27 Small Fluffy Dog Breeds That Look Like Little Teddies

Last Updated on February, 2025

Small and fluffy — doesn’t that sound like the perfect combination for a dog? It totally is.

That’s one reason why so many dog owners are seeking out small and fluffy dogs nowadays. But you wouldn’t want to get a fluffy dog and then come across a better fluffy dog breed.

That’s not fair to both you and the dog.

So, you’re doing the right thing by researching the best small fluffy dog breeds.

This reading covers 27 of the most recognized fluffy small breeds with details that help you decide.

All you need to do is read through and choose the fluffy dog breeds you love most.

Quick Summary

The first 10 one this Small Fluffy Dog Breeds list are Pomeranian, Morkie, Bichon Frise, Havanese, Coton De Tulear, Lhasa Apso, Toy Poodle, Pekingese, Yorkshire Terrier & Papillon. Read more below.

Consider the environment and family dynamic before choosing a small and fluffy dog breed.

Proper training and attention are needed for a fulfilling relationship with a small and fluffy dog.

27 Small Fluffy Dog Breeds 

1. Pomeranian

Inquisitive. Lively. Bold.

That’s how the American Kennel Club (AKC) identifies the Pomeranian. 

Regarding rankings, it’s not an exaggeration to say that Pomeranians belong to the top five small fluffy breeds. After all, they’re recognized therapy dogs.

Its long fluffy coat makes the dog look like walking clouds that make you hug them.

The long double coat is one fundamental factor that makes the Pomeranian so desirable.

Pomeranian standing on the ground

Pomeranians come in 24 accepted fluffy coat colors, whereas all the colors except 5 are standard colors.

AKC’s recommended grooming frequency recommendation is at least once a day. It’s essential not to be too forceful or use combs with narrow teeth, as that can hurt this fluffy dog.

Pomeranian is a fluffy dog breed that sheds significantly. It might not be extreme, but potential Pomeranian owners must know what they’re signing up for.


Any fluffy dog will shed more than the dog breeds that aren’t fluffy. Although that’s a given, you must know the expected extent of shedding.

Pomeranians are also identified to be ideal companion dogs too.

This fluffy dog is relatively small, standing at an average height of only 6-7 inches. The corresponding average weight is only 3-7 pounds. That’s why the Pomeranian is one of the well-known small fluffy dog breeds.

Pomeranians are very affectionate with families and work well with children who can distinguish toys from dogs. But since they have that small dog syndrome, training them from puppyhood is better.

Be not afraid! It’s easy to train them as the breed is intelligent and friendly.

2. Morkie

Morkie is a “designer breed” not registered at AKC as it’s not purebred. This fluffy dog is a result of the cross between a Yorkshire terrier (Yorkie) and a Maltese.

But their signature fluffy coat and compactness have made the breed one of the most popular small fluffy dog breeds.

This fluffy coat typically requires daily grooming, but daily brushing just might be enough.

This fluffy dog typically ends up 7-9 inches in height and has an average weight of 5-7 pounds.

Morkie lying on the bed

This ideal balance between average weight and height helps them be the dog they’re meant to be — sweet, playful, and affectionate.

Morkies make fantastic family dogs thanks to their ever-smiling personality and their relationship with their owners. But remember that they also possess a lot of energy. So, you need to be cautious when they play with little children.

You can find this fluffy dog breed in colors such as black, brown, white, and even gold. Despite their thick coat that is quite long and fluffy, Morkies are actually low-shedders. But daily grooming is recommended just to be on the safe side.

3. Bichon Frise

The Bichon Frise (pronounced bee-SHON free-ZAY) is believed to originate from the Mediterranean Sea all the way from the middle ages.

Back then, Bichon Frise dogs have been an icon of nobility amongst Italians.

Most importantly, they’re among the best fluffy small breeds in the world.

Bichon Frise dogs are recognized as family dogs that develop deep connections with all the family members. Their long and curly coat makes them look like the perfect soft toy.

Bichon Frise lying on the floor

The breed’s need to play around with young children is what makes the Bichons precious to families.

On the flip side, separation anxiety is common with the Bichon Frise breed.

