Rare Doberman Pinscher Colors: Which Type is Right for You?

Last Updated on February, 2025

Doberman Pinscher, being a relatively new breed, has made quite a name for itself. Sleek, agile, and powerful, many fall in love with this excellent dog breed. 

Not only is the breed excellent, you wanna know what else is top-notch about a Doberman Breed.


Dobermans come in a variety of both official and unofficial colors, and most are outright a rare sight. And getting hold of one can pretty be a roller coaster ride. 

We went through every Doberman colors and picked the ones that are abnormally rare to even come across. 

If you want to know the Rarest Doberman Colors available, just keep on reading. These are some of the most beautiful colors in a dog breed and who knows, you might even get interested in owning one…

Quick Summary

Fawn and Rust, White, Blue, Albino, Blue and Rust, Red, and Pure Black are the Doberman Pinscher colors available.

Black & Rust and Red & Rust Doberman Pinschers are the most common and widely accepted Doberman Pinschers.

Health issues are common among rarer Doberman Pinschers, such as skin diseases and genetic skin problems.

Rarest Doberman Pinscher Colors Available

Below are all the Doberman Colors available, each of them is extremely rare and not easy to get hold of, so you don’t wanna miss the chance to learn about them. 

Fawn and Rust

Also called the “Isabella,” the Fawn and Rust Doberman is one of the Rarest Dobermans Available.

This is actually the rarest of the four standard colors when it comes to American Doberman Pinscher.

This, often light brown or beige-coated Doberman, is a result of Melanophilin, a recessive gene that dilutes the gene responsible for the typical Doberman color, which is the Red. 

That said, Doberman comes in two variants, European and American.

The difference that distinguishes both is the height and weight, with a European Dobie being a notch higher in both aspects.

fawn and rust doberman laying on the bed

However, the Fawn Color Doberman in Europe is not considered a standard, while the American is recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC).

Another upside to the Fawn and Rust Dobermans is that they are healthier compared to other Doberman breeds. 

A Fawn Doberman can look similar to cream, but it isn’t, so don’t get deceived; they are two different colors. 

On top of that, a Fawn Dobie can be confused with a Weimaraner because of how similar both look. A Weimaraner’s lilac-colored coat looks mostly identical to the Fawn color of a Doberman Pinscher. And that’s the reason behind all of this confusion. 

Like all Dobermans, these ones have the Tan markings around their body, including the ears, chest, and below the tail. 

Regarding health, the biggest downside is that Fawn Dobermans are prone to hair loss; by the age of just seven months, these breeds might start developing this condition. 

Breed Stats and Characteristics:

  • Purity: Purebred
  • Size: Large
  • Coat Color: Light Brown/Beige
  • Lifespan: 10 to 13 years
  • Recognition: AKC
  • Price: $1500 and $2500


White being a standard color in many other dogs, is actually quite rare in a Doberman. 

White Doberman Pinschers, as the name suggests, have a white coat; if you’ve been thinking that way, you’re wrong. 

These Dobermans, almost all the time, have a cream-colored coat, and that is due to the lack of pigment in Cream Dobermans.

We’ll get more into appearance down the line. 

Plus, White Dobermans are a product of inbreeding.

white doberman sitting on the ground

And don’t confuse White and Cream Dobermans to an Albino Doberman; while it’s really hard to set them apart, looking at the eyes could help.

Albino Dobermans tend to have this pink-colored eye, whereas a Cream or White Doberman typically have blue eyes. Then again, White Dobermans are sometimes even labeled as Partial Albino.

Appearance-wise, A White Doberman looks mostly cream and with pink eye rims, nose, lips, and, as mentioned earlier, blue eyes. 

White or Cream Doberman(call it the way you want) entered the scene relatively recently, 1976 to be exact. This was the year they were first bred, and the very First White Doberman was actually a breed of two Black and Rust Dobermans. 

At first, the breed was classified as Albino and was believed to be a crossbreed; however, after 11 long years, it was proved by the owner that the First White Doberman was indeed purebred.

However, that does not mean that the Cream Colored Doberman is considered a standard; they are only accepted. 

Behavior and Health in White Dobermans are a bit all over the place; these dogs, due to their breeding method, are suspected to have a variety of health issues, such as problems with eyesight and skin. 

