Shock Collar Training for Barking: How to Use it Properly?

Last Updated on February, 2025

Over the last few years, e-collars have become must-use equipment for dog owners. Having a barking dog might take a toll on the neighbors. 

Dog bark and finding a solution for it is a never-ending story. E-collars, by far, are one of the most needed training tools used by dog owners to control the barking of a dog. A person who uses it wisely will reap all sorts of benefits.

Dog owners consider training and reach out to an electronic collar to stop excessive barking. Are e-collars effective and successful? Read this article on “shock collar training for barking” to find the answer.

Quick Summary

E-collars are a commonly used tool for controlling a dog’s barking behavior.

Understanding why the dog is barking and using positive reinforcement techniques alongside e-collar training is important for successful results.

Bark collars, which automatically emit a shock, can be effective but may cause pain and restrict a dog’s ability to vocalize.

How Does a Shock Collar Work?

a Puppy looking up and barking

A shock collar is a training device fitted around a dog’s neck. It gives an electric shock to get the appropriate behavior from your dog.

The name shock collars also refer to remote training collars; the collar responds according to the power used by the owner. The dog feels threatened if you don’t use it properly and give a higher stimulation power too often.

The remote makes it easier for the owner to control the dog. Sometimes, when the dog barks or misbehaves, it is a button away from correction.

Methods to Stop Barking Using a Shock Collar

Dogs regularly don’t find it hard to wear a shock collar, primarily if they are used to wearing a dog collar. Given below are some methods to control barking.

  • Choose the intensity level.
  • Put the dog in a position that’ll make him bark.
  • When it barks, press the stimulation button and tell it to be silent.
  • Repeat this a few times to get the desired result.

Using a shock collar effectively is a quality of a good dog trainer. There are adjustable levels. Start with the lowest intensity possible. Dog’s get easily distracted; try to get the dog’s attention by triggering the collar when teaching.

One can use it as a tool for positive reinforcement training. Start to teach commands that your dog already knows, and introduce new stuff afterward. When the dog follows the order, give it a positive reward. You can provide a food treat or take it for a walk as a reward. 

Barking behavior is natural for a dog. Owners use collars for the dog to stop barking. Giving the static shock would be advisable if the barking continues.

Check out our articles on the 10 best shock collars for large dogs or the best shock collar for small dogs, if you are looking for a collar to train your dog.

Does E-collar Training Control Dog Barking?

a puppy standing on the grass ground and barking

E-collar can make a significant impact on the training. It helps the dog to understand that barking all the time isn’t good. By using it wisely, the dog will improve its behavior.

When your dog barks constantly or without reason, an e-collar is a go-to option. However, you should know why the dog barks before using the collar.

Dogs learn quickly; the barking behavior is a sign of expressing something. If the dog barks for extended periods even after the collar training, consult a vet and ask for suggestions.

Are Bark Collars a Good Choice?

A bark collar only detects a dog’s bark; it connects to the dog’s vocal cords. It gives a shock automatically when it detects the dog barking. Bark collars work without a remote.

A bark collar would be a good choice only when the owner is not at home for a short period. It’ll make the dog stop barking. You might sometimes witness this when the neighbor’s dog is not barking and is alone.

The barking sound will eventually reduce when using a bark collar, but it doesn’t let the dog express vocally.

However, leaving it for a long time unattended might cause pain for the dog. Dogs don’t like to be quiet; they might mentally get affected if they cannot bark. 

If this information is not enough, check out our guide on the differences between bark collar & shock collar here!

Why Choose a Shock Collar Over a Bark Collar?

Aggressive dog Barking

Shock collars (e-collars) come with a remote, and the owner can control their intensity. The owner can use it from a distance. Bark collars don’t come with a remote. The owner has no control over what the collar emits.

An e-collar can be used as training equipment, whereas a bark collar can only correct dogs’ bark. Sometimes, the bark collar might give a painful shock when only a throat vibration is needed.

Most owners prefer e-collar training to stop excessive barking. However, some owners use bark dog collars for convenience, which isn’t advisable.

The remote training collar is flexible as it can correct most dog behaviors, while bark collars only help the dog stop barking.

If you’re looking for a device that is made to stop only barking, bark collars are good to go. Checkout the best bark collar on the market right now.

Also read: Shock collar training for dog’s that runs away

Precautionary Practices

It is easy to gain access to all collars and even easier to buy online, but some things need to be done before going for an e-collar.

Give a positive mark or reward to train your dog. A dog repeats its behavior to get what it wants. Positive reinforcement dog training rewards your dog for the behaviors you expect from your dog.

Show your dog that too many barks aren’t encouraged. The dog will understand what to do and act accordingly by doing this. Afterward, introducing a collar would make the process easy. The dog will also have to strain lesser.

Using clicker training might be handy; a clicker is a device that helps to mark a moment. It gives out a sound and indicates rewards to the dog. A whistle can substitute it or anything that shows the dog is doing the right thing.

The video below shows the basic introduction of starting the clicker training. 

The clicker training works for most dogs. It also helps the dog to understand what to do. Whenever it barks, stop rewarding the dog, and through this process, the dog will learn not to bark unnecessarily. (1)

Ensure that the dog understands basic commands. If it is hard for a dog to communicate with you, using an e-collar to interact might be a terrible idea.


Closing Thoughts

Many dogs communicate by barking. It is in a dog’s nature to bark, and excessive barking can make a quiet place an unpleasant space to stay. Teach it to bark only when it is required.

An e-collar might be a great tool to control dog barking and get the dog’s attention. It also helps to modify other behaviors of the dog. However, using it in moderation is advisable.

To reduce the stress of your pet caused by using collars, try to talk it for a walk and give it time off the collar.

Dogs also go through stress and anxiety-like other animals. Going for an e-collar is not the only option; consulting a vet now and then to take their opinions is highly encouraged.



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Thomas Villalpando
Thomas Villalpando is the main author of Dogs Academy. He spends his time reading, training, and working with several Dogs' behaviors. He has been featured in MSN, Yahoo Finance, The Sun, Entrepreneur & More. You can find more about him here.

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