Typically, an adult Bichon Frise should grow as tall as 9.5-11.5 inches while weighing 12-18 pounds. But one could argue that their long coat just might be taking up a significant portion of the weight. 

Daily grooming is necessary just because of the coat density. But the average Bichon Frise doesn’t shed that much. Low-shedding characteristic is present because shed hair is caught in the undercoat. That justifies their daily grooming requirements too.

Bichon Frise dogs make excellent companion and therapy dogs available in four AKC standard colors, and they will brighten up your life effortlessly.

4. Havanese

If Bichons aren’t clingy enough to you, the Havanese dog is the solution.

This fluffy dog is recognized for their undying bonding capacity with their owners.

While they have a separation anxiety risk, you’re least likely to ignore their cheerful presence.

Havanese grow as tall as 8.5-11.5 inches. Their average weight will be somewhere between 7-13 pounds. Because of that, the Havanese is an ideal lap dog too. 

These people-oriented fluffy dogs are very good with young children, just as much as they bond well with adult owners in the family.

Havanese lying on the table

Their fluffiness radiates love that the Havanese will always move well with other dog breeds.

That’s why most people get Havanese dogs as the center of attention, even when they have other dog breeds.

You can choose Havanese from 25 AKC standard colors ranging from black to white, including cream, blue, red, fawn, and even gold.

Havanese rarely shed as the shed hair will be caught in the undercoat. But even if that hair doesn’t fall to the ground, this fluffy dog is considered high maintenance. It’s not because of the expenses but mostly because they require a lot of grooming.

Remember to trim your Havanese dog’s coat at least once a month and brush them at least twice a week.

As a fun fact, Havanese is the national dog in Cuba.

5. Coton De Tulear

The Coton De Tulear (pronounced KO-Tone Dih TOO-Lay-ARE) has a cloud-like white coat. After all, the French called them Coton since this small fluffy dog was soft as cotton.

Tulear is an AKC-registered purebred that stands at 9-11 inches and belongs to the average weight range of 8-15 pounds.

Their lightweight compactness makes the Tulears ideal companion dogs that are small but robustly sturdy.

This fluffy dog breed is recognized to be the entertainer in the family space.

Coton De Tulear lying on the sofa

You can expect Tulears to bond with other dog breeds just as much as with young children. Their sheer need for affection makes this breed the ideal family dog.

Although Tulears almost always come with white coats, there can be rare occasions of black coats. However, that’s not a standard color, although accepted. 

Tulear owners don’t have to overly worry about how much the dogs shed as they shed very little. But you don’t want to let their coat become matted.

What’s the solution for this? Baths every 1 to 2 weeks with full brushing 2 to 3 times a week.

The bottom line is that Tulears belongs to the excellent small fluffy dog breeds that you might be looking for.

6. Lhasa Apso

The first feature you’ll notice of this thousand-year-old breed is its coat, its floor length, and drapes each side of the body while having a glorious appearance. 

That sure must have helped them serve as sentinels at isolated monasteries in the Himalayas.

Lhasa Apso (pronounced LAH-suh-AHP-so) is another small fluffy dog breed you’d like. They’re not aggressive but very noisy, especially at strange noises.

Unlike Havanese or Bichons, the Lhasa Apso dogs aren’t friendly with strangers. That makes them excellent alert dogs.

Lhasa Apso standing on the table

Their typical height is about 10-11 inches with a 12-18 pounds average weight range.

The coat of the average Lhasa Apso is unique, as mentioned earlier, and they come in 13 acceptable colors, giving you several color choices.

Regardless of the color you choose, the Lhasa Apso dogs need routine grooming. Brushing the coat about 2-3 times a week with baths every 1 to 2 weeks is recommendable for these small fluffy dogs. 

Be careful not to brush a dry coat as that can hurt them. The solution is to use a hydrating spray beforehand. But don’t worry, Lhasa Apso dogs don’t shed a lot.

This fluffy breed is recognized to be well balanced as extremely loyal and independent simultaneously. That makes them free of separation anxiety risk too.

