Is There a Pet Microchip With GPS Tracking Capabilities?

Last Updated on February, 2025

Is there a pet microchip with GPS (global positioning system)? A GPS implant?

Is it possible? Especially for dogs? 

You’re legally obliged to microchip your dog if you’re in the UK, USA, or New Zealand. So, it’s very fair for pet owners to expect GPS technology from it.

So, if you have the same problem, what I’m about to tell you will answer your question.

Actually, more than answering the question.

Quick Summary

There is no such thing as a pet microchip with GPS capabilities.

A GPS tracker is a device that is used to track the pet’s location information, which can be either real time or location history.

The three main types of tracking technologies used in GPS tracker are Bluetooth, LTE/WiFi, and GPS.

Is There a Pet Microchip With GPS?

a human holding microchip and a dog wearing gps tracker

The most straightforward answer I can give you is NO; there are no microchips that can work as GPS devices. But don’t worry — there is a fix for this problem.

To understand the solution well, you must understand the difference between a pet GPS tracker and a microchip.

The Main Differences Between Pet Microchips and GPS Trackers

I’m going to explain the complete picture as briefly and as concisely as I can. So, be sure not to miss any part of this article.

This is for all kinds of pets, but especially for dogs and cats.

What is a Pet Microchip?

A pet microchip is an electronic chip known as an RFID chip, a radio frequency identification tag. It is about the size of a grain of rice.

They’re commonly known as microchip implants implanted under the pet’s skin. Usually, it’s dogs that are microchipped like this by a vet.

This pet’s microchip contains unique and valuable information about your dog.

This information is extremely important in finding lost dogs and proving ownership.

a human holding pet microchip

How do you include the information? How do you read that information? Don’t worry; I’m going to cover all of that. 

But first, let’s look at the information stored in a microchip:

  1. Pet owner’s contact information
    • Home address
    • Telephone contact details 
    • Email address
  2. The license number of the breeder, if applicable
  3. The local authority where the breeder was licensed, if applicable

It’s clear that it’s almost entirely the pet owner’s contact details. It’s fascinating how all this information is stored in a chip. It’s as tiny as a grain of rice.

But how does a microchip implant work?

How Does a Pet Microchip Work?

Let’s assume that your furry friend is lost. 

What would happen if the collar was lost along with?

Or, What if the collar was removed on purpose? Maybe by the person who stole your dog.

On all these occasions, someone can read the information stored in the microchip. Or, someone could hand the pet over to a police station. So, when the police ask you to prove ownership of the lost pet, you can scan the microchip.

Until the scanning is done, the microchip is more or less dead. It’s the energy from the scanner that revives the chip.

Think of it as QR technology.

Once you do, everyone will be able to identify that you’re the valid owner of the pet. Because a collar can be removed, they won’t even know that there was a microchip in the first place. 

But it’s your utmost responsibility to ensure that the information is up to date. 

Note: You cannot plant the microchip yourself; it must be a vet.

That’s pretty much all you need to know about a microchip.

Related: Can you track a dog with a microchip?

Onto the GPS trackers!

What is a GPS Tracking Device?

A GPS tracker is a device that’s used to track the pet’s location information, mainly. This could be real time or location history. 

A high-quality GPS tracker will not be limited to location tracking; it will also have health and activity monitoring features.

Location tracking is the most desired feature of GPS trackers.

Pet owners expect a real time tracking device in all GPS systems almost every single time. 

a dog wearing gps trackers

That’s why it’s a standard feature found in successful pet GPS products. Usually, the tracking device is attached to the dog’s (or cat’s) collar.

How Does Pet GPS Technology Work?

All GPS trackers need a subscription plan. This is because of the constant data transmission between satellites, the tracker, and the receiver. 

Depending on the product’s features, you’ll be able to view the pet’s live location in real-time within the distance limit, share the information with people (maybe your vet), export the information, and store the information.

Some GPS products are advanced enough to analyze the collected information and notify the pet owner of the conclusions.

