11 Common and Rare Cavapoo Colors (With Pictures)

Last Updated on February, 2025

If you’re on a quest for a canine companion that’s equal parts charming, intelligent, and pure adorable-ness, allow me to introduce you to the Cavapoo! 

Picture this: the elegance of a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel combined with the playfulness of a Poodle. It’s like having a perpetual puppy that never outgrows its cuteness. It’s not hard to see why these lovable, curly-haired dogs have won hearts far and wide. 

Let’s take this one step further: Have you ever wondered if dogs can come in all shades of the rainbow? Well, in Cavapoos, it’s not too far from reality! (just don’t expect any green, blue, or purple coat colors, please). 

In this article, let’s look at the different Cavapoo colors so that you may decide which would suit you best. Get ready to fall in love! 

Quick Summary

Cavapoos can come in a variety of colors, including red, tan, apricot, bi-color, tri-color, rare and unusual colors such as chocolate, solid black, solid white, sable, phantom, and even blue merle.

The Cavapoo is a crossbreed between a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and a Miniature or Toy Poodle, known for their charm, intelligence, and playfulness.

When choosing a Cavapoo based on coat color, consider factors such as allergies, the climate you live in, and the overall health of the puppy. While the color may be a factor in your decision, it’s important to prioritize a responsible breeder and the well-being of the dog over a specific coat color.

A Quick Look At the Cavapoo Breed 

First, let’s get acquainted with this dog breed. 

a cavapoo sitting on a chair in the dining room

Cavapoos (also known as Cavoodles) result from crossbreeding between a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and a Miniature or Toy Poodle. Cavapoo puppies are natural social butterflies and your loyal sidekick, day and night.

This quality makes them an ideal companion for first-time dog owners looking for boundless affection and companionship. 


The Genetic Basis of Cavapoo Colors

Have you ever wondered how Cavapoo colors come in different hues? It all comes down to genetics. Like us, dogs have genes that dictate the color of their fur. I won’t be getting into the technical know-how of genetics here, but let me explain how it works.

Picture your Cavapoo’s genes as a set of colorful crayons. These genes come in pairs, and they each have a job to do in making different Cavapoo colors.

One crayon in the pair might say, “Hey, let’s go for black,” while the other says, “No! Let’s go for brown!” When they both agree on a color, your Cavapoo gets a solid coat color like black and tan or brown. 

Here’s where it gets fun– sometimes, these crayon pairs disagree, and they mix it up. This is how you might get a Cavapoo with spots or patches of different colors because the crayons couldn’t make up their minds. 

So, suppose the Poodle parent carries genes for a curly apricot coat, and the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel parent has genes for a rich chestnut coat. In that case, their Cavapoo puppies may end up with a wavy, chestnut-tinged coat. 

It’s a playful mix of genes that gives Cavapoo colors their unique and beautiful hue!

Common Cavapoo Coat Colors

Fun fact: Did you know Cavapoos are not officially registered by the AKC? That’s right, neither the American Kennel Club (AKC) nor the United Kennel Club (UKC) recognize Cavapoos or their coat colors since they are a mixed breed rather than a purebred dog.

While specific colors may be preferred by dog lovers or are more commonly seen in Cavapoos, they aren’t subject to AKC breeding standards in the same way that purebred dogs are.

Instead, Cavapoo breeders and enthusiasts often have their preferences for coat colors. The appeal of a particular coat color can be subjective. 

Let’s look at a few common Cavapoo colors first. 

1. Ruby or Red Cavapoos 

pictures of red cavapoos

Picture this: a charming red-coated Cavapoo as radiant as a strawberry blonde sunset. When you have a red Cavapoo, you’ve got a real head-turner. 

Red Cavapoos are pretty common. The “ruby” in Ruby/Red Cavapoo pays tribute to the dark red shade you’ll often see in the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.

Mix ruby Cavaliers with apricot-colored Poodles, and chances are you’ll end up with a fetching red Cavapoo.

These red Cavapoos also come with splashes of white or cream markings on their faces, paws, backs, or legs. The red coat can vary from a rich chestnut hue to a lighter strawberry blonde.

Here’s the kicker: If your red Cavapoo has inherited the recessed gene from the apricot Poodle parent, they might lighten up their red coats from dark red as they grow older.

2. Tan Cavapoos

pictures of tan cavapoos

Think of tan Cavapoos as the lighter, diluted cousins of the red Cavapoos. Tan Cavapoos can go all-tan or rock some fashionable accents in white, apricot, or black.

