Why Did My Dog Poop on My Bed? And How to Stop This?

Last Updated on February, 2025

Have you ever walked into your bedroom to find an unwelcome surprise on your bed sheets in the form of dog poops? 

Well, you are not alone in this. Every dog owner faces this problem at some time or other.

So what’s the solution?

It’s simple. Keep reading this article. 

This article explores the reasons for your dog to soil your bed and some simple, practical solutions for you to solve it.

Quick Summary

Dogs may poop on the bed due to behavioral issues such as anxiety, boredom, and fear or health problems like food allergies and urinary tract infections.

It is important to properly train and manage your dog to prevent pooping on the bed, including providing frequent bathroom breaks, creating a dog-free zone, and using positive reinforcement techniques.

If your dog starts pooping on the bed suddenly, it could be a sign of a medical issue and you should take them to a vet for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Ask a Vet

Most Common Causes for Dogs to Poop on the Bed

A small dog sitting on a bed with pillows

There are many reasons for your dog to poop on the bed. It can be a behavioral issue or a health issue

As dog owners, you must know the reason behind your dog’s behavior to find the best solution. So first, let’s explore the reasons behind your dog pooping on the bed. 

Behavioral Issues

Anxiety and Nervousness

When your dog is anxious, it may show unusual behaviors, one of them being pooping on the bed. But why?

When dogs are anxious, they find comfort in their owner’s scent. So they seek out places with their owner’s scent, such as their bed, even if they want to relieve themselves. 

Now, why do dogs get anxious?

One of the following could be the reason:

  • Change of routine.
  • Meeting new animals or people.
  • Separation from the owner causes separation anxiety.
  • Aging.

When dogs age, their memory and awareness are affected. So, an older dog can get confused, leading to anxiety. 

Anxiety affects all types of dog breeds. If you don’t treat anxiety on time, it could lead to severe disorders. 

Hence, if you think anxiety is the reason for your dog to poop on the bed, take your dog to a veterinarian. A proper treatment plan and behavior modification therapy can help resolve this issue. 

Not Giving Frequent Bathroom Breaks

You must take your dog outside for regular potty breaks. If you don’t, he’ll let it out anywhere in the house including your bed. 

Older dogs need more frequent bathroom breaks compared to young dogs. If your dog is old, then take him out more frequently or for an extended period. 

If you don’t have time to take him out, consider buying a doggy pad so that your dog can poop in it when urgent. 

Poor House Training 

If a younger dog is not properly potty trained, that dog will relieve itself wherever he feels comfortable, including your bed.

You must train your young dogs to poop outside. Sometimes, you might not have completed your dog’s potty training.

The rule is that your pup should pass an entire month without accidents for you to stop house training.

So if you think your dog’s potty training is incomplete, you can train him from the beginning again. 

If you have moved to a new house or changed your house settings, you must retrain your dog.

A brown dog pooping in the grass outside


Some dog breeds have high energy. Terriers, Golden Retrievers, Labradors, and Huskies are examples. 

If they don’t expend this energy, they tend to show destructive behaviors such as pooping on your bed, chewing the bed, destroying the furniture, etc.

So, if you have a high-energy breed, you must let them do a lot of physical activities. If you are too busy to play with them, enroll your dogs in a doggy daycare. Brain-stimulating toys can keep them distracted for a short time. 


Two pictures of dogs frightened and scared

Bad weather conditions, new people, vet visits, or other dogs in the house can cause fear in your dog. Sometimes, your dog might be afraid to go out in general. In these cases, your dog might poop on your bed where it feels safe. 

Loud noises such as construction noises, thunder, and fireworks can frighten and stress dogs. 

Frightened dogs do illogical things like pooping on your bed. 

Being Upset

Yes, dogs can get upset, too. Dogs are not vengeful, but they can be emotionally distressed. Missing a routine walk or forgetting to give potty breaks at times can make your dog upset, and distressed dogs tend to poop on the bed. 

Health Problems 

If your dog is well-trained and still poops on the bed, then it could be one of the medical conditions below. 

Food Allergies

allergies of a dog due to  food

Food allergies lead to intestinal problems and make your dog unable to hold the poop in. Therefore your pup may poop in inappropriate places. 