There’s always a battery life that usually lasts for about a day. That’s in addition to the designated App by which the entire operation is done.

3 Types of Tracking Technologies

The three main types of tracking technologies are used in a modern GPS tracker. Let’s look at them one by one:

  • Bluetooth

Some trackers have Bluetooth tracking integrated into the type of search modes. However, Bluetooth tracking is usually for very close range locating. The range extends to as far as 200ft.

These are also based on radio frequency.

They cannot work as real time trackers unless integrated with GPS.

Related article: Difference Between GPS & Bluetooth Tracker

  • LTE / Wi Fi

We all know how a Wi Fi connection uses less battery than LTE. The reason is the ease of finding signals on WiFi. 

Trackers use this level of technology at moderate distances. However, tracking accuracy depends on the obstacles in the surrounding area.

  • GPS 

It’s called a global positioning system for a reason. It’s because it can find locations worldwide.

This is the best method, as the tracking is done via information received and sent by satellites.

So, if a GPS device has all 3 technologies combined, it’s one of the best products you can buy.

That’s all you need to know about GPS trackers.

Why is it Impossible for a Pet Microchip to Work as a GPS Tracker?

a human holding a pet microchip

A microchip goes under the skin, and a GPS tracker goes around a dog’s neck. So, why is it not possible to merge these two products and make a GPS chip?

There are a couple of reasons why the concept of the GPS chip for pets has remained a concept.

The Top Reasons Summarized

Where is the Power for the Battery?

A GPS chip would ideally be under your pet’s skin, ideally a dog.

But, as I told you, a typical microchip is activated by the scanner.

Even if the chip had full power at the moment of microchipping, the power would run out. So, where will the power be for the GPS chip?

What to Do About the Hardware?

Even if typical GPS collars are small in size, they’re at least a few inches wide and long. That’s because the tracker is a compilation of several electronic components.

So, fitting all those electronics into a chip for dogs the size of a rice grain is impossible. It would be incredibly uncomfortable for all the pets.

For example, these are the hardware that’ll be included in a GPS tracker:

  • Sim card
  • GSM module
  • LED light 
  • Loudspeaker
  • Batteries
  • GPS antenna

But hold on — what about nano or micro tech for a GPS chip? 

Although that sounds like a viable option, I have bad news for you.

How High Would the Price Be?

Integrating all the electronic parts in the size of inches to that minute level will require extensive engineering. 

The cost will be extremely high even if a pet GPS chip is possible.

How to Tackle the Health Complication?

Let’s assume you found a way to charge the batteries. Given the best kind is Lithium Ion, how healthy do you think it would be for your pet? 

So, even if you manage to get a GPS chip under your dog’s skin or even your cat, they’ll face severe health complications. That’s a risk worth not taking.

Where Does That Leave Us?

There are so many other reasons why the concept of a GPS chip will not work unless you’re prepared to spend a little fortune. 

Even if you did, it’s not worth all the consequences of it. Going for a pet tracker over a GPS implant is much safer.

In Conclusion

Unfortunately, the concept of a GPS chip continues to remain a concept, for the time being. 

Since you still want to track your dogs, investing on a reliable GPS tracker is the most cost-effective option. They can be easily attached to your dog’s collar.

Check out some of the best GPS trackers here; all of these guarantee your pet’s safety.

After all, all they have is us. It’s our responsibility to keep the pet safe.


No, there are no GPS chips in the market; if someone claims they have them, it is likely a scam.

No, it is not recommended to microchip your pet yourself unless you are a veterinarian.

Microchips for dogs generally cost less than $50, even for the best ones.

GPS trackers for dogs or cats typically range in price from $50 to $600.

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Stefano Giachetti
Stefano Giachetti is always excited to share his knowledge and love of animals with you through our blog, IPetGuides. And he has always loved animals and has been blessed to have many pets throughout his life. Currently has a Pomeranian Dog Breed.

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