A White Doberman can also be aggressive compared to other Dobermans, that is largely due to their health problems. With that, the ​White Dobermans are banned in several countries too.

Breed Stats and Characteristics:

  • Purity: Purebred
  • Size: Large
  • Coat Color: Cream/White
  • Lifespan: 10 to 13 years
  • Recognition: N/A 
  • Price: $800 and $2500


The dilution of the black color gene is what makes the Blue Doberman coat. The dilution gene hampers full pigmentation that results in the black diluting to the color Blue. 

Blue Dobermans have very pleasing shiny coats and look somewhat similar to the Black and, in some cases, Red Doberman because of their rust-colored paws.

However, the coats can also be charcoal-colored or gray, and out of all, Blue color is accepted as a standard by the AKC; in Europe, however, it isn’t. 

Just like White Dobermans, Blue ones are also susceptible to a varying degree of health issues with the most common one being color dilution alopecia. Almost 93% of the Blue Dobermans are affected by this. 

Von Willebrand Disease and Cardiomyopathy are other diseases that can strike a Blue Doberman. 

A Blue Doberman is not only prone to health-related issues, but this dog can also, in some cases, have a not-so-good temperament, often being aggressive. 

All of these are problems that arise from the breeding methods, more breeders put their focus on colors instead of prioritizing health which in turn leads to these results. 

With that said, Blue Doberman, along with the Fawn Dobermans, are one of the most expensive colors of all Doberman.

A Blue Doberman pup from reputable Doberman breeders would cost $1500 to $2500, NO LESS.

Breed Stats and Characteristics:

  • Purity: Purebred
  • Size: Large
  • Coat Color: Blue, Charcoal or Gray
  • Lifespan: 10 to 12 years
  • Recognition: AKC (Standardized) 
  • Price: $1500 and $2500


It is now time to talk about the REAL White Doberman, the Albino Doberman; even though these look uniformly similar to the Cream/White Doberman, a simple glance at the eyes could tell the whole story.

As mentioned above, a White Doberman can have blue eyes, whereas the Albino Dobermans have pink eyes. 

That is mainly due to the absence of pigmentation. 

Characteristics of an Albino Doberman is also a bit different compared to other Dobermans; that is not due to the color, though.

Breeders are the ones to blame here because the mating pairs are chosen with the genetic traits in mind, not because they match in temperament.

Albino Dobies tend to be fearful and less intelligent, they are also more prone to biting due to their poor eyesight.

Speaking of eyesight, health is another area that Albino Dobermans lack, these typically have poor general health and are at increased risk of skin cancer, sunburn, and other issues.

Breed Stats and Characteristics:

  • Purity: Purebred
  • Size: Large
  • Coat Color: Pure White
  • Lifespan: 10 to 13 years
  • Recognition: AKC
  • Price: $800 and $2500

Blue and Rust

Even though there is blue in the name, A Blue and Rust Doberman can have gray coats and sometimes can even look silver in certain light conditions leaving many individuals confused whether it is a gray or silver Doberman. 

This color type is called a Gray Doberman in some instances too. 

You might already know how these Blue colors come to life, these Blue and Rust Dobermans have the genes of a Black and Rust Doberman, and when that Black washes out, the blue/gray color appears.

blue and rust doberman puppy lying on the sofa

Talking about the appearance, a Blue and Rust Doberman have this same shade of red rust markings as a Black Doberman; the red points are of lower contrast, though, making the coat look lighter. However, the shades are the same.

Apart from appearance, temperament, health issues are all mostly the same as a Black and Rust Doberman. 

That said, Blue and Rust Dobermans are an AKC standard while making up just 8% to 15% of all Dobermans.

Breed Stats and Characteristics:

  • Purity: Purebred
  • Size: Large
  • Coat Color: Blue and Rust, Sometimes Gray
  • Lifespan: 10 to 12 years
  • Recognition: AKC (Standardized)
  • Price: $1500 and $2500


While Red and Rust Dobermans are quite common, the Solid Red Doberman(Melanistic Dobermans) is quite a rare sight. Even though called Red Dobermans, they have a solid brown coat and are sometimes called Chocolate Dobermans or Brown Dobermans. 

