Brain Training For Dogs Review (2025 Upd.) Scam or Legit?

Last Updated on February, 2025

I don’t know if you know it already, but hiring dog trainers nowadays is only for celebs.

Who can pay $300 per day? I know I can’t.

That doesn’t mean I can let my GSD (German Shepherd) grow up on its own. So, I was looking for an ideal solution, and a friend recommended Brain Training For Dogs to me.

If you want to know all of the truth about this online course, this Brain Training For Dogs review is all you need. 


 Overall: 4.9/5.0
brain training for dogs review
Product Effectivenes
Brand Reputation
  • 60 Day Money-Back Guarantee
  • Included brain games help to create an intelligent dog
  • Modern training techniques
  • Positive reinforcement training
  • Loads of Worthy Content
Brand Information
  • Founded by Adrienne Faricelli, a professional dog trainer
  • Potential email consultations or access to a community of dog owners undergoing training
  • Always verify for the most up-to-date information before making any purchasing decisions
Program Benefits
  • Force-free, science-based training program
  • Can easily train your dog with modern techniques
  • Increases your dog’s mental stimulation right at home
  • Program is straightforward to understand + implement
  • Creates a strong bond between you and your pooch

Why Trust Me?

It’s because I took the leap of faith myself.

It has been a few months since I made my GSD go through the course, and I am DELIGHTED. It has to be one of the best investments I have made.

Although there’s so much valuable content that I am still reading, I’m sure that Brain Training For Dogs is ALL you need to train your dog.

But if you’re new to the product, don’t worry; let me take you from the basics.

Brain Training For Dogs: What is it Really?

Brain Training For Dogs is basically an online training course.

The best thing is that it is NOT ONLY for puppies but generally for any dog that needs training. This is actually called BrainTraining4Dogs as a brand name too.

The training content consists of videos, printable PDFs, and others, which I will explain as we go.

Unlike many other online dog training causes, this course focuses on mental stimulation to help dogs discover their intelligence. 

Dog training by brain training — pretty impressive.

brain training for dogs program image

As they do, this program teaches your dog about issues like,

  • Whining
  • Excessive barking
  • Unnecessary aggression 
  • Potty training issues
  • Jumping
  • Ignoring basic obedience commands
  • Hyperactive behavior 
  • Chewing issues
  • And more.

There’s a secret to why Brain Training For Dogs works so well and why dog owners LOVE this course so much. 

I’ll tell you that in a later subtopic. 

One of the biggest problems with online dog training courses is their credibility and where they come from. I applied the same theory here and was pleasantly surprised.

brain training for dogs review
Brain Training For Dogs

About Brain Training For Dogs Author

Wouldn’t you also be pleasantly surprised to see an approachable woman with two adult Rotties, be the creator of your training program?

She is someone named Adrienne Faricelli. So, what’s special about her?

For starters, she is a certified dog trainer and dog behavior consultant with over 10 years of experience.

It’s not even the time period that impresses you but the dogs and the people she has trained.

Adrienne has proudly trained many service dog groups while helping thousands of struggling dog owners, like you and me, live a peaceful life with their pets.

Puppy training is a piece of cake for her.

Adrienne Farricelli

But hold on, how certified is Adrienne? 

She holds a dual certificate in dog’s training, is certified by the Italian Association for Dog Trainers and Canine Consultants, and is a CPDT-KA-certified professional dog trainer in the United States.

She has also contributed to eHow and All Experts and featured her work in USA Today, Every Dog magazine, Nest Pets, PawNation, Daily Puppy, and other publications.

In other words, Adrienne knows what she’s doing, and she does it amazingly. 

So, what does Brain Training For Dogs really include?

What is in the Brain Training For Dogs?

canine training

The absolute best thing about this course is that all the content is well-segmented. It’s never repetitive and very helpful for both the dog and you.

But there is SO much content, and I couldn’t find a single section that felt like a filler. The quality is top-notch.

Let’s look at the content breakdown and see what there actually is.

When I was to train my dog, I wanted a systematic approach. I know most dog owners (and puppy owners) prefer that.

Before I tell you how well it was delivered, ALL you get in this course is below.

  1. Brain Training 4 Dogs ebook (328 Page PDF Format Manual)
  2. Behavior Training For Dogs (89 Page ebook)
  3. 7 Trick training videos
  4. Obedience 101 training
  5. Polishing up training 
  6. Adrienne’s archive

Let’s start from the top.

The Main Course

The main dogs course of this training program is so strategically designed that it has seven levels. Adrienne has ensured that training gets better with your dog’s cognitive abilities.

Here’s the training process breakdown.

  • Module 1: Pre-School
  • Module 2: Elementary School
  • Module 3: High School
  • Module 4: College
  • Module 5: University
  • Module 6: Graduation
  • Module 7: Einstein

Pre-school is pretty much the course foundation. The 1st module covers fundamental aspects, such as maintaining eye contact while maintaining attention, through a very fun game named ‘Airplane.’

It works so well since Adrienne, the pro dog trainer, designed to shift your dog’s attention on a moving object. It’s effective yet such simple training philosophy.