7. Toy Poodle

The American Kennel Society summarizes Toy Poodles in three words: Intelligent, Agile, and Self-confident.

And they meet and exceed your expectations every time.

Standing at a height no more than 10 inches, these little bundles of joy weigh only 4-6 pounds. You could even carry one in a bag, and they’ll love being carried around like that.

You’re lucky as the Toy poodle comes in 27 AKC-acceptable coat colors.

Toy Poodle standing on the ground

The breed features a long yet curly coat. That curliness is what makes their coat relatively shed-free.

But it’s recommended to clip and groom their coats every 4 to 6 weeks. The curliness of the coat increases the chances of retaining dirt. That’s why Toy poodle owners should brush their dogs at least every other day.

Keeping them nicely brushed and groomed helps any Toy poodle to be themselves — eager to please, playful and lively. They’re incredibly suitable for families with young children, and there’s a big chance of a Toy poodle becoming your child’s best friend.

The cherry on top is how easy to train these Toy poodles as they are intelligent dogs.

8. Pekingese

If you have ever seen a Pekingese up close, you know how their long mane-like fluffy hair makes their face look so small.

Yet, all Pekingese dogs find a way to present themselves as playful and charming.

It’s not so difficult with their envelope-shaped muzzled head with large sparkly eyes.

Pekingese dogs typically stand at about 6-9 inches while weighing only up to 14 pounds. So, don’t worry about space usage in your household.

Their long double-coated fur comes in 14 colors giving prospective Pekingese owners a wide variety of options.

Pekingese standing on the ground

Similar to Lhasa Apso dogs, the Pekingese are very attentive and noisy. That’s why they make fantastic guard dogs. But you shouldn’t expect defense against intruders from the Pekingese.

While they’re pretty attentive, Pekingese are very playful as they bond amazingly with family members. 

Pekingese shed seasonally, and their dual coat requires a decent amount of once-a-week maintenance. An occasional bath will make them feel extremely comfortable. 

As a pro tip, remember to trim the fur above their eyes for unhindered vision. During the summer, or on hot days, clip their coat for increased comfort, eventually preventing skin complications.

9. Yorkshire Terrier

The AKC recognized the Yorkshire Terrier (Yorkie) as a breed in 1885. These majestic little fluffy dogs have dominated the market for hundreds of years. 

Standing at an average height of 7-8 inches, Yorkies have an average weight of 7 pounds. What about their coats?

The fluffiness is a result of their long and very soft coat. You won’t find typically thick and curly teddy-bear-like fur on the Yorkie.

But prospective dog owners have the chance to choose Yorkies in four dual colors.

Yorkshire Terrier standing on the sofa

Your Yorkshire Terrier will play around with your children, bonding with them effortlessly. They appear very approachable and full of affection. So, even if you don’t have little kids at home, Yorkies will connect with you.

The clingier the dog breed is, the higher the chances are for separation anxiety. The Yorkshire Terrier isn’t for you if you don’t want to bond with your pet.

Shedding frequency is as less as how humans would shed. But that doesn’t mean Yorkies don’t need constant maintenance. Their coat requires daily brushing, and biweekly baths are enough to maintain cleanliness.

Wondering what would be the cost of a Yorkie dog breed? Read our Yorkie cost article here.

10. Papillon

The history of Papillons goes all the way back to thirteenth-century Italy. Fast forward to the present, the Papillon is one top-rated small fluffy dog breed worldwide.

Their coats differ from the conventional small and fluffy dogs on this list. Papillons lack curliness as their coats are long and silky.

However, it’s the volume and the sense of silkiness that makes them so comfy.

Similar to Havanese dogs, the Papillons will be the only friend your children need at home.

Papillon standing on the ground

They play around with radiating happiness by default. On the flip side, they’re also very noisy, making them excellent alerting dogs.

The bottom line is that they fit in the family environment amazingly. 

But remember that it’s hard to keep Papillons in one place. They seek adventure, and their mind craves usage. That’s why it’s better to train them from puppyhood. When you do, be sure to choose reward-based programs. 


