SpiritDog Training Review (2025 Upd.) A Legit Program?

Last Updated on February, 2025

Imagine if you could train your dog at your home, at your own pace, with the best trainers.

This is what Spirit dog training methods promise you.

Several online reviews yell out, “Yes! It’s the best”. But is it, though? Before you buy Spiritdog training, I recommend you read this review to the end.

But, wait, why trust me?

 Overall: 4.9/5
SpiritDog Dog Training
Program Effectiveness
Brand Reputation
  • Mobile-friendly courses
  • Different categories of training courses
  • Signing up gives you lifetime access
  • Positive methods with step-by-step instructions
Brand Information
  • The creator and main trainer of SpiritDog Training is Steffi Trott
  • Established program since 2013
Product Benefits
  • Easily understandable instructions, versatility, and convenience
  • Affordable Courses
  • High-quality training catered to solve a range of issues
  • 100% money-back guarantee on all bundle purchases

Why Trust Me?

It’s because I actually trained by dog, Daisy, with SpiritDog.

On top of that, I went through hundreds of user reviews in TrustPilot, Google, and even on Facebook – and I’ve attached some proof, too.

This article also contains EVERYTHING you should know, from bundles to prices and how it really works, from basic obedience training to advanced leash training and more.

So, without further ado, let’s start.

SpiritDog Online Dog Training Courses: Best Bundles

Spiritdog training website homepage after logged in

1. Tackling Reactivity Bundle

With this course:

  • Your dog will be calm with other dogs
  • You don’t have to stop them from lunging at people
  • Your dog won’t struggle with the leash

The full reactive behavior fixing timeline would take a long time to explain, so I’ll pinpoint some key points,

Day #1 is dedicated to calming your dog down with sniffing, and day #3 is about successfully managing triggers and preventing further reactivity.

Day #7 focuses on keeping the dog under his threshold around triggers. Day #25 will train the dog to stay calm with triggers close by.

In the tackling reactivity bundle, you also get 8 mini-courses worth $564 for FREE.

All of these come with a risk-free 60-day money-back guarantee for only $49. Below is the full course breakdown with lifetime access.

Tackling Reactivity Online Course Content and Pricing

2. Ultimate Puppy Bundle

With just 10 minutes daily, this Spiritdog training course allows you to raise puppies without getting bitten. 

How do they do that daily?

  • Day #1: instant attention and focus from the puppy
  • Day #3: successful potty training and starting obedience
  • Day #7: Puppy no longer chews hands or furniture
  • Day #25: having learned 5-10 behaviors, the puppy can focus on you, even with distractions

This course also aims to establish correct puppy socialization with several behavioral aligning so that they don’t reach the correction stage.

The ultimate puppy bundle training courses also have 8 bonus training content too.

Price: $49

3. The Perfect Focus Bundle

Is your dog:

  • Distracted as soon as you go out?
  • More of an act-first-think-second kind?
  • Not responding well to recall?
  • Having trouble listening to your cues?

I’m sure you get the picture. Focus and obedience must be balanced, and this course aims for a well-focussed dog. There’s no wonder why it’s one of the top-selling courses.

This training process contains extensive training courses covering dog behavior in outdoors, in public, and more.

The Perfect Focus Bundle

Price: $99.

4. Rescue Dog Bundle

Even rescue dogs need help reaching their best potential. SpiritDog is expert enough to do even that.

This training course happens under 4 main steps:

  • Establish obedience foundations.
  • Address reactivity and stress responses.
  • Resolve resource guarding issues.
  • Take your companion everywhere.
One of the Step from Rescue Dog Bundle

That’s not all. This bundle has eight bonus mini-courses valued at over $250 for FREE.

Bonus 8 Mini Courses offered in the Rescue Dog Bundle
Bonus 8 Mini Courses offered in the Rescue Dog Bundle

Wait, there’s even more. You also get access to the SpiritDog community. Additionally, you’re also eligible for free weekly Q&A Zoom calls with SpiritDog trainers, and this is the ONLY course with this facility.

5. Recall Expert Bundle

SpiritDog’s reasoning as to why dogs don’t ACTUALLY comply with recalling: you’ll be, too. 

They recommend this training program for puppies, rescue dogs, and dogs that generally struggle with recalling. 

SpritDog delivers the Recall Expert course across 4 strategic steps:

  • Step 1: understand distractions.
  • Step 2: Establishing recall foundations.
  • Step 3: Advance the challenges incrementally.
  • Step 4: Maintaining mastery.
One of the crucial step from Recall Expert Bundle

This bundle also comes with training-polishing-oriented free training courses. See here.