Brain Training for Dogs members area

The 2nd module of this dogs course is named Elementary School,

It is there to complete commands with the attention retained by Module 1. Adrienne uses three engaging games for this, namely,

  • Treasure hunt game
  • The ball pit game
  • The muffin game

I won’t elaborate on each game as some are elaborated on the product page. But when you buy the course, video demonstrations properly describe each game.

High school is the next module, and here, it’s all about impulse control and patience (if you remember our high school life). You’ll be playing games such as the bottle game, Jazz up and down, and bobbing for treat handles in this stage.

For me and my dog, the bottle game worked the best. It’s strategic and tricks the dog into being patient without them knowing. This is the power of positive training.


Next, we have the 4th module, college — things are getting a bit more complicated. Here, your dog will learn how to manage their advanced motor skills and ability to concentrate on commands.

This is achieved by 3 games:

  • Open sesame 
  • The magic carpet game
  • The shell game

You’ll like the magic carpet game better if you’re an active parent. But I liked the open sesame game. I think it’s also because I loved it growing up too.

The ‘College’ module comes at the 5th stage. 

This science-based training stage focuses on your dog’s brain. The typical dog owner would understand that it’s impactful as you engage with more complex games.

Some of these games are the hot-and-cold game, the look-at-that game, and my favorite, hide-and-seek. Since this involves dogs, you can do it with treats or in the traditional way.

Playing hide-and-seek by using dog treats really is the fun way, in my experience.

The 6th module is named ‘Graduation,’ and this is where the concentration and motor skills are further enhanced. 

At this level, the course instructor focussed on building your dog’s intelligence, specifically to obey your commands.

The three games in this level are,

  • Advanced leg-weaving skills (game)
  • Serpentiles and Spirals game
  • Name game

I think that any dog parent should focus more on the name game. It tremendously helps you increase the words that your dog understands easily.

At this point, you should be able to notice a significant positive difference in your dog.

At last, the 7th stage, called ‘Einstein,’ comes up. Adrienne has included this last step for your dogs to impress themselves. At this stage, you will be playing games like the tidy-up game, the ring stackers game, and playing the piano on cue.

That’s the end of the main course.

Behavior Training for Dogs

Brain Training for Dogs members area behavior issues

This free bonus course’s purpose is laser-specific — fix specific annoying behavior issues.

I personally loved how Adrienne took her time to explain WHY these behavioral issues happen. It’s fascinating and gives more power to dog parents to improvise.

The best thing? All training techniques are very gentle; this is force-free training. 

You’ll also learn:

  • Everything you need to know to stop your dog’s whining
  • Insider secrets to stop your dog from digging 
  • How to stop your dog from chewing and jumping 
  • Simple training tips to stop your dog from barking excessively

Remember that you’ll be able to both read and watch all these techniques. So, there’s no room for miscommunication.

7 Trick Training Videos

These videos are straight to the point; you can simply follow what Adrienne is demonstrating. These are the 7 tricks your dog will learn here.

  • Take a bow: This is a trick where your dog leans down with its front legs and chest touching the ground while its rear end stays up like a performer taking a bow.
  • Cover his eyes: Your dog uses its paws to cover one or both of its eyes like it’s playing peek-a-boo or hiding something.
  • Dance: You know how dogs stand up on their hind legs and move around? Your dog will know how to do that.
  • Shake hands: I don’t need to explain this, but Adrienne brings a twist to the tradition, and I want you to experience it first-hand.
  • Howl: In this trick, your dog will learn how to howl in a more command-based way and not an annoying way.
  • Play dead: It’s fun! Trust me. Your dog will learn to lie down on its side or back and stay still. The more you do it, the better they get.
  • Roll over: Most pet parents find this trick very engaging, and it is; the trick is to learn it right.

I suggest you try these once the dog has completed the primary course. By then, they’ll be much more prone to obey.

Obedience 101 Training

I was pleasantly surprised to see how strategic Adrienne is. Obedience 101 training is the hallmark of brain-focused training. 

Even a ferocious pitbull would end up like an obedient puppy with this obedience training component.

This series of videos are incredibly informative, uniquely and exclusively informative. So, I don’t want to give out the crucial bits, but here’s what you and your dog will learn.

  • Key strategies to get your dog to heel/stay/come to you and listen to every command. 
  • The super-important ‘drop it’ command can save your dog’s life one day.
  • The crucial element required for your furry friend to sit/lie down or take/leave items.
  • Insider secrets of using ‘food lure’ for completion of commands.

That’s just an outline; she has used many case-specific methods for hundreds of dogs.

Polishing Up Training 

Yes, there’s more.

This portion of the full package gets interesting due to many reasons. Adrienne takes dog parents to a whole new realm of practical knowledge.

For example, you’ll learn a simple tactic that immensely boosts your dog’s obedience to verbal cues. It’s surprising because it’s so simple!

And then, Adrienne also teaches you how to fade food lures so your dog will listen to you… get this… without any food in sight.