The AKC recognizes 15 acceptable colors, and only five are standardized. These colorful coats should be brushed at least once a week. Even if this breed is not known to shed that much, it’s better to keep their coats clean.

The average Papillon is about 8-11 inches in height and weighs about 5-10 pounds. That’s perfect for a little fluffy dog.

If you have a stubborn or untrained long-haired dog breed like this, you should really get a shock collar to train your 4 legged friend. Click here to check them out.

11. Bolognese 

Bolognese dogs tend to develop separation anxiety — technically, they are incredibly affectionate and clingy.

The typical Bolognese dog is about 10-12 inches in height while weighing 6-10 pounds. That’s not bad at all for long and flowing coats that make them look like walking clouds.

Lucky for you, Bolognese dogs are available only in white coats except for genetic mutations.

Bolognese dogs belong to the Bichon family but are a bit less affectionate towards young children.

Bolognese  standing in the garden

Their playfulness or activeness is also low in comparison. That’s why Bolognese dogs fit apartment-based families.

However, separation anxiety kicks in if they’re left alone for long periods.

These calm and faithful dogs require their coats to be brushed at least twice a week. Remember never to bathe your Bolognese dog without giving a thorough combing beforehand. If not, the coat will end up matting.

Bolognese coats are considered non-shedding, and that makes your life easy. They make fantastic companion dogs, and you can spend your rest days with your cloud-like Bolognese on your lap.

12. Long-Haired Chihuahua

Long-haired Chihuahuas might look different at first glance because regular Chihuahuas are borderline hairless. But it’s a totally different story with their long-haired versions.

Similar to Chihuahuas, long-haired Chihuahuas require a considerable amount of mental stimulation. It’s better to socialize them from puppyhood due to one primary reason.

Their smallness makes them very defensive. That’s why long-haired Chihuahuas might not be the best dog for families with little children.

Especially the children who can’t differentiate a dog from a toy.

Long-Haired Chihuahua sitting on the wooden bridge

Other than that, all long-haired Chihuahuas make loyal and wonderful family pets.

But similar to other Chihuahuas, most long-haired Chihuahua owners carry them everywhere simply due to their compactness. The average height is between 6-9 inches, with an average weight of 3-6 pounds. 

Long-haired Chihuahuas are typically loud, similar to chihuahuas, especially at strangers. Because of that, they make attentive guardians too. Although they like staying indoors, any long-haired Chihuahua would love an evening walk.

This fluffy dog is known to shed fairly low, but it’s essential to bathe them at least bimonthly. They should also be combed at least weekly — that’s how to maintain your Long-haired Chihuahua.

13. Dandie Dinmont Terrier

Independent. Proud. Smart.

That’s a neat way of outlining the ever-loving Dandie Dinmont Terrier. 

Their signature large head covered with silky white hair is the first physical hallmark you’re likely to observe.

The long and low torso with shorter limbs outlines the average Dandie Dinmont Terrier.

The Dandie Dinmont Terrier typically stands at 8-11 inches and weighs 18-24 pounds.

These dimensions and the medium-length double coat make them the perfect small fluffy dog.

Dandie Dinmont Terrier sitting on the snow

You won’t have to worry all too much about the authenticity of a Dandie Dinmont Terrier as they come in only two standard colors; mustard and pepper.

Although most terriers are not fluffy, this Scottish breed oozes a friendly attitude with their fluffiness. They’re very family-oriented dogs that your children will love. While the breed is known for its protective nature, the Dandie Dinmont Terrier is not so defensive of strangers.

The average Dandie Dinmont Terrier almost doesn’t shed. But it’s mindful of plucking the coat with thumb and forefinger, brushing daily, and stripping about every 6 months.

Most breeders recommend not bathing the Dandie Dinmont Terrier overly but using coat-protection conditioners if possible.

It’s relatively hard to find a high-quality Dandie Dinmont Terrier, and that rarity keeps their market value on a larger scale than most terriers.

14. Shih Tzu

The Shih Tzu is one special small fluffy dog with many versions such as miniature and teacup.

But Shih Tzu has a shared characteristic — fluffiness.

Shih Tzu dogs have been reliable companion dogs since ancient times, originating from Chinese and Tibetan backgrounds.