Price: $99.

6. Loose Leash Walking Bundle

We all have experienced horrifying leash pulling at least once; it shouldn’t repeat. This course aims to fix that.

Upon successful completion, you’ll be able to:

  • Teach your dog how to stay by your side
  • Build up a solid positive reinforcement history for not leash-pulling
  • Make your dog responsible for maintaining the heeling position
  • Watch different dogs train in many settings
  • Have FUN during training

SpiritDog does this across 18 lessons that slowly increase the training intensity.

Here’s everything you get with the Loose Leash Walking bundle:

Bonus Courses offered in the Recall Expert Bundle

You also get an exclusive book.

Price: $59

7. The SpiritDog Masterclass Bundle

This is what I got.

The SpiritDog Masterclass Bundle is one of the most popular courses that covers EVERYTHING and makes your dog an obedient expert from puppyhood to seniorhood.

Some key skills this bundle teaches your dog are public manners, crate training, potty training, leash walking, obedience to commands, and polite greetings.

You get 19 courses in this bundle with 16 bonus courses.

Price: $499

SpiritDog Dog Training
SpiritDog Training

SpiritDog Online Dog Training Courses: Best Single courses

spiritdog single training courses

1. Canine Fitness Course (65 lessons)

Fitness is important not only for humans but also for dogs. This is the foundation for this remarkable course. Canine fitness instructor Kim Fuqua helps you get your dog in great shape and achieve weight goals while preventing injuries.

They do it by increasing limb and core strength while increasing the range of motion. As they focus on flexibility and balance, it stimulates your dog’s brain. 

Here’s the course curriculum:

Canine Fitness Course Curriculum

Just to give you an idea, here’s how the user interface looks.

User interface of Canine Fitness Course

Remember that you get all of this for just $149 with unlimited access.

This is included in bundles:

  • Ultimate Masterclass $499
  • Games Unlimited $349
  • Home Games $199

Course price: $149

2. Dog Agility @ Home Course (103 lessons)

Agility at home is more fun than most assume, and this course is bespoke for that.

Some of the critical areas are jumping with a handler, DIY PVC jump, line of jumps, and even tunnel intro. The best thing is that you get personalized feedback from SpiritDog trainers. 

Doing it would give you several benefits, including better cognition and physical strength to your dog.

Here’s the full course breakdown:

course breakdown of Dog Agility @ Home Course

The course is included in bundles:

  • Ultimate Masterclass $499
  • Games Unlimited $349

Course price: $69

3. SpiritDog Parkour Course (36 lessons)

This course gives detailed instructions on teaching parkour moves with modification ideas for puppies, seniors, and athletic dogs. It’s more effective since you can download course maps, with video demonstrations for everything.

Why do all this?

Well, it lets you skyrocket your dog’s focus and attention while strengthening your bond and giving your dog a sense of being part of a team. You also get personalized SpiritDog dog trainer feedback.

This course has two parts:

  • Part 1 Explains the individual dog’s behavior types
  • Part 2 contains course maps and demonstrations 

Here’s the course curriculum:

Course breakdown of SpiritDog Parkour Course

This is included in bundles:

  • Ultimate Masterclass $499
  • Games Unlimited $349
  • Home Games $199

Course price: $59

4. Basic Obedience Course (42 lessons)

Basic obedience doesn’t have to be boring when it takes 10 minutes daily.

Across 10-course curriculum sections, SpiritDog aims to elevate your dog’s obedience levels to:

  • Teach basic manners quickly and efficiently
  • Understand “why” dogs misbehave and how to change it
  • Discover the power of positive reinforcement techniques for good dog behavior
  • Watchdogs of different breeds work in a variety of places
  • Make lasting changes in your dog’s behavior

I love how we get permanent access to fear-free training with personalized feedback from their knowledgeable trainers.

Here’s the course curriculum for Basic Obedience:

course curriculum for Basic Obedience

This is included in bundles:

  • Ultimate Masterclass $499
  • Perfect Obedience $49

Course price: $115

5. Calm Down Course (24 lessons)

This course allows you to understand WHY your dog is so hyperactive. That enables you to discover how to calm them down in daily life. This is achieved by impulse control around food and toys. 

The Calm Down course is advanced enough to calm your dog so much that they’ll solve food puzzles and brain games.

