Do Cockapoos Shed?

Last Updated on February, 2025

Cockapoos, the adorable dog breed mix of Cocker Spaniels and Poodles, have captured the hearts of pet parents worldwide.

With their playful personalities, intelligence, and charming good looks, it’s no wonder these furry friends are such in high demand. 

But one question often pops up for prospective Cockapoo owners: “Do Cockapoos Shed?

Like many things in life, the answer isn’t quite as simple as yes or no. Unlike some breeding dogs with predictable shedding patterns, cockapoos fall into a gray area. Cockapoo shedding habits depend on a number of factors, including their genetic makeup, coat type, and even age.

Quick Summary

Cockapoos are a popular and adorable breed but their shedding habits can vary due to their genetic makeup and coat type.

The shedding in Cockapoos is influenced by factors such as their parent breeds (Poodle and Cocker Spaniel), coat type (curly, wavy, or straight), and age.

Managing shedding in Cockapoos includes regular brushing, a proper diet, and regular grooming. Other factors such as health, climate, and stress can also impact shedding.

Do Cockapoos Shed?

A Cockapoo dog breed looking at the camera

Although cockapoos are considered to be low-shedding dogs, they are not totally hypoallergenic dogs.

Individual Cockapoos shed differently from one another due to differences in the unique genetic makeup acquired from their parent breeds, the Poodle and Cocker Spaniel. 

Compared to other dog breeds, Cockapoos shed minimally. Low shedding is a characteristic of poodles that is frequently carried on to mixed-breed pups, such as cockapoos.

Generally speaking, Cockapoos with curly or wavy coats shed considerably less than those with straighter coats.

It’s important to understand that while Cockapoos may shed less than some other breeds, individual experiences can vary, and there is no guarantee that every Cockapoo will be a completely non-shedding dog.

The Impact of Genetic Factors and Coat Types on Cockapoo Shedding

As mixed breed dogs, a poodle parent and a cocker spaniel parent contribute genetic traits to cockapoos. This means their shedding habits can vary significantly depending on which parent’s genes they favor more.

  • Cocker Spaniel Side

The Cocker Spaniel dog breed is recognized for its moderate shedding, which can be attributed to its double coat, consisting of a longer, coarser topcoat and a fluffy undercoat. 

In addition to keeping them warm and dry in various weather conditions, their double coat sheds seasonally, leaving behind dead hair. This is a result of your dog’s body responding to the weather naturally.

During Cockapoo coat-blowing seasons in the spring and fall, cocker spaniels typically shed more hair. 

  • Poodle Side 

This type has a single coat of tightly curled hair that grows continually and sheds rarely. This makes them a popular choice for allergy sufferers and those who prefer minimal hair around the house. 

Examining the predecessor breeds of Cockapoos can help us understand why they shed. Cockapoos inherit the tendency to shed from both Cocker Spaniel’s parent and Poodle’s parent.

When it comes to shedding, F1 Cockapoos, first generation Cockapoos between Poodles and Cocker Spaniels, are problematic. 

They may have minimal shedding to moderate shedding, depending on which parent they take after or a combination of both. Depending on the dominant genes in their pedigree, Cockapoos bred from other Cockapoos may exhibit more consistent shedding patterns.

Different Generations of Cockapoos

2 dog breeds running on a road
  • F1 Cockapoos: Coin toss on shedding. 50% Poodle genes and 50% Cocker Spaniel parent genes, so their coat could resemble either breed. F1 Cockapoo dogs shed like Cocker Spaniel if they inherit that coat type.
  • F1B Cockapoos: More Poodle genes in them (75%) thanks to one purebred Poodle parent. Less shedding than F1s on average, but still not guaranteed. Good for mild allergy sufferers.
  • F1BB Cockapoos:  Almost purebred Poodle (87.5%). Least likely to shed out of all generations. Best bet for low/non-shedding Cockapoo, ideal for severe allergy sufferers.
  • F2 Cockapoos: Unpredictable shedding due to diverse genetic mix. Many breeders avoid this generation. Not recommended if low/non-shedding is important.
  • F2B Cockapoos: Similar shedding likelihood to F1B due to more Poodle percentage (more than Cocker Spaniel). Safer bet for non-shedding than F2s, but not as sure as F1BB or F2BB.