Their round face shape and the fur pattern around their mouth increase the uniqueness of this outgoing ball of fluffiness.

white Shih Tzu standing on the floor

Available in 19 acceptable coat colors, the average Shih Tzu will stand at around 9-10.5 inches with an average weight of 9-16 pounds. These dimensions and their long dual coat make them perfect lap dogs.

But that’s not all.

Shih Tzu dogs are identified to be extremely clingy to their owners. You’d soon find them spending much time with your children playing around. But don’t worry — they’re not hyperactive with a risk of barking at your kids.

The breed’s personality is so soft that prolonged times spent alone could result in separation anxiety. They are curious dogs who want to know what happens in your life.

Bathing your Shih Tzu every 3 weeks is adequate, while brushing their coat every 1 to 3 days is recommended. What’s convenient about having Shih Tzu dogs is that they shed minimally. It’s the double coats that prevent shedding, making the breed hypoallergenic.

15. West Highland Terrier

The West Highland Terrier is nicknamed Westies, and they are one of the smartest, most confident, and most entertaining small fluffy dog breeds to own.

They typically come with a dual coat that’s all-white fur. When you touch it, you’ll notice that its coat is moderately soft but not so easy to touch.

Their ever-wiggling carrot-shaped tail stands out, along with those dark eyes full of expression.

After all, the breed is recognized for its all-the-time happy attitude.

West Highland Terrier sitting on the stone

You can expect the average Westie to stand at around 10-11 inches while weighing 15-20 pounds. This compactness, combined with their cheerful attitude, makes the West Highland Terrier one of the great family pets. You’ll find them bonding with your children in no time.

This is only in white, except for genetic mutations. Beneath that plush-toy breed, the exterior is also a watchdog that is easy to train. They work better than laser alarm systems.

Grooming them isn’t a big deal, as the breed sheds little or no hair. But gently brushing that double coat carefully from time to time must be a priority. That’s how you get to maintain your Westie perfectly.

16. Mi-Ki

Mi-Ki (pronounced Mee-Kee) has somewhat of a similar appearance to the West Highland Terrier. But it’s a totally different breed that has no relationship to Westies.

But the only similarity is the rarity of Mi-Ki puppies in the market. These dogs typically grow up to about 11 inches while weighing about 10 pounds.

This compactness compliments their long silky single coat, making them beautiful fluffy balls.

Wouldn’t it be disappointing that these little dogs didn’t make great family pets? Not to worry about that, as Mi-Ki crave bonding with their owners.

Mi-Ki dog sitting on the floor

The breed is globally recognized as a companion dog just as much as their friendliness with children.

However, Mi-Ki dogs typically have small dog syndrome making them a tad bossy. So, it’s essential to train them stepwise. It’s also peace of mind that the Mi-Kis aren’t intimidated by other dogs, making them quite friendly.

It’s better to brush their coats 2-3 times per week, although bathing once in 2-3 months should suffice. After all, the breed is hypoallergenic and sheds extremely low, thanks to the fur they have instead of hair.

Mi-Ki is not an AKC registered breed as they are not purebred. This breed results from a combination of Papillon, Japanese Chin, and Maltese.

17. Norwich Terrier

Norwich Terriers are one of the smallest working terriers. But they’re also very affectionate family dogs. That’s why the AKC identifies the breed to be caring and alert dogs.

This stocky dog breed has distinct pointy ears, but it’s their short, wiry, and double coat that brings out their cuteness.

Who doesn’t like keeping such an adorable fluff ball on their lap? After all, Norwich Terriers bond exceptionally well with children and are very affectionate towards family members.

Norwich Terrier walking on the grass

You can find Norwich Terriers in four standard and acceptable colors. But remember that these are very playful dogs that run around everywhere. So, you should think twice about getting Norwich Terriers for apartments.

It’s recommendable to bathe your Norwich Terriers every 3 months. You should expect them to shed twice a year too. Finally, remember to brush their coats at least once a week.

Small dog syndrome is NOT so strong in Norwich Terriers, but it’s better to train them a little. That lets you keep this adorable and energetic dog and have fun safely.

18. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Spaniels are known to have long ears; Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is not an exception.

Their signature features are long fluffy ears with a wavy and silky medium-length coat. 

Their appearance is not intimidating at all with all the five AKC standard coat colors they come in.

That’s why any child would love to hug a fluffy Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and make them their best friend.

After all, 12-13 inches in height while weighing 13-18 pounds is the perfect fun size for a small fluffy dog.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel sitting on the ground

You’d be surprised to see how well they bond with other breeds. So, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is the ideal addition for families with multiple dogs.

But remember to ensure their safety, as their excessive playfulness is not always received by some dogs so graciously.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels shedding increases their maintenance costs. You must be prepared to brush their coat with a bristle brush for at least 10 minutes daily. Bathing them once every six weeks is more than enough.

Since their ears are a unique feature, ensure to clean weekly. Doing that gives incredible physical comfort to your dog, making them cheerful as ever.

19. Japanese Spitz

Imagine a little walking cloud that wants to make you happy all the time; that’s one way of introducing the Japanese Spitz dogs to you.

This little fluffy breed is only 12-15 in height and weighs about 10-25 pounds on average.

As they’re small playful dogs in general, this compactness only makes them cuter. But it’s their medium-length double coat that turns heads.

Japanese Spitz coats are unique due to their dense undercoat and smooth overcoat. Hence, maintaining Japanese Spitz can be challenging.

Japanese Spitz sitting on the floor

While they shed twice a year, Japanese Spitz owners ideally should brush their coats every day. But monthly bathing is more than enough.

However, you might find yourself washing them often if your yard can make them dirty. 

These are very playful and active dogs who want to run around. So, it’ll be uncomfortable for them to be a lap dog and even an apartment dog in the long run.

If you have children at home, having a Japanese Spitz would make their lives brighter. The breed is known to be affectionate and can bond extremely well with other dogs too.

What more can you ask for?

20. Cairn Terrier

Cairn Terrier might look somewhat similar to the Norwich Terrier, but they’re entirely different. The similarity is that both are very fluffy breeds.

Cairn Terriers are known to be popular herding and hunting dogs in Scotland even today. 

So, does the Cairn Terrier fit in the family environment in the present day? Yes! They do.

Unlike Japanese Spitz, the Cairn Terriers are comfortable with apartment houses too.

Cairn Terrier sitting on the floor

They’re known to be wonderful family dogs who want to spend almost all of its life with their owners. This excessive clinginess may result in separation anxiety when they’re left alone for long hours.

That’s why you should get Cairn Terriers only if you can give the attention they crave.

These cheerful fluffy bundles of happiness end up being about 10 inches as adult dogs weighing around 13-14 pounds. You’re fortunate enough to get Cairn Terriers in over a dozen of colors for their wiry double coat of medium length.

How often should Cairn Terriers be groomed? Regular brushing a couple of times a week is enough. Bathing them every three months is sufficient, but pay attention if the dirt is gone and the coat texture is restored.

Don’t worry about their shedding — they shed very, very little.

21. Löwchen

Believed to originate from the European region, the Löwchen is a lion-like fluffy little dog.

They’ve also nicknamed the Little Bearded Lion Dogs thanks to the dense fur around their neck resembling lions.

It’s not just the look; Löwchens are brave as lions too. But underneath and bravado is an affective fluffy bundle of joy that wants to spend time with you.

Their emotional connection with family members and little children is admirable. 

Löwchen sitting on the ground

Löwchens are known to be active, although they’re not terrible for apartments. But ensure to keep their minds stimulated with at least half an hour of activity.

You’ll find these little plushies to grow up to 12-14 inches, weighing about 15 pounds. Their wavy and long coats are available in more than two dozen colors. 

But be sure to brush the coat weekly and bathe them about once a month. Löwchens don’t shed, and that’s what makes them extra special.

In conclusion, these bearded lion dogs make splendid small fluffy dogs.

22. American Eskimo Dog

The appearance of American Eskimo Dogs (Eskies) is described by their name itself — cloud-like whiteness.