Gastrointestinal Upsets 

If your dog eats garbage or spoiled food, he may get infected with bacteria or a virus that leads to nausea, stomach cramps, and diarrhea. A sudden rush of diarrhea may cause your dog to poop on the bed inadvertently. 

Moreover, the parasites in your dog’s stomach and intestine could cause severe pain. Dogs may behave unusually due to this. 


Chronic constipation can cause your dog to poop on your bed. 

Constipation makes your dog uncomfortable. So, your dog may put a lot of effort into passing out the stools that make him distressed. When your dog is in distress, he may poop in unusual places, including your bed. (1)

Urinary Tract Infection 

Urinary tract infections in dogs can cause inflammation, abdominal cramps, and a temperature rise, affecting the bladder and the intestine. Your dog may feel uncomfortable and sore, causing your pup to poop and urinate on your bed. (2)

Bladder infections are challenging to detect in dogs in the early stages. Your dog may feel pain while urinating, but you can’t notice it as a dog owner. Therefore, usually, they are detected only during the severe stages. 

Inflammatory Bowel Disease 

Dogs having inflammatory bowel disease suffer from unpredictable bowel movements as their gastrocolic reflex is exaggerated. 

What is the gastrocolic reflex?

Gastrocolic reflex is a physiological reflex that controls food movements in the lower gastrointestinal tract after a meal.

Simply, it makes room for the new food entering the stomach and intestine. 

When the gastrocolic reflex is exaggerated, your dog may feel a sudden urge to evacuate at unusual times.

It may not have the bowel control to hold it in. Hence your dog may poop wherever he is in, even on your bed. 

A brown and white dog vomits due to inflammatory bowel disease 

Fecal Incontinence

Fecal incontinence is a condition in which your dog has limited or no control over the anal sphincter. The anal sphincter is the muscle surrounding the anus. They squeeze the anus shut so that the bowel movements cannot leak out. (3)

When your dog lacks control over the anal sphincter, he may pass out stools without realizing it. 

So if your dog has fecal incontinence and sleeps on your bed, he’s more likely to poop on your bed as he has no control over it. 

What are the reasons for fecal incontinence?

  • Sphincter muscle damage.
  • Spinal strokes.
  • Neurological damages.
  • Cancerous tumors. 

Signs That Your Dog is Facing a Health Issue

Here are some common signs of digestive issues:

  • More frequent bowel movements and watery stool with mucus at times indicate diarrhea. 
  • Hard and dry stools, infrequent bowel movements, and increased straining while trying to pass out stools are signs of constipation.
  • Vomiting and regurgitation.
  • Dry and dull coat.
  • Weight loss.
  • Changes in appetite. 
  • Flatulence.
  • Abdominal discomfort.

As dog owners, you must familiarize yourself with your dog’s appearance, behavior, and body language so that you can notice if they show any of the above signs.

 If you see any of the above symptoms, take your dog to a vet immediately.

Methods to Prevent Your Dog Pooping in Your Bed

A small dog pooping on top of a bed

You know the reasons for your dog to poop on the bed. Now let’s dive into how you can stop your dog from pooping on the bed. 

1. Start Dog Poop Deterrent Training

If your pet keeps pooping on your bed repeatedly and not anywhere else in your home, keeping him away from your bed is the best solution. 

Lock the door to your bedroom. It’s 100% guaranteed to work. You can keep your pup in a crate at night rather than your bed. 

However, before going for these simple solutions, it is best to get your dog checked for mental or health issues. 

2. House Train Your Dog Correctly

Many dogs like to poop in open spaces. So you can train your dog to poop outside with a little effort. 

How can you do that?

Start by putting on a leash and taking your dog out whenever he wants to poop. If your dog tries pooping inside, take him outside immediately. 

Follow this practice consistently till your dog learns to go out to relieve himself on his own. 

It is also good to create a potty routine. Take your puppy out to relieve itself first thing in the morning, after meals, and before bed. 

Praise your pooch when it goes outside and poop to encourage the dog to continue the practice.

A small dog sitting in a dog bed

3. Crate Training Your Dog 

Using a crate is a great way to train your dog to poop outside. Initially, put your new puppy in the cage for a short time, around 30 minutes. Then increase the time gradually. (More about crate training schedule here.)

