Labradoodle Size Chart: Weight, Height & More

Last Updated on February, 2025

Labradoodle is an adorable dog breed that has captured the hearts of many pet parents due to their playful temperament, intelligence, and hypoallergenic coats. 

If you plan to bring a Labradoodle home, you might wonder how big they grow

Well, I am here to help you with that. This article explores:

  • Labradoodle size chart
  • Labradoodle weight chart and growth patterns
  • Different breeds of Labradoodle
  • Factors affecting the Labradoodle size
  • Points to consider while buying a Labradoodle

After reading this article, you can come to a decision on which Labradoodle is ideal for your home and lifestyle. 

Let’s dive in. 

Quick Summary

There are three sizes of Labradoodles: mini, medium, and standard.

Labradoodles grow the fastest in the first six months of puppyhood, gaining 50% of their adult weight. They reach full height and 97% of their adult weight within 12-18 months, with standard Labradoodles taking longer to reach full size.

Factors such as genetics, gender, diet, exercise, and age can affect the size and growth of a Labradoodle puppy. It is important to consider these factors when choosing the size of a Labradoodle that is right for your home and lifestyle.

Labradoodle Growth Chart

Two brown mini labradoodles standing next to each other and looking at the camera

Labradoodles come in three sizes; mini, medium, and standard

Following is a Labradoodle puppy growth chart that indicates the average weight of the Labradoodle at different ages.

1 month3-5 lbs
2 months5-15 lbs
3 months20-25 lbs
4 months25-35 lbs
5 months35-50 lbs
6 months40-55 lbs
7 months45-60 lbs
8 months50-65 lbs
9 months50-70 lbs
10 months50-75 lbs
11 months50-75 lbs
12 months50-80 lbs
2 years50-90 lbs

Predicting the size is challenging for purebred dogs, and it’s even more complicated when two breeds are crossed.

Therefore, the above-given weights are estimates based on the litter of a Labrador Retriever crossed with a Poodle. It may vary according to the puppy’s parents.


Labradoodle Growth Patterns

Two pictures of a Labradoodle dog breed seated in a grass field

Like all other dogs, the Labradoodle grows fastest during the first six months of puppyhood. They gain 50% of their adult weight during this time. After the first six months, the Labradoodle puppy’s growth slows down. 

Generally, most Labradoodles reach their full height and 97% of their adult body weight within 12-18 months. Therefore, they are considered fully grown in approximately 12-18 months despite the fact they still have a few pounds to gain. 

Mini and medium-sized Labradoodle puppy breeds reach their full size quickly. They mature within 9-11 months, but Standard Labradoodle breeds take longer to gain the full weight. 

Labradoodles are hybrid dogs. Hence, their height and weight vary according to the parent dog breed sizes. We’ll talk about the Labradoodle dog breeds in detail next. 

At What Age is a Labradoodle Fully Grown?

A brown labradoodle 
dog standing on a path with its tongue out

On average, Standard Labradoodles reach their full size in 12- 18 months.

Medium-sized Labradoodles reach their full size in about 9-11 months and Miniature Labradoodles take 6-8 months to reach their full size. 

Generally, larger breeds grow slowly and take longer to reach the full size than small or medium breeds.

All sizes of Labradoodles stop growing when they reach two years. From that point onwards, you must exercise and feed a balanced diet to maintain a healthy dog.

Different Labradoodle Breeds and Their Sizes

Brief History of the Labradoodle Breed

Have you ever wondered about the origin of the Labradoodle? 

Labradoodle was first bred in Australia in 1989, as per the request of a woman for a hypoallergenic dog. Here’s the full story.

There was a blind woman in Hawaii, whose husband was allergic to dogs. Therefore, she wanted a hypoallergenic dog for her to get around with.

She wrote to Walter Conron, who was in charge of training and breeding guide dogs for the “Australian Royal Guide Dog Association”. Conron accepted the blind woman’s challenge, and Labradoodles originated due to his efforts. 

Labradoodles are fantastic service dogs. They are intelligent, friendly, and energetic and make excellent family pets. 

Did You Know? The Labradoodle and Australian Labradoodle are distinctly different. Here’s why. A Labradoodle is a hybrid mix of a Poodle and a Labrador Retriever, but an Australian Labradoodle consists of a purebred Cocker Spaniel along the breeding line. 

Due to this, Australian Labradoodles have a softer coat and a larger bone structure than traditional Labradoodles. 

Labradoodle Breeds

labradoodle generations

As I mentioned earlier, genetic makeup is an essential factor that decides a Labradoodle’s size. What is genetic makeup?

A Labradoodle is a cross between a Labrador and a Poodle. 

The percentage of the genes inherited from each of the parents varies across different generations. The Labradoodle’s characteristics differ accordingly. 

With each increasing generation number, you can get more control over the looks, features, size, and coat type. 

Here’s how Labradoodle breeds are formed. 