Cockapoo Coat Types and Their Influence on Shedding

hair of a cockapoo dog breed shedded on a wooden table

The different types of Cockapoo coats affect how much Cockapoo sheds. The three primary cockapoo coat variations feature medium to long hair, each offering distinct characteristics.

Choosing the ideal Cockapoo for your lifestyle and setting reasonable expectations for cleaning and grooming can be made more accessible by being aware of these variables. 

  • Curly Coat: This poodle-like hair coat is the most non-shedding of most cockapoos. Dead hair is trapped in the tightly curled hair, preventing it from falling out and minimizing shedding. 
  • Wavy coat: Wavy coat type falls somewhere in the middle of poodle and cocker spaniel coat types. It can be slightly wavy or have loose curls, and the shedding level varies depending on the individual dog. While some Cockapoos with wavy coats shed minimally, others may shed moderately.
  • Straight coat: The most shedding of all Cockapoo coat variations, the straight coat resembles characteristics of the Cocker Spaniel. Straight-coated Cockapoos typically shed moderately throughout the year (seasonal shedding) and may experience heavier shedding during seasonal coat changes.

The Shedding and Coat Development From Puppyhood to Adulthood

Shedding habits of a Cockapoo puppy habits may not indicate their adult coat. Regardless of breed, a lot of Cockapoo puppies lose their soft puppy coat when their adult coat grows in.

This usually occurs between the ages of 6 and 12 months. After their adult coat is fully established, you’ll better understand their actual shedding capacity. 

Understanding Other Causes of Cockapoo Shedding

Cockapoo Dog breed sitting on the floor and it's hair got shedded

Apart from genetic makeup and coat type, several other factors can influence Cockapoo’s shedding: 


  • Nutrient deficiencies: A lack of vital fatty acids, biotin, or vitamin E can cause dry, brittle fur and shedding. Make sure your Cockapoo eats a high-quality, nutrient-rich diet. 
  • Food allergies: Shedding might be made worse by allergies. Consider a hypoallergenic diet and speak with a veterinarian if you suspect allergies. 


  • Skin conditions: Excessive shedding may be brought on by allergies, infections, or mites. Timely treatment and routine veterinary examinations are essential. 
  • Hormonal changes: Shedding may be momentarily increased by stress, pregnancy, and spaying/ neutering. With time, these should become normal. 


  • Puppies: Puppies naturally shed more as their adult coat develops. Frequent brushing helps manage this.
  • Seniors: Hormonal changes or health problems may cause older Cockapoos to shed more. Monitor them closely and consult a veterinarian if necessary. 


  • Dry climates: The skin and fur may become dehydrated due to the dry air, which can cause more shedding. Frequent brushing, along with occasional moisturizing treatments, can be beneficial.
  • Seasonal change: A lot of dogs, including Cockapoos, shed more in certain months. During these times, brushing more frequently helps manage the loose hair.

Additional factors:

  • Anxiety and stress: They can lead to more shedding. Establish a relaxing atmosphere and deal with any possible stressors. 

Managing Shedding in Cockapoos

The following tips can help you deal with your Cockapoo’s shedding and keeping your Cockapoo healthy:

  • Regular brushing: Brushing on a regular basis is the best approach to reduce shedding. Brushing eliminates loose hair before it gets a chance to land on your furniture and flooring. You should brush at least twice a week and even more often during periods of heavy hair loss. For wavy coats, Cockapoos use a slick brush; for straight coats, Cockapoos use a pin brush. Carefully untangle any tangles as you move forward, starting at the back. 
  • Bathing: Taking frequent baths with a high-quality shedding shampoo will help release loose hair and promote new hair growth. But excessive bathing might dry up your Cockapoo’s coat. Try to do it once every 6 to 8 weeks, and make sure the shampoo is created especially for dogs. 
  • Diet: Eating a well-balanced diet high in omega-3 fatty acids can help prevent shedding by promoting healthier skin and coat. Seek for foods with chicken fat, flaxseed oil, or fish oil. Additionally, you can boost your Cockapoo’s diet with salmon oil. 
  • Supplements: Ask your veterinarian about supplements that could assist with reducing hair loss. These might consist of Zinc, biotin, or fish oil. 
  • Environmental factors: Seasonal changes, stress, and allergies can lead to more shedding. Ensure that your Cockapoo is living in a stress-free environment, receiving enough exercise, and eating a balanced diet. 
  • Professional grooming: Regular grooming can help maintain the best-looking coat on your Cockapoo by removing extra hair. Inquire about shedding-specific shampoos and conditioners or de-shedding shampoo treatments and de-shedding tool with your groomer.
  • Vacuuming: Although it may seem apparent, routine vacuuming is crucial to removing any hair that was missed from your previous attempts. It also helps with finding bald spots on your Cockapoo dog. Invest in a high-quality vacuum for your dog that can manage furry coats.