The breed comes in three sizes: toy, miniature, and standard, with the same fluffiness.

So, it’s the miniature and toy breed versions whose sizes vary between 9-15 inches. That’s the small fluffy dog range. 

If your family is looking for that cloudy white fur on an affectionate dog, the American Eskimo Dog is an ideal solution.

Being relatively active, you’d find them playing around with your children whenever they got the chance.

American Eskimo Dog sitting on the stone

The cherry on top is the high intelligence that lets you let them easily. Don’t worry; American Eskimo Dogs aren’t known to have small dog syndrome that makes them bossy. They’ll bond amazingly with other dogs and strangers you approve of.

After all, small fluffy dogs don’t work well as guard dogs; you know it already.

Eskies, however, shed almost constantly. That’s one reason why the breed is considered high maintenance. But 2-3 brushing sessions per week and bathing about every 6 weeks is ideal. 

23. Affenpinscher

Affenpinscher (pronounced a-fuhn-pin-shuh) breed was registered in AKC in 1936, although their origin goes back to 17th century Germany. 

The average adult Affenpinscher will be as tall as 9-11.5 inches weighing about 7-10 pounds.

It’s not uncommon to find them in both medium and short coat lengths. But the coat type will always be wiry.

But their shedding levels are low to moderate. That makes your life easier but remember to brush their long coat regularly to avert matting.

A nice bath with a slicker brush on its entire coat is more than enough once a month.

Affenpinscher standing on the ground

They make decent family dogs but should be allowed to start socializing from a young age to prevent them from becoming stubborn adult Affenpinschers. But this moderately independent breed suits families who can’t spend a lot of time with the dog.

Finally, you can have your Affenpinscher in five AKC standard colors, but almost all the colors are very dark. That’s the signature color palette of the breed.

24. Japanese Chin

If you remember how Mi-Ki dogs are bred, the Japanese Chin is one of the involved breeds. 

The breed typically grows to about 8-11 inches with an average weight of 7-11 pounds. That’s why the American Kennel Club categorizes this little fluffy dog in the toy category. 

Their silky and medium-length coat typically comes in six colors, all of which are bi-colors. Japanese Chins are self-groomers and don’t shed much except for seasonal shedding.

A small pin brush is recommended when brushing them at least once a week.

Japanese Chin sitting on the bed

You’ll get to see them in their best mood when you bathe them every 5-6 weeks. 

Japanese Chins are typically independent and incredibly intelligent dogs. This pushes the breed to emotionally bond with their main caretaker. 

Even with that favoritism, any Japanese Chin will bond with all family members.

The Japanese Chins origin goes back to at least 4th century China. Back in the time, the breed wasn’t considered mere dogs but far superior creatures.

That’s a fun fact for prospective Japanese Chin owners.

25. Tibetan Spaniel

The Tibetan Spaniel will be an ideal alternative if the Japanese Chin doesn’t suit you as you have little children.

These dogs are meant to play with little children just as much as they bond with other family members.

You’ll notice Tibetan Spaniels to be more protective while being friendly with strangers you approve of.

Although they may resemble Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Tibetan Spaniels are actually known to be related to Pekingese.

Tibetan Spaniel standing on the rock

This connection explains why Tibetan Spaniels are so playful and cheerful with their humans. But they should be supervised by young children.

Tibetan Spaniels are easy to train and move along with other dogs. So, don’t worry about night-time shoutings if you’ve got other dog breeds at your home.

Standing at about 10 inches and weighing 9-15 pounds, Tibetan Spaniels have a medium-length double coat. The coat color varies among eight colors, giving enough options for prospective parents.

While Tibetan Spaniels shed a little bit, they must be bathed and groomed every 6 weeks. Remember to use warm water, so it’s more comfortable for them.

26. Volpino Italiano

Volpino Italiano could be the cutest dog you’ve ever seen. The secret is how perfectly compact and friendly they look.

The beautiful combination of their short ears and long coats makes these dogs majestic in white and red colors. 

But expect moderate shedding frequency and comb their fur thoroughly once every few days; it is better if it is daily.

Remember not to search through mats and dangles, as that can hurt them tremendously.

