10 Dogs Safety Tips to Keep Them Safe (Pet Owners Must Know)

Last Updated on February, 2025

A pet’s well-being is a primary concern among all loving pet parents. 

Prioritizing pet safety is of utmost importance to dog owners. To keep your dog from harm’s way, you must first know what could be a threat or risk to dogs. Learning about these will help you avoid any potentially dangerous situations.

And that’s why after much research, we’ve carefully compiled this article on the top 10 dog safety tips to put your mind at ease.

These safety tips will guide you to take the necessary steps. So you can protect and keep your dog safe. Be it indoors, outdoors, or even in terms of general health. 

Quick Summary

The 10 crucial dogs safety tips are general health and your dog, food safety, indoor safety, outdoor safety, mental and physical health safety, water safety, driving with your pet, summer safety, winter safety & emergency and disaster preparedness.

Dogs need access to clean water and fresh food. Certain foods, like chocolate, raw eggs, macadamia nuts, onions, garlic, and avocado, can be poisonous to dogs.

Dogs need a safe place to stay, both indoors and outdoors. This means keeping them away from toxins, electrical cords, and chewable items, as well as providing them with a comfortable bed.

Quick Summary

General health and wellness is important for dogs. This includes regular vet check-ups, vaccinations, deworming, and dental care.

Dogs need access to clean water and fresh food. Certain foods, like chocolate, raw eggs, macadamia nuts, onions, garlic, and avocado, can be poisonous to dogs.

Dogs need a safe place to stay, both indoors and outdoors. This means keeping them away from toxins, electrical cords, and chewable items, as well as providing them with a comfortable bed.

10 Dog Safety Tips You Need to Know

a kid holding a dog

1. General Health and Your Dog

Following specific preventive measures is vital to ensure your dog’s overall health is in check. The following course of action will help you exercise it.

Regular Health Check Up

Routine wellness exams are essential to prevent illness. A semi-annual (or as prescribed by your vet) vet examination can show indications of recent health problems or problems that have gone undiagnosed.

These checkups will help your vet treat your dog even before falling sick or recommend essential maintenance tips based on the outcome.

Make sure to update your pet’s medical records with the latest findings of your vet visits.

Ward Off Ticks and Fleas

Warm weather means fleas, ticks, and parasite problems. They carry tapeworms, hookworms, and other diseases that will make your dog sick. Be vigilant of these parasites. Consult your vet for the best flea and tick medication for your dog.

Up-To-Date Vaccination and Deworming

Up-to-date vaccination of all the core vaccines is an absolute MUST. Vets recommend taking non-core vaccines to be on the safe side.

Regular deworming is necessary to prevent diseases from intestinal parasites and maintain gut health. 

Dental Care

Dogs also can be a victim of tooth pain, gum disease, and tooth loss. So yeah, your dog also needs dental care. 

By age three, dogs tend to show signs of dental disease without proper dental care.

Like any dental care routine, regular brushing and oral cleanings will keep your pet’s teeth strong and healthy.

In addition to vet-assisted oral cleanings, your vet will recommend regular brushing techniques at home.

veterinarian brushing a dog's teeth

Dog First Aid Kit

Brush up on your basic first aid to help save your pet’s life in an emergency.

Always have a first aid kit for your dog. It comes in handy, especially when you go on holiday.

Make sure to include essential items such as medical tape, hydrogen peroxide, gauze, your pet’s medical records, and contact information of your vet and nearby clinics in case of an emergency.

2. Food Safety

As dog owners, you must know that dogs can’t consume all “people’s food.” Chocolate is known to be dangerous if it exceeds certain quantities.

Be aware of potentially toxic foods that can harm them, including raw eggs, macadamia nuts, onions, garlic, and avocado. Do thorough research. Be sure to follow advice from your vet if your pet needs to follow a particular diet.

Unless your dog makes a mess out of its water bowl, Always keep your dog’s water bowl around. Clean and full to ensure hydration. Otherwise, keep an eye on dehydration and give water as required.

3. Indoor Safety

Indoor safety is important just as much as outdoor safety. These tips will help you keep your dog’s environment as safe as possible.

Toxic Substances 

Your dog’s curious nature makes them nose around exciting scents and sights. Sadly there are many harmful substances in their surroundings.

And sometimes even a whiff of it can be deadly serious to your pet. 

Antifreeze, cigarette butts, rat poison, and other unassuming but dangerous items around your house can be poisonous to your dog.

Learn more about these toxins. It will help you prevent exposure to your dog and be able to help your dog in case of exposure.

cigarette butts and rat poison

Certain plants can also be poisonous to your dog, So choose which plants to keep around.

