Proximity Dog Shock Collar: Make Your Dogs Stay in the Yard

Last Updated on February, 2025

Let me paint you a picture of your home: it’s a beautiful Saturday morning, blue skies, birds chirping, a cool breeze brushing over your face, and you’re thinking to yourself, “Ah, this is life,” then you hear it! Your neighbor is screaming at the top of her lungs. 

You lunge out of your seat, head right outside, and what do you see, your dog, who has jumped your fence, and now it’s taking a huge dump in your neighbor’s well-cut lawn.

What do you do now? 

You’re all confused, stressed, and angry. What should you do to keep your dog from jumping that fence? Electric fence?

No, it costs $100 to $300, and you’ll probably end up hurting your dog who just wanted to take a dump, which happens to be in your grumpy neighbor’s yard. What should you do? Have you ever heard of a proximity dog shock collar?

Quick Summary

Proximity dog shock collars are a type of dog collar used to train dogs or keep them from crossing boundaries.

There are two main types of proximity shock collars: wireless and wired.

When choosing a proximity shock collar, factors such as the size of the coverage area, effectiveness of the system, limits of the collar, and ease of installation and use should be considered.

What is a Proximity Shock Collar?

There are more than twenty different shock collars, each specialization and price.

Training shock collars, used to train aggressive dogs and help them overcome their violent behavior, can cost $ 75 to $ 100.

After that, there’s the proximity shock collar.

These collars are rather complex, and they map the region known as the “safety zone” using CCTV technology or sensors placed throughout your yard.

Your dog, who will be wearing the shock collar, can roam as free as ever within the zone.

Proximity Collar

As the dog is shown to or is sensed to approach the end of the safety zone you have created for it, the collar will emit a warning sound, or it will vibrate in a mildly unpleasant way to keep your dog from jumping your fence and into your “favorite” neighbor’s backyard. 

Types of Proximity Shock Collar Systems

1. Wireless Proximity Collar System

Proximity shock collars come in different ranges. You would find that the cheaper it gets, the shorter the distance you are left with. 

Some shock collars are known to have a minimum distance of 330 – yards, which is ideal for a small zoned yard, something like what you would find in the suburbs, or even in a city apartment with a small backyard.

But some shock collars show to work at even a maximum distance of a 2-mile radius, take a ninety-pound dog who is built as to look like it’s from a thriller movie for dogs, you would want to give it space to run free, so a 2 – mile proximity dog collar screams “ideal” for it. 

But as all ways, dog specialists regarding shock collars would say to start small, with small boundaries, so the dog knows what the collar on his neck does.

In general, shock collars come with a setting in which you can decide the distance of the safety zone.

2. Wired Proximity Shock Collar System

Your second choice may not be so off-shown. Rather, it would be as if it’s an invincible force field that keeps your dog from making the leap of faith into your neighbor’s yard. Therefore, you can use the wired proximity shock collar. 

Here, what you will have to do is to dig up an area that you declare as the safety zone and bury the wire that will emit an electric impulse every time it senses your overly joyed dog bolting at the fence and making it out.

This will most likely irritate your dog and prevent him from doing the same jump over and over.Wired proximity shock collars act as fences, but they are still the most reliable as it is easier to use once you understand their specialities.

The wire, however, is buried six inches beneath the surface of the ground. Still, your shock collar will work fine when your dog gets too close to the edge of your boundary.

Read the complete difference between Wired & Wireless Electric Dog Fence.

Choosing the Suitable Proximity Collar System

proximity dog shock collar training

Proximity collar systems differ in terms of performance and efficiency, they operate very similarly. When it comes to choosing your preferred proximity collar system, you will need to a fact check on the following:

1. Area Of Coverage And Capabilities

Wireless fences must be able to cover a defined area effectively. The two sorts of systems accomplish this in quite different ways. Take a look over your property to determine which is best for your dog.

A central transmitter in the middle of your yard is required for fully wireless systems. The device then emits a circular radius that your dog cannot pass over. This radius might differ in size from one manufacturer to the next.

Smaller systems can only cover one acre of land, whereas larger systems can cover up to 100 acres.Semi-wireless systems aren’t the same as full-fledged wireless systems.