I also loved how it teaches demystifying truth behind hand signals. If you always wonder why your dog can’t repeat hand-signal-based commands, the answer lies here.

Adrienne’s Archives

Brain Training for Dogs members area archives

I’m not even close to finishing Adrienne’s archives by the time I’m writing this. Why does it take so long?

The answer is simple — it’s so much high-value content!

You get,

  • 100+ in-depth articles covering just about every behavioral problem you can think of.
  • An entire section is dedicated to training puppies, and you’ll learn how to do successful crate and potty training, in addition to socialization and bite inhibition.
  • Several force-free and gentle techniques were elaborated for better understanding.

Additionally, you’ll notice how Adrienne is tackling the root cause of these issues. That’s why your dog won’t repeat the same issues, even with muscle memory.

When you buy BrainTraining4Dogs, you also get one more priceless privilege; community and communication.

Community and Communication

There used to be a time when I only could talk to my dog trainer during training. He was willing to train outside the usual hours but at an additional cost.

It was understandable but yet, a bit disappointing.

But Adrienne’s accountability is very high. That’s why you get one-on-one communication with her. It’s super convenient.

On top of that, you can join the official social media community of Adrienne’s Brain Training For Dogs. You can meet hundreds of similar dog parents, and you’ll be surprised to meet several dog parents with incredibly identical issues as yours.

Trust me, it helps.

Apart from the online member’s area, you also get access to private forums, which is incredibly helpful.

That’s what you get with BrainTraining4Dogs by Adrienne. But did you already guess why dog parents love this course so much?

brain training for dogs review
Brain Training For Dogs

Why is Brain Training For Dogs So Successful?

I understand the reasons can vary person-wise, but there are some recurring reasons why it’s so successful.

Some of these are,

  • Because of the force-free dog training approach, no dog parent likes to raise scared dogs.
  • Because all the brain training exercises make it fun and better bond-building.
  • Because brain games and training is the core strategy to improve dog behavior.
  • Because Adrienne educates you immensely, giving the controlling power to the dog parents.
  • Because this scientifically based brain training keeps your dog mentally stimulated.
  • Because your dog’s self-esteem will be skyrocketed.
  • Because… well, let me explain the last one in the next section.

Pricing, Enrolment, and Refund Policy of Brain Training For Dogs

It’s obvious that Adrienne gives away SO much practical content. There’s one-on-one communication and even forums. I knew it had to be a reasonable $60-70 monthly subscription if it was a one-time fee, around $1300, perhaps.

That’s how several high-end businesses run.

I was so wrong.

Would you believe if I said that this course is not $60-70 per month, but just $47, and it is a one-time fee?

Yes! That’s it; there are no hidden costs or any obligatory sign-ups… NOTHING… just $47. 

Where I live, that’s just a couple of burgers (So I admit that the price did push me to buy it faster.)

The bottom line is that it’s a very affordable and practical dog training course that you can handle. This brings me to the reason I wanted to explain in this section as to why dog parents love this course;

  • It’s because it comes at a very affordable one-time fee.

The enrollment process is pretty easy, too; you just have to click a button.

The cherry on top was the refund policy.

For an intangible product like this, I expected a lot of conditions. 

But no, Adrienne wins there too. She’s so confident about this dogs program that she’ll return the money following a quick email, with no questions asked.

Given that it’s possible for 60 days, I was convinced that this certified trainer was the real deal.

So, what do I ultimately think about Brain Training For Dogs by Adrienne Farricelli? What’s my verdict?

Other online training programs we’ve reviewed:

Brain Training For Dogs Review – My Verdict

Training dogs is harder when you don’t know what to do. 

It just gets on our nerves when we don’t know how exactly and why we should do something with untrained dogs.

Adrienne addresses the core problems and trains your dog where it truly matters; the dog’s mental agility. That’s why the course is so powerful. Your dog masters skills to be better than other dogs.

Your dog’s behavior changes so fast, and you can notice it.

The fact that it comes for an affordable one-time fee is what truly matters at the decision-making point too. With all the positive reviews, Adrienne Farricelli’s Brain Training For Dogs is the best dog training program.

So, I hope this Brain Training For Dogs review was helpful. Be sure to share it with other struggling dog parents because this is all they need. The result would be a well-behaved dog.

Say hi to your dog for me!


Yes, the author of Brain Training For Dogs is a professional dog trainer, who is CPDT-KA-certified.

No, Brain Training For Dogs does not use a dominant training method. Instead, it uses positive reinforcement training with mental stimulation as its foundation.

Yes, brain training for dogs is worth the investment due to the positive reinforcement techniques, brain training games, and valuable content it provides.

Brain Training For Dogs
brain training for dogs review
Ease of Training




Overall Score


Extremely Inexpensive
Easy To Follow
Positive Reinforcement Training
Professional Dog Trainer
Money-Back Guarantee
Get the BEST PRICE valid until the end of February
Tons of Reading Involved

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Hertha Bednar
Hertha Bednar is a professional dog trainer with over 7 years of experience in the industry. Hertha loves helping people find new and creative ways to train their dogs, all while making sure that they are having fun!

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