How Much Does Invisible Dog Fences Cost? Average Prices

Last Updated on February, 2025

Most of us have failed in giving zero chances for our escape artists to escape.

Then I thought, why pay through the nose for a chain link fence and traditional wood fence when we have the all-in-one invisible dog fences? 

You all might have thought the same! But if the cost made you all stop purchasing an invisible fence, here I am to give you a leg up! 

I know invisible dog fence cost is rarely discussed, but I’ll let you know the ropes. Let’s get in! 

Quick Summary

Invisible electric fences can be wired or wireless and cost between $957 to $1444 for professional installation.

Consider additional factors such as the size of the area and quality of the kit when purchasing an invisible fence.

Consider additional factors such as the size of the area and quality of the kit when purchasing an invisible fence.

Overview of Invisible Fence 

a dog wearing invisible fence collar and sitting near the boundary flags

The invisible fence can be an excellent alternative to traditional fencing, skipping the complete hassle of making your open yard uncluttered while giving you the utmost peace by confining your four-legged friend.

Moving on, the invisible electric fence is of two types: wired fence and wireless dog fence. 

The wired dog fence systems work with the transmitter as the base unit.

To make things more convenient wireless invisible fence work via smartphone app.

In the underground dog fence, wires are buried underground throughout the yard’s edge, creating a loop emitting coded radio signals. 

The receiver collar will receive the signals and keep your dog on red alert, preventing him from going beyond the bounds. 

And next, about the wireless invisible fences, this system completely works with the wireless radio signals or GPS satellites, confined within the collar and totally based on the smartphone. 

Similar to the wired system, the receiver collar will identify the signals giving your dog heads up to move away from the boundary. 

The collar will choose to warn your canine partner with a sound correction at first, and if he ignores it, he will receive a slight static correction.

Initially, you will have to train your dog with a leash until he discovers the boundary line, and you are also provided with flags to use during the first training phases.

How Much Does an Invisible Fencing Cost?

a dog lying on the ground and wearing invisible fence collar

In General, the wired system will usually cost between $957 to $1444, including professional installation. 

I’d say that’s less than traditional fencing made from metal, wood or vinyl. 

Here’s what you should know though. The exact amount you pay for wired fence will entirely depend on the size of the yard you are enclosing.

This means if you live in a rural area where the labor cost is comparatively low and your yard is tiny, you could pay around $550 for a professionally installed invisible fence.

On the other hand, if you purchase a premium system from a well-known brand and hire an expensive professional contractor, this will cost you an arm and a leg, nearly $1883. 

Then what about hiring a professional fence company to install your dog fence? That would cost you around $1200.

You have an alternative; you can skip pro installation, and instead, you could purchase a DIY installation invisible fence kit from well-known retailers like Petco, Petsmart and Amazon. 

A DIY fence kit can cost about $238 on average. A relatively small and affordable model can cost about $54. On the other hand, an advanced model’s cost can run up to $780. 

But, you could just throw off all these worries if you are to purchase a wireless dog fence. No installation needed and they are available from $150 to $1500. 

Factors That Affect the Invisible Fence Cost

a human holding invisible fence collar

Generally, these are the factors that decide the price of the installation

  • The size of the bounds you are to enclose.
  • The brand of the underground fence.
  • The number of dogs to be trained.
  • The terrain type of your yard. 

Every professional installer makes a lot of progress to reduce the risk of wire breaks, repairing and replacing. This is when they use advanced and top-quality equipment and heavy gauge wires.

Speaking of the rate, it’ll cost between $0.35 to $1.25 per linear foot, which makes the average cost $2.25 per linear foot, including labor plus the materials. 

Alright, here’s something down to the last details. Considering the average cost of $2.25, you could calculate the accurate estimation. 

To enclose a property of 12,632 square feet, the invisible electric fences boundary must be 448 linear feet, which would cost about $1008. 

To enclose a property of 6098 square feet, an invisible pet fence boundary must be 312 linear feet, costing about $702. 

To enclose an extra large property of 75,794 square feet, an invisible fence boundary must be 1100 linear feet, costing about $2475. 

However, the cost might differ based on the scale of the parameter plus the barriers encountered.

Additional Cost Factors to Look Into

a dog lying on the ground

If you get a wired fence, the cost will depend on the size of the area it serves, plus the quality of the kit. Below are some of the additional cost factors to consider. 