Here are a few additional things to remember:

  • Poodle cockapoos shed less than Cocker Spaniel Cockapoos.
  • Spaying or neutering your Cockapoo may help minimize shedding.
  • Be patient! Although it might take some time to lessen noticeably, you can control it and maintain your house fur-free with persistent effort.

How to Groom a Cockapoo?

A groomer is grooming a brown color dog

Here is a comprehensive guide to taking care of your Cockapoo dog, from head to paw:


  • As I mentioned earlier, brushing is the first step to a mat-free and happy Cockapoo! Depending on your Cockapoo’’s coat, aim for at least 10-15 minutes of daily brushing with a pin or slicker brush. Start at the head and gently work your way down, untangling any tangles.


  • Bath time isn’t as frequent for Cockapoos as their Poodle cousins. Every 6-8 weeks is sufficient, using a gentle dog shampoo formulated for sensitive skin. Remember to rinse thoroughly to avoid any irritation.


  • Cockapoo haircuts can vary substantially depending on your preferences and the type of coat your Cockapoo dog has. Although shorter teddy bear cuts are expected, flowing and long hairstyles are also an option. 
  • Although professional grooming is advised every 6 to 8 weeks, you can use clippers and scissors to learn how to perform simple trims at home. Begin with more extended guard combs and work down to shorter ones.

Face and Ears:

  • To avoid obstructing your Cockapoo’s vision, trim the hair surrounding their eyes. Take additional care not to poke their eyes while using blunt-tipped scissors.
  • Regularly check your Cockapoo’s ears for debris and wax accumulation. Use a canine-specific ear wipe to clean them gently.


  • Trimmed nails are essential to avoid scratching and for comfort. Just past the quick (the pink part inside the nail), cut your Cockapoo dog’s nails using the proper nail clippers. 

Essential things to keep in mind:

  • For Cockapoos, dental hygiene is also essential. To avoid plaque and tartar buildup, regularly brush your dog with a dog toothbrush and toothpaste.
  • Exercise and frequent walks are essential to keeping your Cockapoo happy and healthy.

The following are some more tips for proper Cockapoo caring:

  • To help your puppy become accustomed to the grooming process, begin early. 
  • Use praise and treats to make grooming a joyful process.
  • Exercise patience and gentleness, particularly when handling delicate parts like the cheeks and ears.

Other guides and tools you might need when training your dog:


While the shedding habits of Cockapoos might not be as easy as a yes or no, knowing what influences their fur loss will help you deal with it in a very manageable way.

With consistent brushing, a balanced diet, and a touch of professional grooming, you can live free from excessive fur tumbleweeds and enjoy your adorable Cockapoo companion without the constant battle against shed hair. 

Remember, patience, gentle care, and a loving approach are crucial to creating a positive grooming experience for you and your Cockapoo dog.

So, brush, bathe, clip, and cuddle your way to a happy, healthy, and fur-minimized life with your beloved Cockapoo! 


No, Cockapoos are not entirely hypoallergenic. While they inherit low shedding coats from poodles, all dogs produce dander (dead skin cells) which can trigger allergies. It is important for individuals with allergies to spend time with a Cockapoo before committing to one.

Yes, Cockapoos may shed some hair, but their shedding is typically minimal compared to other breeds due to inheriting genes from both Poodle and Cocker Spaniel parents. Some Cockapoos may have a low-shedding coat inherited from the Poodle, while others may shed slightly more like their Cocker Spaniel side.

Cockapoos are considered modest shedders and only shed occasionally, similar to other breeds of dogs.

Cockapoos don’t shed much, but do experience some ongoing shedding.

Yes, Cockapoos do produce dander. This can be an allergy trigger for some people, as it is easily airborne. The amount of dander varies among Cockapoos, with curly coats typically producing more.

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Laura Vinzy
Laura Vinzy is one of our contributors. She is also a certified professional dog trainer & currently lives in San Francisco with her husband and her two rescue dogs.

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