Excellent battery life 
One of the cheapest invisible fences available
Compact transmitter
Durable wire 


Low coverage, extra wires needed to extend
Vibration is not effective compared to other collars

13. Havahart Wireless Dog Fence System

Havahart invisible fence does nothing special, create a boundary, and it’ll contain your dog without a problem.

This is an excellent system if not for its collar, which is super ugly. If you’re okay putting it on your dog, no problem, and it’ll serve you well, no doubt. 

Coverage is surprisingly great, with the maximum being 25 acres, and it can be of any size.

This is excellent as most don’t provide this much of real estate, even the most expensive. 

Similar to most of the wireless dog fences on this list, Havahart also uses Radio Signal, an improved version compared to those though.

Havahart Wireless Dog Fence System

From what I’ve seen, it was somewhat more reliable than, for example, FOCUSER. That’s good news, as the corrections will be sent much faster only when needed. 

However, unlike the majority of the electric dog fence systems, this system only has tone and five different static correction levels. As for their effectiveness, it’s the same as other collars.


  • For Dogs That Are 8 lbs or Larger
  • Available In Red Color
  • Rechargeable Battery That Last Up to A Day
  • Multiple Dogs System
  • 5 levels of static correction


Excellent range
Improved radio signal
Controller is touch screen
Includes useful stuffs in the box 


Collar is not good looking
Poor battery
Collar not waterproof

Things to Know Before Getting an Invisible Fence for Dogs

a dog wearing invisible fence collar and sitting near the boundary flags

Picking a wireless dog fence is easier said than done. Getting the wrong one can lead to all sorts of troubles not only for you but for your dog too. Below are some factors that you need to consider before getting your electric dog fence. 


This is the most crucial part. 

Invisible dog fences come in literally all shapes and sizes, and getting the one that’ll not fit your yard properly can pose troubles, and your dog will be the victim. Unwanted corrections and constant static simulations are some of the problems you’ll encounter. 

Generally, an invisible fence system that covers ⅓ land is enough for most. Go for a larger one if you need to provide more play area for your pet. 

Durability (For Wired Electric Dog Fence) 

If you’re getting a wired dog fence, make sure the wire it comes with is durable enough and is able to withstand when buried in tough terrains. A 20-gauge wire will be ideal for most.

However, if the land you’re about to bury the wire is plagued with rocks and other rough materials, going for a 16 or 14 gauge wire is essential. 

Correction Levels

Getting an electric dog fence with at least 2 correction settings is essential if you want the collar to work best. Bonus if there are three. 

With that, make sure the static stimulation is adjustable; it’s crucial, especially if you have a sensitive dog.

Surge Protector (If Going for a Wired Electric Dog Fence) 

Underground invisible fences are prone to get struck by lightning, even from miles away. A surge protector can redirect unexpected voltage increases away from your transmitter. 

That said, getting a wired electric dog fence without a surge protector is nowhere worth what you’re paying. 

Even if it’s a little too much, spend that and get one with a surge protector. It’ll increase the longevity of the system BIG TIME. 

Do Wired and Wireless Dog Fences Work?

Generally, all types of fences work if the dog is adequately trained. It’s difficult to find bad invisible dog fences that don’t work.

Hard to believe?

80% out of 1,025 dog owners stated that their dog’s behavior was improved with the use of these systems. That too, in 90 days.

So if you train your dog correctly, you can expect them to work as intended. 

Want to know the difference between wired and wireless dog fence? Checkout our Guide.

Why Do Dog Owners Use Invisible Fences?

More and more dog owners are starting to use invisible dog fences as opposed to traditional fencing, and there are a lot of reasons for that.

First and foremost, invisible dog fences are easier to maintain, you don’t need to paint them every few months to maintain their looks, and in my opinion, they’re generally more durable. 

Next is, since these are invisible, they will not interfere with your outdoor view like, for example, a physical fence.

There’s also less room for your dog to escape as there’s no way to dig or tear through an invisible fence.

a dog sitting on the ground and wearing invisible fence collar

And finally, the main reason why many prefer invisible dog fences over traditional ones is price. Buying an invisible fence is way less cheaper when compared to building a physical fence.

How Do Invisible Dog Fences Work?

The way these systems work is pretty straightforward. 

As you may already know, invisible dog fences come with a collar that communicates with either boundary wire (if you have a wired dog fence) or a wireless signal (if you have a wireless dog fence).