Electrical Cords and Chewable items

Your dog can get excited about anything. I’m sure you would have already noticed that wire cords are a thing for them.

Keep electrical cords out of reach to prevent shocks and burns. Tuck them away or use cord shorteners to avoid your dog pulling any appliances on themselves.

Always check the condition of your dog’s chewable items and toys. Throw away any splintered or worn-off pet toys. Put away other chewables like rubber bands and strings that may lie around. It will prevent any potentially dangerous choking hazard.

4. Outdoor Safety

Remember. Toxins and plant choices apply to outdoor safety as well.

There are many hazards and risks that await dogs when they step out into society. To ensure your dog doesn’t get into dangerous situations, heed the following steps.

Keep Dog on a Leash

Even a well-trained and well-behaved dog can get distracted. Any unexpected noises and exciting activity can drag their attention in an instant. 

To prevent your dog from wandering off alone and getting into dangerous situations, always keep your dog on a leash when in public places.

That way, you have control over where your dog goes. It will also help keep your dog away from people and other animals who may fear dogs.

Prevent Bites and Dog Fights

Some dogs are friendly, and others are not. As a responsible dog owner, you should know how to keep your dog well-behaved as a good citizen.

This situation is an example of where certain basic commands and obedience training are extremely important to ensure your dog is well-socialized. 

If you know your dog does not get along with other dogs or is aggressive towards other people, you need to do your part to keep your dog out of such situations that can lead to a dog bite.

Fighting dogs

A dog fight can be terrifying to watch. Your dog will end up getting hurt or severely injured. If playtime with other dogs gets a little intense, you must know how to break it up safely.

Advice on Snake Bites

If you are a person who goes on hikes accompanied by your dog, then snake bite is a significant concern.

Be watchful of your surroundings in the wild. If a snake bites your dog or you suspect a snake bite, remain calm and rush your dog to the ER for vet evaluation.

Use a GPS Tracker and Tag Your Pet

One of the scariest things that can happen to a dog owner is lost pets. ID tag your dog and use a GPS tracker to prevent stolen or lost dogs.

A GPS tracker will keep you notified of your dog’s activities at all times. Especially if your dog is lost, you can easily use the tracker to find it.

So where can you buy one? Especially the best one? Well, We got you covered. We tested the best Gps trackers for dogs out on the market. Check them out.

Pick the Right Park

The park you go to should have a secure fence and double-gated entry. The park you choose should follow rules of conduct, where you separate large and small dogs for safety.

5. Mental and Physical Health Safety

Mental and physical stimulation helps dogs stay healthy and fit to fight disease. 

Keep Your Dog Fit

Maintaining fitness is vital for a normal healthy dog. Off-leash exercise sessions, yard time, swimming, walking, and running are excellent activities your dog will benefit from. 

Dog Sitter and Entertainment

Dogs thrive on routine. If you have to leave your dog home alone for an extended time, consider hiring a dog sitter to maintain your dog’s routine.

It helps minimize stress when your dog gets lonely. And it is crucial for your dog’s overall health and happiness.

Your dogs are like little children. They need your constant affection and attention.

When no one is around, your dog will look for other forms of Entertainment.

a dog sitter holding dog's leashes

Consider leaving the TV on for the noise to draw his attention or play calming music and provide your dog with plenty of dog-friendly toys.It will help your dog stay mentally healthy.

Comfy Dog House

Your dog’s resting place should be a comfortable spot. It should be big enough for your dog to sit and stand. And small enough to efficiently warm the insides with its body heat. Regularly check for any dampness in your dog mattress.

6. Water Safety

Many dogs love the water to keep them cool during warm weather. To keep their dogs safe, owners must know specific safety tips regarding swimming and water play.

Doggie Life Jacket

Be aware. Not all dogs can or will swim. Some instinctively know how to swim, and others have to need coaching.

So don’t assume your dog knows how to swim. Some dogs may even hate or fear the water. Don’t push your dog to swim. Gently coax your dog and teach it how to swim.

A doggie life jacket will be helpful if your dog is learning to swim. The jacket will also come in handy on boats, canoes, kayaks, and rafts. So consider buying your dog a life jacket.

Keep an Eye on What Your Pet Drinks

Be watchful of what your dog drinks. Pool water chemicals can be harmful. Sea water can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and dehydration.

Water sources like lakes, rivers, and ponds can carry bacteria and parasites. So always encourage your pet to drink from its fresh water bowl.