A Red Doberman is a result of two Red Dobermans or a Black Doberman and a Red Doberman which has a recessive Red gene.

The chances of getting a Red Doberman, even if everything is on track, is slim, and that’s the reason these Red Dobermans are so rare, rare to the point where getting an image of the breed is a nightmare. 

However, that does not mean they do not exist. 

Red Dobermans do exist, and they’re a little different from other Dobies; these tend to be more playful and are known to be territorial. 

Now that’s out of the way; these are not ethical to breed and are prone to health conditions similar to other melanistic dobermans. Red Dobies are highly in danger of skin diseases and need skin care from the get-go.

Plus, Red Dobermans are not recognized nor even a standard by AKC or EKC.

Breed Stats and Characteristics:

  • Purity: Purebred
  • Size: Large
  • Coat Color: Brown/Rust
  • Lifespan: 10 to 12 years
  • Recognition: N/A
  • Price: $700 and $2500

Pure Black

A Pure Black Doberman is not your typical Black and Rust Doberman; these are much rarer and are another one of the Melanistic Dobermans, just like the Red Dobermans. 

There are little to no rusk markings here; it’s just solid black. A Black Doberman can even be hard to see at times; they are that black.

When it comes to breeding, Black Dobermans can be bred by the K-dominant black gene; there’s no way other than that. 

Black Dobies are not considered a true color by AKC, though, and for that reason, they are not part of the “breed standard.”

black doberman dog  sitting on the floor

Another reason these Dobermans aren’t considered a standard is that they are also prone to health conditions just as much as their Albino siblings. 

Also, many experts don’t recommend purchasing a Black Dobie due to the temperamental issue.

That said, another problem with Pure Black Dobermans is, sadly, the increased risk of them getting hit by vehicles at night. It’s important to attach a light or get a collar with night light when walking a Black Doberman later in the day.

Breed Stats and Characteristics:

  • Purity: Purebred
  • Size: Large
  • Coat Color: Dark Black
  • Lifespan: 10 to 12 years
  • Recognition: N/A
  • Price: $1500 and $2500

Common Doberman Colors

Above are all of the Dobermans that are almost impossible to come across. However, not all Dobermans are rare; there are some, two to be exact, that are common. Below are both of them.

Black and Rust

This is the most common Doberman color, also called the Black and Tan Doberman, these are available almost everywhere. 

With their sleek, shiny coats, they are known for their beauty and have appeared in a variety of TV shows and movies. 

That said, temperament-wise, the Black and Rust Doberman is just as good as some of its rare counterparts. It’s loyal and a great family pet.

However, according to some experts, the same cannot be said for all the Black and Rust Dobermans; some can be the complete opposite.

black and rust doberman sitting on the road

 A Black and Rust Doberman is generally a healthy dog, but too much exposure to direct sunlight can lead to overheating. That is due to the coat being primarily black; it absorbs the sun’s rays more compared to most other colors, especially lighter ones. 

Both AKC and UKC (United Kennel Club) accept the Black and Rust Doberman along with the one which we are going to look up next, the Red & Rust Doberman.

Breed Stats and Characteristics:

  • Purity: Purebred
  • Size: Large
  • Coat Color: Blue and Rust, Black and Tan, Black and Brown, Black
  • Lifespan: 10 to 12 years
  • Recognition: AKC and UKC
  • Price: $1500 and $3500

Red and Rust

Red and Rust Dobermans, even though they aren’t the same regarding availability, are still available and more than most other colors. 

The slight lack of availability is because of the genes; the black is more dominant over the red.

With that in mind, breeding that takes between two Red and Rust Dobermans can produce a litter of Red and Rust puppies.

However, that can change if one of the Doberman is black and is not carrying a red gene; the outcome of this would be all black puppies.

red and rust doberman lying on the ground

Red and Rust Dobermans aren’t always red, though the coat color ranges from a dark chocolate-like tone to a light copper-like tone. Some can also have a light brownish-red coat. 

These Dobermans, health-wise, are equally good as other Dobbies. Plus are able to tolerate heat much better than the Black and Rust Dobermans. 

The only problem is the skin allergies, this is common among Dobermans, but the Red and Rust Dobermans are more prone to it; skin loss and acne while in the puppy stages are usual; also, expect these conditions during periods of stress too.