Antennae wires are employed to form the boundary rather than depending on a central transmitter. The length of the wire and the strength of the attached transmitter will determine the size of your fenced-in region.

The fundamental advantage of this approach is that it can be used to make any shape.

You may easily go to your property line and cover the perimeter because most properties are rectangular. You could also go around unusually shaped barriers such as gardens or buildings.

2. Effectiveness of the System

It would be best if you examine the system’s ability to create a solid barrier in addition to its coverage area. As previously said, a semi-wireless system is highly suggested due to the reduced number of barriers to overcome.

You can be confident that the system is operating if you bury the antennae wire. On the other hand, fully wireless systems are susceptible to a variety of factors.

Metal and wood are difficult for transmitters to pass through. Interference can be caused by metal siding, roofs, and even cars from a nearby driveway.

Transmitters must be located on flat terrain with no surrounding metal items to be successful.

3. Limits of the Collar

If you have more than one dog, ensure the wireless fence you select can support several collars. Some systems are designed for just one dog, while others allow several collars to be added.

It’s recommended to complete the training all at once. The training process will be jeopardized if one dog is on the system while another can stray beyond the restrictions. Check the system’s limits to determine if you can link all your dogs.

4. Installation And Use

The user experience and installation process can differ substantially between systems. In general, totally wireless systems are easier to set up. Simply place the transmitter in an appropriate location and begin establishing your boundaries.

Semi-wireless systems require a little more effort. The antennae wire must be buried, according to them. Specially designed tools, on the other hand, can make the process easier and eliminate the need for a shovel. To prevent your dog from digging up the wire, it should be buried at least a foot underground.

All you have to do now is manage the collar settings once the system is set up. Then it’s just a matter of putting the collar on your dog and assisting them in becoming accustomed to the situation.

Key Features of Proximity Shock collar

proximity dog shock collar training

Shock Intensity And Training Methods

Most proximity shock collars come with a feature where you could change the intensity, the benefit of this is you can adjust the intensity based on the size and sensitivity of your dog.

A small dog will only require a small shock while a large dog will require a higher shock level. Once your dog has learned not to jump the fence while under the use of the shock collar, owners could reduce the severity of the shock over time.

Some collars have a tone-only setting, where only the sound is produced but not the shock. This is very beneficial when it comes to puppies as a shock will be too painful for them. 

When the warning mode is turned on, the alarm will go off on the collar whenever your dog approaches the border. But as it crosses the line the shock will be given. Hence, preventing your dog from jumping and getting hurt.

The Collar’s Dimension

The collar however, comes in different lengths, and an adjustable feature and the material itself is made out of comfortable fabrics.

This is beneficial when the collar looks too loose or too tight you could always adjust it. Having a proper fixed collar will benefit the dog’s comfort as well as its safety.

The comfortable design includes the two prongs which give out the electric shock. These prongs are rounded and blunt.

This benefits the safety of your dog’s neck from getting bruised by the prongs but enough to give out a harmless shock.

Water Resistance

Wireless fences are often outside therefore, proximity collars are designed to be used outside. With a water resistance feature, you will not need to worry about getting the collar wet and damaging it. 

The collar will be able to go through a little splash of water or a little rain, but a prolonged exposure or a dunk in the pool will not be good for the collar to function to run smoothly. 

If by chance the collar goes off during rain it’ll be dangerous for the dog as water and electricity do not go well with each other, hence the reason a water-resistant collar is far safer than any other normal collar.

Battery Type and Capacity

The battery the collar has is sufficient to receive signals and deliver the required shock. But when the battery runs out of power it’ll be an extra cost for you to spend on new batteries.

To avoid the extra cost spent, manufacturers have made rechargeable batteries where all you need to do is buy one pair of batteries and each time it drops on power you will be able to recharge it. 

It is really practical and beneficial as the cost you spent for maintaining the collar will be much less and the durability is far longer than a normal battery.

Differences Between Proximity Collar and Wireless Electric Fence

Differences Between Proximity Collar And Wireless Electric Fence

The most notable difference between a shock collar and an electric fence is that a fence is a physical barrier that can be seen. A shock collar is effectively a wireless fence that isn’t visible.