  • Digging a trench, how?: a shovel could be a cheap shot, but the work could make you pooped; instead, renting a trencher would be much, much better. 
  • The length of your professionally installed fence: the cost is decided by the amount of wire installed and whether you need more transmitters. 
  • How grueling is to install a fence: burying the wires on flat ground with fewer barriers is a cinch. But if it’s a non-rectangular installation with obstacles like driveways, ponds, large trees and sidewalks, you’ll have to break the bank.
  • The number of collars plus additional training flags: since most invisible fence systems come with one collar receiver, you need to purchase additional dog collars if you want to contain multiple dogs. Plus, every kit which contains flags has one flag for each 10-0 feet of wire. 

As for the wireless containment option, additional costs are minimal. Systems with GPS location tracking and activity tracking might require a subscription fee. Apart from that, there’s no other costs. 

Pros and Cons of Invisible Fence 


It’s just a lot cheaper than traditional fencing. 
What’s excellent is that you don’t have to spend a lot on installation, plus you don’t have to spend on maintenance like on a traditional fence.
Refrain from blocking the view of your beautiful outdoor space.
The main advantage is your dog cannot jump over or dig under.
You could provide quite a large space for your dog to roam by setting up boundaries for a good range.


Making the system effective would be tiring since you should train your furry friend thoroughly. 
It does not prevent stray dogs, other animals or strangers from entering the perimeter. 
Power outages can stop the system from working plus the battery of the collar could run out. 

You’ve Got to Pay More!

Number of Pets & Training Sessions

Most of the manufacturers include only one collar with the system. So if you have more than one dog, You need to purchase each dog an additional collar. It would cost $105 per collar. 

You can buy compatible collars from any retailer, including Amazon. 

On the other hand, training is the phase where you need to hang in there. Most pet owners keep up training their dogs themselves to use the fence. But training a stubborn dog is going to take a lot of work. 

Thus, hiring a trainer or an invisible pet fence company can be a go-to option. Most invisible dog fence companies offer this service for about $500 on average. 

Potential Improvement in the Landscape

This is something you need to take into consideration.

You may need an alteration on your land before installing your invisible fence where you need it to be

Think about transplanting a tree or digging up one section of the walkway to rearrange your landscape; you need to spend a few dollars.

Plus, your landscape renovation will depend on what work you are to do and the labor cost of the contractor in your area. 

You could look at the layout of your yard and factor in the potential renovation you need to make. 


Plus, the location where you live can have a significant impact on your budget too. Let me explain to you how. 

If you plan to install the system and train your dog yourself, there’s nothing much to worry about regarding the cost; you can look through the DIY pricing in this guide. 

Apart from that, professional installation labor costs can vary significantly depending on your area. Hourly rates of an invisible dog fence contractor may be relatively higher if you live in an urban area than in rural regions.

Fence Wires, Controller, Accessories and Supplies

The cost of the sets and accessories could vary significantly based on the type of brand you purchase, the quality of the components you purchase, plus the gauge of the wire used. 

As I’ve mentioned, professionals use high-quality components plus top-quality equipment with heavy gauge wires to minimize the risk of wire breakage and related problems. 

Here’s how your cost can be itemized based on your system type. 

A wired invisible fence system with 500-1000 feet of wire plus one or two collars will cost between $150 to $325. 

A wireless invisible fence with one or two collars would cost between $150 to $300. 

Additional collar costs between $70 to $150. Replacement receiver straps cost between $8 to $12. A set of 50 additional flags costs between $10 to $13. A spool with 500′ of wire costs between $16 to $40. 

Replacement rechargeable receiver batteries cost between $14 to $20. 

Rent for a trencher based on half-day or full-day rental would cost between $65 to $100.

Authorization, Examination, And Installation Time

Invisible electric dog fences do not need any authorization or permits to be installed on your land. But you need to check if there’s a need to check for the underground utilities.

The wired invisible dog fence can probably be installed as deep as possible to hit the utilities. It’s always better to check on the underground utilities. 

Mostly it costs between $0 to $75, but the service is free of charge in most areas. 

Speaking about the installation time, to cover up a 1.5 acre of containment, it would nearly take about one day plus for the owner/pet tutorials. 

It took me two days to install the system into my 5 acres yard. And would take nearly three days with large jobs and complex installation requirements.