Genetic skin problem is also common. And short coated Red and Rust Dobermans are susceptible to muzzle folliculitis; however, this is no big issue since it can be treated easily. 

Just like the Solid Red Doberman, the Red and Rust Doberman is also reported to have a playful and less territorial temperament. This makes them excellent family dogs. 

Breed Stats and Characteristics:

  • Purity: Purebred
  • Size: Large
  • Coat Color: Red, Red and Brown, Red and Tan, Chocolate, Brown, and Tan
  • Lifespan: 10 to 12 years
  • Recognition: AKC and UKC
  • Price: $1500 and $3500

Doberman: Available Types

Doberman Pinscher sitting on the ground

Dobermans are not only available in different colors but also different variants, most don’t know this, but actually, there are two types of Dobermans. American Doberman and European Doberman are two of the variants available. 

We’ve looked at almost all the coat colors available for a Doberman; now it’s time to take a look at the two variants.

American Dobermans and European Doberman have a lot of differences; let’s start with appearance.

The European Doberman tends to be thicker and more muscular compared to an American Doberman, plus the European Doberman has richer colors in its fur.

In contrast, the American Doberman has a more washed-out look. Apart from that, they are almost the same. 

Size is the next thing that differentiates the two. European Dobermans grow a tad taller and larger than the American Dobbies. Going by the numbers, American Dobermans are 24 to 28 inches tall; European Dobies, on the other hand, are slightly taller at 25 to 29 inches. 

When it comes to weight, there’s a five-pound difference between the both, with the Doberman from Europe taking the top spot once again with 65 to 105 pounds on average.

Behavior between both the breeds are different too. The American Doberman is more of a family type of dog, loyal and exceptional when it comes to companionship and protection. 

A European Dobie is a working dog, strong and powerful, but that does not mean they’re not suitable for families; they make excellent family pets. Likewise, the American Dobies make amazing working dogs. 

Apart from these, there are no real differences between the two variants of the Doberman. With a well-balanced diet, exercise, and training, both can live without any problems for 10 to 12 years.

Which Doberman Color is Right for You?

Doberman dogs lying on the ground

All nine Dobermans we’ve looked at are great family pets; no matter which one you go with, it will all be your best canine companion for years to come. 

But out of all, if I had to pick one, it would be the Black and Rust Dobie. Mainly because of their availability, these dogs are much easier to find than any other dogs on this list and are healthier overall. Also, this is most popular among all the Dobermans. 

Red and Rust would be a good choice too.

There’s nothing wrong with going with a different color if you’re able to get hold of one, but make sure it’s from a reputable breeder; inbreeding is much more common with these when compared to the most common colors. 

Related article:


The Blue Doberman is generally considered to be the rarest color of Doberman. However, opinions may vary.

The most popular Doberman color is Black and Rust.

Dobermans can make excellent family pets if they have been properly trained and socialized. They are loyal, intelligent, protective, and affectionate, but like any breed, they may not be suitable for all families. It is important to research and understand the breed’s needs and personality before bringing a Doberman into the family.

The average lifespan of a Doberman is 10 to 12 years.

The Doberman Pinscher Club (DPCA) is a member of the American Kennel Club, dedicated to upholding the breed standards and promoting the welfare of the Doberman Pinscher breed. It is the only Doberman Club in the United States, working to improve the quality of Doberman Pinschers through selective breeding and refining their physical and mental characteristics.

No, the Warlock Doberman is not real; it’s basically a gimmick used to sell Doberman puppies.

Final Thoughts

That’s all of the unique Doberman colors available; all of them are primarily different only in colors; apart from that, they’re all the same. Different colors of Dobermans come into existence with inbreeding which has many downsides; health conditions tops that list.

That being the case, not many are even recognized by major canine organizations. 

Putting all that aside, if you manage to get your hands on one of the rarest Dobies, you’ll not regret that one bit. They’ll be for sure one of a kind, extraordinarily loyal, and most importantly, a loving canine companion. 

By the way, if you already own one of these rare companions, why not share some pictures?

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Laura Vinzy
Laura Vinzy is one of our contributors. She is also a certified professional dog trainer & currently lives in San Francisco with her husband and her two rescue dogs.

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