First Generation (F1)Cross a purebred Poodle parent with a purebred Labrador Retriever parent. 
First Generation Backcross (F1B)Cross an F1 Labradoodle with a purebred Poodle or a purebred Labrador Retriever parent.
First Generation Backcross Backcross (F1BB)Cross an F1B Labradoodle with a Poodle.
Second Generation (F2)Cross two F1 Labradoodle parents.
Second Generation Backcross (F2B) Cross one F1 Labradoodle with an F1B Labradoodle.
Multi-Generation/F3 And Later Cross two Labradoodles of F1B or higher.

Note: Backcrossing is when a hybrid dog is crossed with a dog of similar genetics to one of its parents. 

Mini Labradoodle

Two pictures of mini labradoodles

A miniature Labradoodle is a mix of a Labrador Retriever parent and a miniature Poodle parent. 

A full-grown miniature Labradoodle size is as follows:

  • Weight: 15-30 pounds
  • Height: 14-16 inches

A two-month-old miniature Labradoodle puppy weighs around 4-7 pounds. In 3.5-5 months, they reach half of their adult weight and gain full adult weight between 6-8 months. 

You can estimate the adult size of a mini Labradoodle using the below formula.

Adult Labradoodle weight = Labradoodle weight at 18 weeks*2

This small Labradoodle is one of the sought-after breeds due to their size, friendly nature, and hypoallergenic coat. They are a perfect choice if you are living in a small home/apartment. 

Medium Labradoodle

pictures of medium labradoodles

A medium Labradoodle is a cross between a Labrador Retriever and a medium-sized Poodle. 

Full-grown medium Labradoodles weigh around 30-50 pounds and grow 17-20 inches in height. Male Labradoodles can grow up to 18-20 inches. 

Medium Labradoodles reach half of their adult weight in 3.5-5 months and achieve full adult weight between 9-11 months.

You can use the formula for the mini Labradoodle to estimate the medium Labradoodle size. 

These dogs are ideal companions for an evening walk, to play with, and as lap dogs. 

Standard Labradoodle

pictures of standard labradoodles

Standard Labradoodles result from the cross between a Labrador and a standard Poodle parent. These are the largest of the Labradoodle breeds.

Fully grown Standard Labradoodles weigh between 50-70 pounds. The females grow to a height of 21-23 inches, and males up to 22-24 inches. 

Standard Labradoodle puppies weigh half the adult weight between 4.5 and 6 months. They reach the adult size in 12-18 months.

You can estimate standard Labradoodle size by the following equation.

Standard Labradoodle size= weight at 23 weeks old*2


Summary of Labradoodle Size Chart

Labradoodle sizeAdulthoodWeightHeight
Mini Labradoodles11-13 months15-25 pounds13-17 inches
Medium Labradoodles11-13 months25-50 pounds17-20 inches
Standard Labradoodles12.5-16 months50-90 pounds20-26 inches 

Factors Affecting the Sizes of Labradoodles

Many factors affect the Labradoodle dog’s growth and size. Let’s discuss each one in detail.


Labradoodles are a hybrid dog breed. Their size dramatically depends on the parents’ size; Labrador Retrievers and the Poodles.

For example, if both parents are significantly large, it’s most likely that your Labradoodle puppy will also grow into a standard size. 

Your Labradoodle’s adult weight might not always be the average weight of the two parents.

Sometimes, they can be larger or smaller than the parent’s size. 

The size also varies according to the Labradoodle generation, such as F1, F2, F2BB, etc.

In each generation, the percentage of genes inherited from the Poodle parents and the Labrador parent varies.

A mini labradoodle sitting on a rug

Breeders have more control over the breed size with each passing generation.

Additionally, if both or one of the parents has genetic diseases related to growth, it can affect the size and development of the Labradoodle. You will need to contact the breeder to get information about the parent dogs. 


Labradoodle’s gender affects its size. Male dogs are slightly larger and stockier than female Labradoodles. 


The amount of nutritious food you feed your dog also decides the Labradoodle puppy’s growth. A healthy diet is crucial to raising a proper-sized, healthy dog. 

If your dog is underweight or malnourished, consider using food supplements with the vet’s advice. 

Physical Exercise

Labradoodles are energetic dogs. They love to play and enjoy themselves. Regular exercises help them to meet developmental milestones. 

Exercising develops bone density and solid muscles and promotes the growth of your Labradoodle puppies.

Remember to also give it proper rest. Overdoing physical activities leads to complications such as elbow dysplasia and hip dysplasia. These complications can hinder your Labradoodle’s growth.

Tips for Healthy Growth of Your Labradoodle Puppy

A black labradoodle dog running in a grassy field

Feed a Healthy Diet: Labradoodle puppies require a restricted, high-quality diet. They have a high risk of developing joint problems if they overgrow. So feed your dog only the puppy food specially formulated for that breed. 

Keep a record of your puppy’s weight and adjust the diet accordingly. Get help from your vet if it’s necessary. 