You get the following benefits as with all single courses:

benefits of single courses

Here’s the course curriculum:

Calm Down Course Curriculum

This course is included in bundles:

  • Ultimate Masterclass $499
  • Perfect Focus $99
  • Fantastic Focus $99

Course price: $49

6. Just Listen Course (51 lessons)

This course is about more than just training your dogs to listen attentively around distractions: food, toys, and other places inside and near your house.

The course aims to do it by:

  • Teaching instant responses to commands under distractions 
  • Teaching you essential rules of listening with first cues
  • Teaching your dog how to stop making unnecessary mistakes
  • And much more!

Each course has a designated trainer; for this one, it’s Steffi Trott, the head trainer at SpiritDog.

This is the full course curriculum:

Just Listen Course Curriculum

This course is included in the bundle:

  • Listening Bundle

Course price: $149

7. Frisbee Games Course (17 lessons)

It’s hard to find dogs that don’t like fetching; this course is to elevate it with frisbees.

With this course, you’ll be able to:

  • Throw the disc efficiently and far
  • Get your dog to catch the disc in the air
  • Learn set-up moves for throws
  • Teach your dog a wide variety of frisbee tricks
  • Build a frisbee routine from everything you learned

As with many other courses, you can always ask questions from SpiritDog for personalized feedback.

This is the course curriculum:

Frisbee Games Course Curriculum

This is included in bundles:

  • Ultimate Masterclass $499
  • Games Unlimited $349

The course price: $29

Their single course catalog updates occasionally, but the above are the best-rated ones.

What SpiritDog Training Customers Say? Verified Reviews

I prefer starting with independent and verified reviewing platforms, such as Trustpilot, Google, and Facebook, and then going on-site.

I was surprised to see that there were NO 3-star reviews; it was 90%+ 5 stars and the rest 4 stars. Here’s what SpiritDog customers are saying.

SpiritDog training is excellent. My dogs, Finn & Fletch have responded well to all the gentle, easy to understand & follow, training steps. All the responses to my questions have been most kind, courteous & patient. SpiritDog has convinced me that they have my dogs’ best interest as their goal for the reactive dog course.

Donna’s experience sheds light on two important values of SpiritDog: customer service and high-quality training materials.

This course is great. It provides a framework when attempting to turn a sweet energetic puppy into a good citizen. All training is positive and reward based. Steffi takes a different approach to attacking issues that I really liked, for instance how to keep your dog from jumping up and how to keep them from tugging on a walk, both very simple yet ingenious approaches. I would highly recommend especially if you are feeling overwhelmed and are not sure where to start or what approach to take.

Simple yet ingenious is another way to introduce these courses. I agree with Sarah on Steffi’s multiple approaches. This lets you understand what works best with your dog without having to force it.

My dog had trouble focusing and reacted negatively to other people in public and in my home. Thanks to these courses, she’s learned to focus on me, and is overcoming her fears of people. The courses offer simple, easy to follow, step by step instructions that made training so easy to implement. Working with a reactive dog is a process, but it was so wonderful to have such positive, helpful support as I worked to tranform my dog’s behavior through postive reinforcement. Thank you!

My dog, Daisy, was also a reactive dog, and I can relate to Janci 100% – the support and the quality of the materials go a long way.

Let’s look at Facebook now.

Robin’s experience is pretty insightful as it highlights the importance of video instructions. Most dog training schools are fixated on pages and pages of writing, and the best they can do is a few pages – that hardly works.

You do it right, and you’ll be able to see improvements almost immediately, just like Robin.

With that being complete, let’s talk about my experience.

My Experience With Spiritdog

Like I said at the beginning, I was struggling with Daisy for many reasons: reactivity, disobedience, laziness, and even social anxiety. I wanted to get individual courses but realized that the ultimate masterclass bundle is a long-term investment.

That way, I don’t have to accumulate expenses in buying courses, and it’s a confidence booster course for ME.

For me, the most beneficial factors in terms of content are:

  • Training techniques and instructions are clear and to the point
  • Easier to understand with video instructions
  • Covers training from puppyhood across adolescent to senior
  • Multiple pinpointed skills, including public manners, leash walking, and reactivity
  • Scientific-based approach (Positive reinforcement training)
  • Course content is designed based on pain point resolution

While the content quality is sky-high, I also love SpiritDog training’s overall course structure.

Some of the most beneficial factors in those terms for me were:

  • Age-wise breakdown of single courses within the bundle(s)
  • A clear description of what each course does
  • Can train multiple dogs
  • Fully mobile-friendly courses
  • All it takes is 10 mins a day
  • Dozens of printable PDFs
  • Ability to take quizzes to test my progress
  • Ability to listen to audio segments
  • Affordable pricing
  • Ask any SpiritDog dog trainer for personalized feedback
  • And so on.

