Last Updated on February, 2025
Imagine taking an evening stroll with your dog. Suddenly, your dog pulls the leash and creates chaos in the middle of the road. It would be frustrating.
So what’s the solution? Training your dog to walk on a leash.
Leash training not only helps to take a pleasant walk with your dog, but it’s also an essential part of building a solid bond between you and your furry companion.
Leash training doesn’t come naturally to most dogs. You must train them.
This article explores leash training, including the training methods, supplies, and troubleshooting tips.
Let’s dive in.
Quick Summary
Leash training is important for the dog-owner relationship, preventing aggression and injuries, and complying with local laws.
Proper leash training involves holding the leash in one hand, rewarding the dog with treats, and gradually introducing distractions and environments.
The progress of leash training can vary depending on the age of the dog, with younger dogs typically responding quicker. Consistency and patience are key in successfully leash training a dog.
Table of Contents
Dog Leash Training: Step By Step Guide
Here is a step-by-step guide to leash training your pooch. Follow these steps and you’ll be able to train your puppy in no time.
Introducing the Collar/ Harness
The first step of leash training your dog is introducing your pup to the harness/collar.
Let your pup wear the collar/harness while playing at home for short periods. Give him treats while playing with the collar on. You must divert your dog’s attention somewhere else other than the collar.
Some dogs will wear the harness quickly, and some won’t. If your dog is not wearing the harness, lure it to put its head through the neck hole by giving it a treat. Do the same while the harness goes on and then when you clip the harness.
Once your dog gets comfortable with the collar/harness, attach the leash and let him get acquainted with it.
Ensure your dog loves the collar and leash time, as it represents food and fun.
Usually, dogs have short attention spans. So keep the training sessions short at the beginning.
Suppose wearing a collar/harness has become second nature to your dog. Then, your dog is ready to practice leash walking.
There are two most common dog leash training techniques; loose leash walking and heel training.
We’ll discuss each one in detail. Keep reading.
Loose Leash Walk Training
In loose leash walk training, you teach your dog to walk within the length of the leash; your dog should not pull forward or backward, but he has the freedom to sniff and explore while walking.
Tip: Start the lessons inside your house, in a quiet place. It’s easy to train your dog in a confined space without distractions, so your pup won’t get excited.
Let’s start.
Start training off-leash:
At first, practice in a distraction-free area, and eventually move to outdoor walks.
Heel Training
In the heel training technique, you train your dog to walk at your side, left or right always. The dog keeps up with your pace and stops walking when you stop.
Related article: How to Make Invisible Dog Leash?
Supplies Required for Leash Training
Before starting leash training, you must have the below supplies,
Leash: The leash must be 4-6 feet/1-2m long. Don’t use a retractable leash as they have a pulling effect that can confuse some dogs. The leash should feel comfortable in your hands, too.
Collar/ Harness: There are varieties of collars and harnesses available in the market.
A harness is a better option for dogs than collars because harnesses pose fewer health risks to your dog when compared to collars, here’s why:
While choosing a harness, pick one with a buckle collar, back fastener, and a head halter or a front clip harness.
Make sure it is snug-fitting so that your dog can step into it comfortably. Also, consider the dog’s breed, health conditions, and personality when choosing a harness.
Dog Treats: The positive reinforcement method is the best way to train your dog. In this method, you praise your dog with treats for good behavior. So, you must keep your pup’s favorite dog treats with you during the training.
GPS dog tracker: Untrained puppies can bolt at any moment. Having a GPS tracker can help you to track your dog in no time. A GPS dog tracker is not essential; it’s just an optional tool for the extra safety of your puppy.
Leash Training Troubleshooting
Leash training your pooch will be a challenging task. You may face some common behavioral issues, but you can overcome them if you know the right tricks.
Leash Pulling
Why is your dog pulling the leash?
Usually, pulling means go go go.
This means your dog is eager to walk, excited to go towards something that got his attention, such as a shrub or butterfly, or your pooch wants to return home quickly.
What will you do if your dog starts pulling on the leash?
If your dog pulls on the leash, you must stop walking immediately. Stand still with the leash close to your body.
Wait for your dog to calm down. It might take time, but eventually, its antics will subside.
Once your puppy settles and lies or sits down, give it a treat. Then tell your dog, “Let’s go,” and walk forward. You can also reward it with longer walks.
Don’t try to yank your dog back to you while he is pulling the leash. It might injure your dog. Instead, you can try going in the opposite direction until he catches up.
If your dog continues pulling and it becomes hard to manage, you can use no-pull dog harnesses such as the front clip harnesses or head halters.
Harnesses reduce your dog’s tendency to pull on the leash as you walk. A Head Halter will turn to the sides when the dog pulls.
Products such as choke and pinch collars discourage pulling, but they can hurt your furry friend, especially if you misuse them. It’s better to avoid them at any cost. Still, if you want to use them, consult a professional trainer.
We have a list of recommended best dog collars for pulling on our website.
Excessive Barking
Dogs usually bark at outside stimuli, such as other dogs or passersby.
If your dog does this, redirect your dog’s attention by feeding him treats or using a cue word.
Make sure to give your dog enough physical exercise and mental stimulation. If not, your dog might be prone to barking.
So play with your new puppy, give him brain-stimulating toys, treat puzzles, and train new commands.
Most dogs lunge at outside stimuli such as other animals or passersby. If your dog lunges or chases something, stop walking and hold the leash steady.
Call your dog’s name, offer him a treat, and redirect his attention away from the particular stimuli.
Suppose you aren’t able to get his attention, and he continues lunging, then the only solution is to pull your dog away gently.
How can you do that?
Anchor your leash hand around your belly button. Begin walking in the opposite direction while holding the leash firmly at your abdomen to create a steady, gentle pressure on your dog.
Always stay alert when you take your dog on a walk. This way, you can spot your dog’s prey drive before your dog and take him away from such distractions.
Biting/ Playing With the Leash
If your dog is turning around to bite or play with the leash, never pull the leash away from your dog because when you pull back the leash, it becomes an awesome tug toy for your dog, and he’ll enjoy it more.
Instead, let the leash loose. Your dog won’t get the satisfying tug feeling with a loose leash. Hence, he’ll stop biting/playing with the leash.
Once your dog drops the leash, praise him. Give him a treat and start walking again.
You can also use two leashes if your dog has a habit of playing with the leash. This way, when your dog grabs a leash, you can let it drop to the ground while keeping a grip on the second one.
Benefits of Leash Training Your Dog
At What Age Should You Start Leash Training?
You can start leash training when your puppy is 4-6 weeks old. Puppies are fast learners, so it’s better to start teaching them at the earliest.
Don’t worry, though. Even if you have an older dog, you can still leash-train it, but it may take a little longer.
Final Dog Training Tips
Below are the characteristic features:
Are You Ready to Leash-Train Your Pup?
Leash walking is an important skill for dogs to learn. You will need a dog collar, leash, and dog treats.
Start the training indoors and then gradually move outdoors. Train your dog to walk on a loose leash and also to walk to heel. Use positive reinforcements and be patient.
Remember, each individual dog will have varying time frames to master their training.
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