Wearing the collar, if your dog reaches near the boundary you’ve created, it’ll be corrected with a tone. If the dog does not retreat after the tone and continues marching toward the boundary, the collar will emit vibration and or static stimulation. 

Here’s our complete guide on “How Does a Dog Invisible Fences Work?

How to Set Up an Invisible Fence System?

some wired dog fence set up ways

Setting up both the wired and wireless fence systems is much easier than setting up a physical fence. They typically take less than a day and are much cheaper to put together.

Below is how to set up a wired dog fence:

  • Measure the area you’re about to install the fence.
  • Set up the transmitter indoors in a place that’s dry and protected. A garage is ideal.
  • Once that’s done, bury the wire. Make sure it’s 1 inch to 3 inches underground. 

This is the way to install most of the wired dog fences; most will come with instructions on how to set them up, so there are no worries. 

As for wireless fences, check out this article on how to set them up.

Training a Dog for an Invisible Fence

a man training a dog

Training is the only area that’s complicated when it comes to an invisible fence; it’s so important to get it right as everything relies on it. 

Here’s how to train your dog for the invisible fence:

  • Once you’ve set up the fence, get the flags and visibly demonstrate the boundary you’ve created for your pup. Make sure to follow positive reinforcement training techniques as it’s the most effective. For that, bring a variety of treats along.
  • Put on the fence collar and take your dog to the yard with some of his favorite toys and spend some time.
  • If your dog approaches near the fence and the collar starts emitting the tone stimulation, call your dog back, and if he returns to you, reward him with the treats.
  • If your dog does not return and continues to move further, he will receive a static stimulation; if he still refuses to retreat, you may need to increase the correction levels. 
  • Continue to spend time in the yard and bring distractions onto the other side of the fence. Encourage your dog to get to the other side and allow the dog to get corrected when he reaches the fence line. 
  • Once your dog gets an idea on where the fence line is and responds to the corrections appropriately, you can remove the flags. However, keep an eye on your dog until you’re sure that your dog knows the boundary and responds immediately to corrections. 

Checkout our complete guide on Training a Dog for a Wireless Fence to make the training easier.

Types of Invisible Dog Fences

Wired Fence and Wireless Fence

Invisible dog fences are available in two types, wired and wireless. Both are essentially the same, with differences only in the way they work. 

Wired Fence

These types of invisible fences come with wires that need to be buried underground or just laid on the ground. The system also includes a transmitter, where the wires are connected from the ground.

The primary purpose of the transmitter is to communicate with the collar and send information on the boundary. 

Wireless Fence

Wireless invisible dog fences use GPS and mostly radio signals when it comes to creating virtual fences and communicating with the collars. These systems are easier to install as there are no wires, and are much more advanced compared to wired dog fences.


The average price of an electric dog fence is between $957 and $1,444 for a wired fence, and between $150 and $1500 for a wireless fence including professional installation.

Yes, you can install an invisible dog fence yourself, as most modern fences come with instructions and a manual that provide step-by-step instructions.

Yes, a dog can run through an invisible fence regardless of the correction level if they are not trained properly.


Invisible dog fences are becoming one of the essentials. It’s very important to keep your dog safe while outdoors, and this is one of the best ways to do that. 

We’ve looked at 13 of the best ones available on the market, but you can’t buy all of them, so pick the one that feels right for you and go with it. You’ll not regret it. 

If you still have no idea which one to go with, I’d recommend you either get the SpotOn fence or the Halo 4. Both are stacked with features that are all useful; take GPS location tracking, for example.

It’ll update the location of your dog 24/7 and lets you keep an eye on the dog, even when you’re away from him.

Anyways, that’s all from me. Hope this was helpful. If you have any more doubts about these fences, let me know in the comments below.

The following links are particularly useful if you’re looking for the best in a specific category:

SpotOn GPS Dog Fence
spot on dog collar product image
Battery Life





Overall Score


Collar made with comfortable materials for dogs
Durable with IP67 rating
Customizable fence shapes and up to 20 fences
Effective alert and correction system
Accurate location tracking with True Location™ tech
Impressive battery life
Get the BEST PRICE valid until the end of February
Will not fit majority of the small dogs

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Thomas Villalpando
Thomas Villalpando is the main author of Dogs Academy. He spends his time reading, training, and working with several Dogs' behaviors. He has been featured in MSN, Yahoo Finance, The Sun, Entrepreneur & More. You can find more about him here.

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