Exercise Regularly: Labradoodles are high-energy dogs. If you don’t give them enough physical activity, they tend to get bored. An adult dog needs at least one hour of exercise per day.

Train Your Puppy: Labradoodles are intelligent breeds. So you can house-train them quickly. Include games in the training process for their mental stimulation. 

Socialize: Labradoodles are outgoing and friendly, but if you don’t let them socialize, they will develop dominant behaviors. Hence, start socializing your puppy from a young age.

Groom Your Puppy: Grooming requirements vary depending on the length and type of the puppy’s coat. Bathe your Labradoodle only when he is visibly dirty or smells bad. Don’t bathe too frequently, as it will lead to dry skin and itchiness. 

Brush your Labradoodle’s teeth often to prevent dental issues. 

Take Your Dog for Routine Checkups: You must take your puppy regularly to the vet during the first six months for the core vaccinations. After that, take him to the vet at least once a year for a checkup.

Why are regular checkups important? Because certain health conditions are seen in Labradoodles more than in other breeds. Otitis, skin allergies, gastrointestinal disorders, and cruciate ligament disease are some of them.

Regular veterinarian appointments help you to identify and treat these diseases early.

Get Your Puppy From A Reputable Breeder: Labradoodles are prone to genetic conditions as they are formed from two different purebred dogs. Addison’s disease, eye diseases, and hypothyroidism are some of them. 

Getting your puppy from a reputable breeder reduces the risk of genetic disorders. 

Measure Your Labradoodle’s Size

A brown and white labradoodle dog sitting on a grass ground

Here are some features that will make a dog look like a Poodle:

  • Step onto the scale, weigh yourself, and write the number.
  • Step onto the scale holding your puppy and write the number. 
  • Deduct your weight from the combined weight to get your Labradoodle’s weight. 

Now, how do you measure the height?

  • Take a measuring tape.
  • Let your dog stand still. Measure the length from the floor to the shoulder.

Estimate Your Full-Grown Labradoodle Dog Sizes

If you want to estimate how big your Labradoodle puppy will grow, you must know the exact weight of your Labradoodle puppy.

There are different formulas to predict the weight. Let’s explore them. 

The Fourfold formula

The weight of your puppy at the age of 2 months represents one-quarter of his estimated adult weight. 

The Double-up formula

The weight of your puppy, at the age of 4 months, is one-half of the estimated adult weight.

Earlier, we discussed separate formulas to predict the weight of each mini, medium, and standard Labradoodle. Here, I am giving an alternative formula you can use for any size of Labradoodle.

Growth= current weight/ current age in weeks

Adult weight= Growth*52 (Number of weeks in a year) 

You can also use the Labradoodle growth chart to predict how big your puppy will grow. 

Why Does Labradoodle Size Matter?

A white labradoodle standing in the grass with a blue collar

As dog owners, some of you might be happy with any sized dog, and some of you might be struggling to decide what size Labradoodle to get.

No matter which category you belong to, you must consider some critical points before deciding the size of the Labradoodle.

The Weight You Can Lift: You don’t need to lift your dog constantly. Still, there might be some situations where you have to, such as when they’re ill and you need to carry them to the vet. So consider getting a dog that has a weight that you can lift easily. 

Amount of Living Space: You and your Labradoodle should have enough space to live comfortably. 

Age of Your Kids: If you have babies and toddlers, it’s better to get a mini Labradoodle so that your dog won’t tower over your child. Moreover, it’s convenient for you to look after both. 

Time Allocation: Usually, large Labradoodles need more exercise to maintain a healthy weight. So consider how much exercise you can commit to every day.

Size of Your Vehicle: As a dog owner, you may take your dog on trips with you. So make sure your dog can sit comfortably in your vehicle. 

Crate Size: You must know how big your Labradoodle will grow to get a proper-sized crate. If you don’t do that, you’ll have to change the dog crate every few months, which will be a waste of money. Click here to learn more about crate size.

Other guides and tools you might need when training your dog:

Which Size Labradoodle Do You Prefer?

Labradoodle size mainly depends on the size of the doodle parents. Typically, they come in three sizes; mini, medium, and standard. 

Apart from genetics, factors such as the breeding generation, gender, diet, age, and physical exercises also determine Labradoodle size.

You can estimate how big your Labradoodle puppy will grow using the Labradoodle size chart or using any of the formulas given above.



The Labradoodle reaches its full adult weight between 12-18 months.

No, the size of an adult Labradoodle can vary depending on various factors. A Labradoodle weight chart can give an estimate of the weight, but it may not be an exact value.

The smallest Labradoodle is the mini Labradoodle, which comes from breeding a Toy Poodle and a Labrador.

Miniature Labradoodles can weigh 15-25 pounds and grow up to 14-16 inches in height.

Yes, Labradoodles are high maintenance, needing regular grooming, exercise, and mental stimulation.

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Laura Vinzy
Laura Vinzy is one of our contributors. She is also a certified professional dog trainer & currently lives in San Francisco with her husband and her two rescue dogs.

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