It’s likely your pet may slurp some water by accident. Small amounts are not an issue. But give plenty of fresh water afterward. And check for any signs of illness, especially after such water interactions.

Learn CPR

In case of an emergency, learn the basics of CPR. If you notice your dog is in distress, contact the vet immediately. Lethargy, unresponsiveness, coughing, anxiousness, and breathing difficulty are signs that require immediate attention. 

7. Driving With Your Pet

Many dogs love car rides. But even a tiny distraction can be risky and may lead to an accident.

Avoid letting your pet in the front seat. Your pet can easily get thrown around into the windshield or even get injured by airbags. 

Keep your dog restrained. Use a dog-safe seat belt or a well-ventilated crate when traveling. Make sure the air conditioner is cooling enough for your pets. 

DO NOT leave your pet in the vehicle, even for a short while.

a dog in the car

On a typical day, with the windows opened and parked under the shade, the car can heat up instantly to dangerous temperatures. It can lead to a heat stroke.

Also, a dog left alone in the car can be a recipe for a potentially dangerous situation. Boredom can make your pet destructive.

Your pet can ingest something potentially dangerous or get stolen by a thief, even worse, if your pet decides to escape due to boredom.

Some pets may not like car rides. They can get fearful, anxious, or car sick. Keep an eye on and be aware of behavior to help your furry friend. 

8. Summer Safety

Summertime is great for outdoor activities. Sadly summertime hazards such as heat stroke and sunburn need serious attention. The best safety tip for summer is to stay cool and hydrated. 

If you suspect heat stroke, check for signs such as;

  • Excessive panting
  • Increased heart rate
  • Confusion/disorientation
  • Bright red gums
  • High temperatures (over 104 degrees Fahrenheit)
  • Coma, seizure, or collapsing

In such a situation, you can immediately hydrate using cool water or ice chips. Make sure your pet stays cool. And visit your vet to seek emergency care.

Yes, pets get sunburned too. Keep your dog safe from sunburns using sunscreen. Use pet-safe sunscreen on thinned fur and exposed skin areas around the face and ears.

9. Winter Safety

It is extremely important to keep your dog safe from winter hazards; frost bites, antifreeze, and ice.

Exposure to cold weather can cause chapped paws and itchy, flaky skin. The melting ice contains dangerous chemicals that get on your dog’s paws when winter walking.

  • Keep indoors warm and humidified
  • Pat dry your dogs to prevent any licking of paws and skin. Pay attention to paws and in between toes
  • Never shave your dog’s fur during winter
  • Do not bathe your dogs often when cold
  • Make sure a cozy bed with a warm blanket and pillow is ready
  • Feed a little more than usual during winter. They need the energy to stay warm

10. Emergency and Disaster Preparedness

Emergencies and disasters can be devastating and endangering to your pets. Take measures to prepare for a situation that is yet to occur. These safety tips can make a huge difference in keeping your pets safe.

  • Use sticker signs on all your doors and windows to indicate your pet’s presence
  • Maintain up-to-date identification tags to prevent lost pets
  • Always keep a basic first aid kit and disaster kit ready
  • During an evacuation, make sure your pet is with you 
  • Figure out shelter options for your pet in such situations

Don’ts for a Dog

  1. Don’t ever leave your dog unsupervised
  2. Don’t keep your dog chained
  3. Don’t neglect dental care
  4. Don’t hit your dog (they have feelings and emotions too)
  5. Don’t skip veterinary visits
  6. Don’t ever punish your dog (train your dog and make them understand) 
  7. Don’t forget scoop poop
don't logo

Final Thoughts

As responsible pet parents, we highly recommend you follow these best safety tips. Keep your furry friend from any potentially toxic and dangerous situations. 

Always remember that teaching certain basic commands and obedience training helps most dogs in many ways. And it will save you a lot of trouble.

Have fun and make the best memories together!

Frequently Asked Questions

The first rule of safety when working around dogs is to talk softly and approach them gently, ensuring that they are aware of your presence and avoiding sudden movements which may startle them.

Yes, dogs can get bored easily and it can lead to behavioral issues. To keep your dog happy and healthy, it’s important to pay attention, spend plenty of time with them, and try to understand their needs.

A happy dog can be identified by its body language, such as its tail wagging and its willingness to show its belly for a tummy scratch.

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Thomas Villalpando
Thomas Villalpando is the main author of Dogs Academy. He spends his time reading, training, and working with several Dogs' behaviors. He has been featured in MSN, Yahoo Finance, The Sun, Entrepreneur & More. You can find more about him here.

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