DIY or Hire a Pro? 

a human walking with a dog near the invisible fence flags

I’d say if you think you can do it on your own and don’t want to really spend much on installation, DIY is the go-to option for you. 

Installation is just a walk in the park when you speak of the wireless invisible dog fence system. You can plug in the transmitter, set your perimeter and start training. 

When it’s the underground fence, you can lay the wire instead of burying it, but in most cases, it’s hazardous. It’s always better to bury the wire, but digging by hand is challenging and time-consuming if your perimeter is pretty big.

You’ll need to get a trencher for the work to go smoothly and quickly. 

Moving on, thank god, I had a basic knowledge of electric systems. Because you really need the basic wall mounting experience to mount either system to the wall. 

And training your dog, especially when your canine partner is stubborn, requires a pro to make things go the right way.

Are Invisible Fences Effective?

When all things considered about an invisible dog fence, I’d say it’s much more effective than any other alternative. 

Compared to traditional fences, the invisible fence is cheap as chips and spending a few hundred with whatever the system offers wouldn’t bother you. 

You’d feel how these systems can be helpful once you’ve successfully trained your dog. I’m keeping up my cool, laying all my burnouts on the invisible fence system. 

Related article: Are Invisible Fences Humane?

Which Can Be Given a Shout-Out? 

a dog wearing invisible fence collar and sitting on the ground

Definitely a wireless invisible dog fence. I’ve kept my hands on both systems, but the wireless system was second to none. 

Be it the portability or installation; you don’t have to bend over backwards.

Plus the cost, you don’t have to spend much for a contractor and not to forget the convenience, THE SYSTEM IS BASED TOTALLY BASED ON SMARTPHONE (just fantastic).

If you and your partner are so into camps, woods and adventures, the wireless invisible dog fence can be the right guy for you! You can take the system anywhere you want and create fences from right where you are.

All of this makes the wireless electric dog fence just a notch above the wired invisible fence. 

A Highly Rated Invisible Fence That’s Affordable for Everyone

halo 2 dog collar

Halo 2+ is probably the best wireless dog fence available that’s also affordable when considering the prices of many competitors on the market. 

Costing $624, it has everything that you need to keep your dog contained, I mean everything.

First of all, the collar was made in partnership with the world renowned dog trainer Cesar Millan and being a wireless fence, it is far more versatile than a traditional wired fence. 

Here’s why…

The Halo 2+ since it’s wireless allows you to create fences no matter your location, with that, you are also able to put together 20 fences at one location which is excellent and provides more safety for your dog. 

Fences that Halo allows to create can also be of any shape and the size of each fence is literally unlimited.

The wireless fence system is also top-notch when it comes to preventing your dog from escaping the fence. With multiple prevention feedback systems, you’ve got zero worries. 

On top of that, Halo has an app too, and the benefit that provides cannot be understated. Everytime your dog gets near the boundary, you’ll be notified, INSTANTLY, so that you can take prompt action and prevent your dog from escaping.

Likewise, this wireless dog containment system has a lot to it and there’s simply zero competitors that gets anywhere closer to it. Fence your dog with zero worries with the Halo 2+, click here to learn more.


Think of you enjoying your weekends in bed and your escape artist trying to escape; the invisible fence got you covered. 

Now that we have laid bare which one can give value for your money, it’s time for you to choose the right one.

These invisible fence systems are explicitly built for your dogs. 

We all know that none of our little furry friends are lazybones. To guide them, the invisible dog fence is the best possible option for a dog owner to go with; plus, it’s a must-have for everyone.

Buying a wireless system is not as easy as you think though as the options are endless. If you want the best, get the help of this guide.


One hidden expense specific to the in-ground fence is the surge protector. It is said that underground fence wire attracts lightning and thunderstorms. If you live in an area where lightning and thunderstorms frequently occur, installing a surge protector might be a good idea. The cost is between $30 to $50.

It can last up to 27 years if left undisturbed underground, if you use high-grade wires. 

It’s recommended to bury the wires 3′ to 24′ deep. Burying too deep could weaken the strength of signals. 

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Stefano Giachetti
Stefano Giachetti is always excited to share his knowledge and love of animals with you through our blog, IPetGuides. And he has always loved animals and has been blessed to have many pets throughout his life. Currently has a Pomeranian Dog Breed.

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