This fetching hue usually gets passed down from the side of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. Make sure to count the Poodle’s side too! If you have a cream or apricot Poodle in the mix, those tan Cavapoo pigments might pop up.

No matter where it comes from, these pups rock the tan coat with style. Picture a tan Cavapoo with a tuft of white on its nose and some dainty paws. Adorable, right? 

However, here’s the thing: tan Cavapoos are like fashionistas on a muddy runway show. Their light color makes dirt and muck more visible. Now you’ve turned your tan Cavapoo black.

Even a swim can leave them with a sandy souvenir, so watch out for your tan Cavapoo when taking them to the beach or in the snow. 

3. Apricot Cavapoos

pictures of apricot cavapoos

Let’s talk apricot, the chameleon of Cavapoo colors. Depending on the lighting, apricot Cavapoos might cozy up to a tan or flirt with red. What sets them apart from their tan cousins is that apricot Cavapoos have a hint of peachiness in their fur. 

Similar to their tan-colored cousins, apricot Cavapoo puppies come in two styles: all-apricot or decked-out with white, cream, red, or black and tan markings. 

How do we create an apricot Cavapoo, you ask? Mix a ruby Cavalier with a Poodle of the same apricot coat color, and there you have it! However, it is possible that not all siblings from the same litter will be apricot Cavapoos.

Some may lean more towards the tan or red side, while others may have a light or dark apricot coat color. 

4. Bi-Color Cavapoos

pictures of bi-colored cavapoos

What does “bi-color” mean, you ask? Well, it just means these Cavapoos’ coats sport a two-color combination. 

The classic bi-colored coats often rock the signature Blenheim Cavalier look. Think of bi-color Cavapoos as primarily white bodies with patches of chestnut or red on the face, ears, and body.

A Cavapoo’s bi color coat can come in black and white, black and tan, tan and white, or even apricot and white combos. 

These dapper bi-color Cavapoos owe their charm to the Spanish Cavalier side of the family. They typically sport a bicolor coat that they pass down to their puppies. 

5. Tri-Color Cavapoos

pictures of tri-colored cavapoos

Now, what’s even more fascinating than a bi-color Cavapoo? You guessed it, a tri-color one! Some lucky Cavapoos sport tri-colored coats that blend into a harmonious three-toned presentation. 

The appearance of a tri-colored Cavapoo puppy can vary. The classic tri-color look echoes the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel tri-color coats, often black and tan with white markings. This version is quite common among these tri-color pups. 

Ultimately, it all comes to their DNA and lineage before them. Many of these tri-color pups have variations of black, white, red, tan, and apricot, all creating a blend of colors that is nothing short of majestic. 

Rare and Unusual Coat Colors

If you thought the standard colors were intriguing, wait until you see the rare ones! Let’s take a look at unique and eye-catching Cavapoo colors that are truly one-of-a-kind.

1. Chocolate Cavapoos

pictures of chocolate cavapoos

Chocolate Cavapoos typically sport dark brown coats that often come adorned with white markings on their face, chest, body, and paws. These little cocoa-hued companions are a rare delight, as achieving this coat color can be challenging. 

Breeders turn to dark brown or black Poodles in the mix as this chocolate-colored puppy gets its rich shade from a recessive gene. Even this method doesn’t guarantee you’ll get chocolate Cavapoos from the litter. 

2. Solid Black Cavapoo

pictures of solid black cavapoos

So far, you’ve seen black and white Cavapoos, which are relatively common. However, all-black Cavapoos are a rare color

While black and white and black and tan Cavapoos are easily bred, the all-black Cavapoo is trickier to get. This is because the solid black coat comes from a recessive Poodle gene.

So, even if you pair two dark-colored Cavapoos in hopes of a litter, there’s no guarantee you will get a solid black coat.

3. Solid White Cavapoo 

pictures of solid white cavapoos

Much like solid black Cavapoos, all-white Cavapoos are also rare treasures. They’re not impossible to find but are a bit elusive. To breed pure white Cavapoos, you’ll need a white Poodle.

However, remember that this is still not guaranteed to get white Cavapoos. More often than not, you’ll spot a sprinkle of red, black, tan, or apricot in their fur, even if the parent is an all-white Poodle.

4. Sable Cavapoos

pictures of sable cavapoos

Sable Cavapoos are known for their rare and captivating coat color– a solid base color, typically tan, and hair tips dipped in black.

It’s a rare coat color for Cavapoos since neither Poodles nor Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are known to have a sable coat.

This look has many variations. Some may appear darker due to more extensive hair tipping, while others sport a lighter, almost solid tan hue. It’s all about how much of that hair gets kissed by the ebony touch. 