Once your puppy gets comfortable with the crate, he’ll use it as a bathroom. When you see your pup trying to relieve himself inside the cage, say “No” and take him out. 

This way, your puppy will understand that he cannot go potty inside the crate. So he’ll learn to hold it till he comes out of the crate. Do this repeatedly, and your dog will learn to go out to relieve himself.

Want to completely tranform your dog to love his crate? Then read our crate training article. But WAIT!!! Before starting crate training your dog, you must have the best crate for the best training right?

And GUESS WHAT? We’ve got you covered with our ultimate list of the best dog crates available on the market.

4. Keep Your Dog Away From Anxiety, Stress and Fear

A brown dog laying on the floor with a red toy

Always keep your dog happy and stress-free. Play, give brain toys, and keep your dog away from loud sounds. 

Use a pheromone diffuser when you leave your dog alone. Pheromones are a scent released by the mother of a litter. This scent can relax the nerves and keep your dog calm. 

You can also use calming treats and relaxant medications to manage your dog. Don’t use medicines without the advice of the veterinarian. 

5. Clean Up the Dog Poops Immediately

When dogs smell dog poop in a specific place, they misunderstand it to be their bathroom spot. Hence if your dog pooped on the bed accidentally, clean up the area of stains and the smell immediately. 

Use enzyme-based commercial cleaners available in the market to remove the scent. 

6. Create a Dog-Free Zone

Create a space in your home where your dog is not allowed. It could be the area around the bed or your whole bedroom. This way, your dog won’t soil your bed. 

You can use crates or exercise pens to keep the dog away from your bedroom. 

7. Introducing a Reward System

Give your dog treats and praise when he goes potty outside or in the designated spot. Your dog will learn to associate going potty outside with positivity. 

Don’t shout or punish your dog when he goes potty inside. Instead, command to go out in a firm voice. 

8. Invest in a Good Dog Bed

If you are waking up to your dog’s poop on the bed every morning, consider buying him a dog bed. A dog bed will keep your puppy away from your bed.

Consider the following points while selecting a dog bed:

  • Does the size suit the size of my pup?
  • Is the material of the bed comfortable for my dog?
  • Is the bed easy for me to clean? 

9. Take Your Dog to a Vet

If your dog is well-trained and starts pooping suddenly on your bed, then it could be due to a medical condition. 

If you notice any unusual behaviors, changes in appetite, or pain, take your pup to a vet as soon as possible. 

10. Give Frequent Potty Breaks

a puppy using a pad for potty break

Most dogs can’t hold the stool for long hours. No matter how well your puppy is potty trained, if you don’t give it enough bathroom breaks, it’ll relieve itself inside. 

Take your pooch out frequently, early in the morning, after meals, in the middle of playing, and before sleep. If you are not home, leave your pup with a neighbor or consider a dog daycare.

Tips to Control Your Dog’s Bowel Movements

  • Don’t let your dog eat sticks. Rocks, bones, and other solid objects.
  • Feed a dog-friendly diet.
  • Examine for any health issues and treat them accordingly.

Other guides and tools you might need when training your dog:


Dogs poop on the bed for many reasons, such as anxiety, fear, boredom, infrequent potty breaks, and poor potty training. 

If your pet is suddenly pooping, the cause might be health problems such as food allergies, digestive system disorders, and bowel cancer. Your vet can prescribe medication for such health problems. 

In addition, keep your pup calm and cheerful, give regular bathroom breaks, and create his own space in your home to stop it from pooping on the bed. 

Also, your dog must be properly house-trained to prevent poop accidents. No matter how old your dog is, you can potty train him with the correct training method.

Check out this article, which covers five easy house training steps to potty train an older dog. 


No, dogs do not feel emotions like vengeance or spite, so they do not poop out of revenge.

No, punishing your dog for pooping on your bed can lead to aggression and more negative behaviors. It is important to address the issue in a positive and gentle manner.

Dogs hate pungent or acidic smells like vinegar and lemon.

Ask a Vet

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Laura Vinzy
Laura Vinzy is one of our contributors. She is also a certified professional dog trainer & currently lives in San Francisco with her husband and her two rescue dogs.

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