For many dog parents and me, SpiritDog online training is very fun, and I wholeheartedly believe that the entertainment keeps everything together. Not only does it keep the dog interested, it helps you bond better with the dog.

I never wanted to use their 60-day money-back guarantee. In parallel, it almost sounds too good to be when you get lifetime access. 

Considering everything, I’d recommend SpiritDog training for anyone.

SpiritDog Dog Training
SpiritDog Training

What Makes Spiritdog Better Than Most Online Dog Training Schools?

Most training schools, compared to SpiritDog:

  • Don’t have remotely close strong course catalog
  • Aren’t established enough to provide personalized feedback
  • Lack of company-managed online communities
  • Don’t have highly user-friendly interfaces that don’t irritate us
  • Cannot provide a fine-print-free 60-day money-back guarantee
  • Give only limited-time access to the training content
  • Lack of instructional training videos

Since SpiritDog closes these gaps amazingly, making Spirit Dog Training the best.

Who is Spiritdog Training is Best for?

Although Spiritdog training is obviously for dog owners, let’s see what dog owners can benefit the most:

  • Any newbie dog owner
  • Dog parents who want to train at their own pace
  • Dog parents whose dogs have specific behavioral issues
  • New puppy owners on your way back with your brand new puppy
  • Dog owners who don’t want to spend money unnecessarily on dog training
  • Anyone who prefers remote training like most other dog owners

However, Spiritdog training courses are for just about any dog owner; online Spiritdog training reviews are the most substantial evidence for that.

Pros and Cons of Taking Online Dog Training Courses


Online courses are very affordable
Online courses are a confidence booster for dog parents
You can listen to trainers explain concepts as many times as you like
Ability to take training sessions when YOU’RE available
Most online training schools are led by a recognized professional dog trainer
Get personalized feedback from personal trainers
You can buy an individual online course if you prefer
Online classes can help your dog’s separation anxiety
You can know all the details of any online program better than a physical one
The typical online training course takes less than 20-30 minutes daily


Lacks real-time feedback

Other online training programs we’ve reviewed:


Online dog training has become super effective as technology has advanced in the past decade; Spiritdog training can be concluded to be the best in the game.

It’s because of the expert-backed content quality, personalized feedback, the variety of courses, and the best reason: affordability.

So, investing in Spiritdog training is highly recommendable. 

I hope this review was helpful, and feel free to share it with your friends.


Yes, Spirit Dog Training is worth it as it offers a range of cost-effective and enjoyable courses.

No, Spirit Dog Training is not subscription-based. Customers get lifetime access to each course or bundle they purchase.

Yes, the Spiritdog Masterclass Ultimate Bundle is worth it, as it provides lifetime access to all the comprehensive resources offered, making it an excellent long-term investment for dog owners.

SpiritDog Training
Spirit Dog Training logo



Overall Score


Convenient, mobile-friendly training classes so that you can train on the go.
Offers positive reinforcement-based training
Convenient, mobile-friendly training classes so that you can train on the go.
The community aspect allows you to engage with other dog owners and learn about the problems and progress of other dogs.
60-day money back guarantee
Get the BEST PRICE valid until the end of February
It can be a tad overwhelming due to the sheer amount of courses.

Was this article helpful?

Sara Luise
Sara Luise is based in LA. She is a firm believer that the key to a long, healthy life for our pets is working with nature, not against it. Curretly she has Labrador Retriever dog breed called Daisy.

5 thoughts on “SpiritDog Training Review (2025 Upd.) A Legit Program?”

  1. Can you work at your own pace through the courses? Are they videos you watch when you ‘re able to or are the courses at set times? Also if videos, can you rewatch them if you need to?

    • Hey Allen, With Spirit Dog Training, you have the flexibility to learn at your own pace. The courses are accessible anytime, anywhere, allowing you to watch the videos whenever it suits you. There are no restrictions on how many times you can rewatch the videos. So, whether you need a refresher or want to dive deeper into a topic, you have the freedom to do so. Convenient, flexible, and tailored to your schedule.

  2. I enrolled in the course for my senior dogs who tend to be reactive, and I must say, we’re making great progress! The sniffing exercises have been a game-changer in helping them stay calm.

  3. I recently purchased the reactive training bundle, and I must say, I’m impressed. The training methods explained in the bundle are fantastic. What sets them apart is the clear explanation of ‘why’ behind each method. Understanding the reasoning behind the training approach is crucial for me, and this bundle delivers on that front.


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