A central transmitter creates a wireless sphere boundary that can create an invisible barrier. You can also use an underground wire to construct these.

Underground fences are the finest option for a huge yard or a yard that doesn’t suit the spherical shape. When your dog comes into contact with the hot wire on an electric fence, he receives a shock. 

On the contrary, A proximity collar does the same thing without the fence. A buzzer, light, vibration, or shock can all be used as responses.

Advantages of Using a Proximity Shock Collar

  • Using proximity shock collars can be a great way to keep your dog away from harm’s way or, as it’s usually known, your neighbour’s shovel. One major thing the dog will learn is the boundaries of its safe zone. 
  • Using flags and small indicators can be useful and helpful for even your dog, who will notify them and will not approach the boundary and, in return, will not get shocked. The proximity shock collars are harmless compared with the other collars used in training. 
  • But to keep you and your dog from any disagreements over the level of shock, test it out and see if the shock is as harmful as you think it is, and turn it down to the level you feel your dog would comply to. Using a proximity collar instead of an electric fence is much less cost-effective.

Disadvantages Of Using A Proximity Shock Collar

  • The proximity collar system may not be appropriate for training and is not a good fit for uneven properties. Wires may be difficult to install since they take time. Maintenance can be difficult because you may need to check all buried wiring to see damaged or broken.
  • Though the pain caused by the collar is harmless, the pain, however, is just as irritating as a bee sting right across your neck. Other than using a shock collar, there are other, rather humane ways of teaching your dog to stay away from the fence, in the yard, or away from the balcony. 
  • Simple verbal prods will do the trick. Once you and your dog build a proper understanding, only then will those prods positively affect your dog. This is one method of training for all those dog owners and animal rights activists who strongly say that using shock collars in general for any purpose is animal cruelty. 
  • But if your dog is as evil as the spawns of the underworld, but you still love them with all your heart, then the proximity shock collar is the way to go.

6 Steps to Humanely Train and Use a Proximity Collar With Your Dog

Training a dog with proximity collar

1. Fit the Collar

Make sure it isn’t too tight; you don’t want your dog to choke on its first day of training, but also make sure the collar isn’t too loose; you don’t want $ 100 lost in the woods or on your neighbors’ driveway. Fit the collar so your dog can get used to it.

2. Set-Up the Collar

Set up the desired level of shock; experts recommend the basic or lowest settings when starting. Just a mild vibration will do. Do not try to overdo the shock, or your dog will not comply. Instead, it will turn out to be much more aggressive than before.

3. Walk Around the Yard

Here’s where you can use the verbal prods. As you walk around the yard, your dog might want to stray away, call out its name or use a made-up noise that your dog will react to. If it complies, try it again and reward it each time it gets it right.

4. Keep the Dog Away From the Forbidden Area

As you walk around the yard with your dog, do not lead it to the area you don’t want it to go. Instead, walk away from it and lead your dog away from it at least five or six times a day to teach your dog not to go there.

5. Give a Shock if Proximity is Breached

Once your dog gets used to the path, sit aside and see if it takes the bait. If it strays and comes close to the forbidden area, give it a shock to notify that it’s not supposed to go there.

6. Repeat

Well, there is nothing much to do now, but learn from every step you make and repeat each time your dog gets it wrong. But as always, go easy on it, do not rush into things, take it slow and have fun.

Final thoughts

Hold on, now before you set off to find a proximity dog collar, try and map out the requirements and possibilities. You may not need a fence since you live in an apartment ten stores above the ground and five miles from the nearest tree. 

But if you need a portable fence, then look for an easy-to-fix option so you can work with it as you learn its ways. If you own a large house with a big yard, go for the over-expensive wired fence system, costly but worth every minute of your perfect Saturday. 

If you can’t get yourself to buy the wired fence system, go for the wireless, it costs less, and it’s really easy to use.

Finally, have fun. It’s all just one big learning process with your dog.


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Thomas Villalpando
Thomas Villalpando is the main author of Dogs Academy. He spends his time reading, training, and working with several Dogs' behaviors. He has been featured in MSN, Yahoo Finance, The Sun, Entrepreneur & More. You can find more about him here.

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