What makes sable Cavapoos even more fascinating is the fading gene they usually carry. As these pups grow, those black-tipped hairs tend to lighten. This leaves them with a softer and brighter coat as they mature. 

5. Phantom Cavapoos

pictures of phantom cavapoos

The Phantom coat color might initially resemble bi-color or tri-color Cavapoos. Still, they’ve got their own very unique coat color combination.

Cavapoos with a Phantom coat usually rock a dark, dominant base color with lighter markings above their eyes, on their muzzle, legs, chest, and under their tail.

This pattern is typically more common in Poodles, but Phantom Cavapoos itself are a rare coat color.

6. Blue-Merle Cavapoos

pictures of blue merle cavapoos

(Okay, maybe I lied earlier about Cavapoos not coming in blue.)

What makes the Blue-Merle Cavapoo unique are their patches of darker, solid adorned with speckles of lighter, diluted tones in their coats. Typically, you’ll spot dark shades like black or blue mingling with more subtle grayish, silver, and white hues. 

The elusive Blue-Merle Cavapoo is one of the rarest Cavapoo colors. This is due to the intricate merle gene. Neither Cavalier King Charles spaniels, nor Poodles are known for their merle coats. 

To breed a Blue-Merle Cavapoo, you’ll need a Poodle parent carrying a Merle gene. What follows next is entirely up to chance. 

Do Cavapoo Colors Change As They Grow Up?

As Cavapoo pups grow, their coat colors can transform over time. They typically start with a soft, fluffy coat that begins to change at around six months of age. It doesn’t get darker but instead gets lighter.

The final coat usually unveils itself when they’re two or three years old. The reasoning behind this chameleon-like shift lies in their genetics. It all depends on their dominant genes from their Poodle and Cavalier King Charles Spaniel’s parents.

If a Cavapoo’s parent were a red Poodle, their coats would be less likely to lighten. 

Breeders tend to play with the genetic mix, creating Cavapoos that are either 50 percent Poodle and 50 percent Cavalier King Charles Spaniel or other combinations. This affects specific colors and looks. 

What Should Potential Cavapoo Owners Know About Coat Color Preferences?

A tan cavapoo standing on a street

Choosing a Cavapoo as a pet is an exciting decision. Still, before you dive headfirst into adopting one, some essential factors must be considered, particularly regarding coat color preferences and potential health considerations. 


If you or your family member suffer from allergies, go for a hypoallergenic coat color. A possible option is a Cavapoo with Poodle-like coats. These tend to be curlier and less prone to shedding. 

Plus, Poodle-like coats often come in various colors, so you can still find a Cavapoo that suits your tastes.

Prioritize Your Cavapoo’s Comfort

Here’s the most exciting part – Their SIZE. Standard Poodles are larger, reaching up to 24 inches in height and 70 pounds. In contrast, Moyen Poodles stand between 15-20 inches in height and weigh 20-35 pounds.

If you live in a hot climate, you may want to lean towards lighter colors. This is because darker shade coats absorb more heat, making your Cavapoo feel hot and stuffy. 

On the other hand, light colors reflect heat and keep your pet comfortable in warmer weather. 


Other guides and tools you might need when training your dog:


The best way to groom and care for a Cavapoo’s coat is to set up a regular brushing schedule to prevent mats from forming due to loose hair getting trapped beneath the coat.

Yes, it is possible for Cavapoo puppies from the same litter to have different coat colors. In fact, it is more uncommon for all the puppies in a litter to have the same coat color. This is because the combination of genes from both parents can result in a variety of coat colors within a litter.

No, not necessarily. The interplay of parental genes is multifaceted. While a multi-colored coat in one parent (such as a Poodle) may improve the likelihood of tri-color offspring, it is not a certainty.

The reason for why there are so many cavapoo colors is due to the combination of their parents’ coat colors. King Charles spaniels have four standard colors, while poodles have ten options, resulting in an endless possibility of cavapoo colors.

Conclusion – Look Beyond the Hue 

I know this entire article has been about the different dazzling colors of the Cavapoo.

Still, it is important to recognize that a Cavapoo’s color is primarily a cosmetic trait determined by genetics. Breeders often aim for healthy puppies rather than specific colors. 

It is up to you to choose a reputable breeder who focuses on the health and well-being of the dogs first. A healthy Cavapoo will bring you joy and companionship regardless of the shade of their fur. 

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Laura Vinzy
Laura Vinzy is one of our contributors. She is also a certified professional dog trainer & currently lives in San Francisco with her husband and her two rescue dogs.

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