Volpino Italiano sitting on the table

While Volpino Italianos don’t typically suffer from separation anxiety, they prefer bonding hard with their owners.

On the flip side, they bond amazingly well with children making the breed extremely family-friendly. The problem is the risk of them being harmed by rougher children.

These cute little dogs are only about 10.5-12 inches in height, with an average weight of 8-16 pounds. As they typically need mental stimulation badly, you can help them sharpen their mind while allowing them to have fun playing around.

It’s pretty easy to train these dogs, thanks to their high trainability and low barking levels.

However, you’re least likely to find a Volpino Italiano in animal shelters as they are quite expensive.

27. Maltese

We saved one special small fluffy dog breed for last. 

Maltese is not only one of the popular fluffiest breeds; they are extremely popular in general.

Since the Bible was still being written, the Maltese have been beloved across all societal levels for years.

Can you imagine a Maltese as a royal dog?

Their signature coat color is white, although there can be white & lemon or white & tan coats.

Maltese sitting on the bed

You might already know how silky and long Maltese coats make them living teddy bears made of clouds. Maltese are quite the fun size growing only up to 7-9 inches and weighing under 7 pounds. 

So, how well do they blend into households? Exceptionally good!

Maltese are known to be a go-to fluffy dogs oozing charm while bringing nothing but happiness to families. But you should remember to supervise when they’re playing around with kids as they can easily get scared, making them aggressive.


The solution for this is training Maltese dogs from puppyhood. Their high intelligence levels should make them easy to train as long as you use reward-based strategies.

Maltese dogs are very light shedders and are considered hypoallergenic. But it doesn’t mean you should refrain from daily brushing to maintain the silkiness of your hair. In addition, you should ideally bathe your Maltese dogs once every 3 weeks.

Be sure to prioritize skin and coat moisturization whenever possible.

Registered by the AKC in 1888, Maltese dogs aren’t the type to bark at every insignificant sound. Their protective nature towards their loved human motivates them to bark at strangers and potential threats as they understand.

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Are the Breeds Above Good for Family?

A kid holding a fluffy dog

Almost all the small fluffy dogs we discussed on this long list are perfectly suitable for families. What you should consider is if your family has little children. Some breeds bond well with little kids, while some don’t. 

It’s easier to educate yourself before making any long-term commitments. After all, both the dog and yourself deserve a calm mutual presence.

So, don’t believe the misconception that all small fluffy dogs are extremely friendly unless you’ve thoroughly read an informative article like this.

How to Choose a Small Fluffy Dog Breed?

Small Fluffy Dogs

You first need to consider the nature of the house; does it come with a yard, or is it an apartment? The next factor is whether there are little children in your family. If there are, how young are they, and can they distinguish little fluffy dogs from toys?

The third factor is the compatibility with multiple dog breeds. You must consider whether your big fluffy dogs will blend well with the smaller ones.

You should also consider the time you can allocate for your new small fluffy dog. Some dogs mentioned in this list, such as the Havanese dog, can develop separation anxiety when left alone for too long.

But there’s the opposite side to this as well.

Some small fluffy dog breeds, like the Lhasa Apso, are quite independent. Pushing them to be clingy would only make them uncomfortable. 

Just as much as the time for attention, remember that some breeds shed a lot and/or constantly. The American Eskimo Dog is a good example. So, you need to be comfortable with shedding management.

It’s not just the time but expenses too.

iPetGuides philosophy is based on the belief that a pet dog is a big commitment. 

Almost all these dog breeds crave the love of their humans. That’s why we emphasize that requirement, as we love dogs just as much as you do. That deep connection pushes us to guide our fellow pet owners to have their dream dogs.

As long as you consider all these factors, you should be perfectly fine with your new small fluffy dog.

Typical Challenges to Expect With Small Fluffy Dogs

Small fluffy dogs are pretty unique due to many reasons. But their big fluffy coats are probably the main reason you choose them. 

A significant percentage of challenges are bound to this characteristic.

For starters, you’d find the dogs to be shedding relatively if they’re the type to shed. Some non-fluffy dogs might shed at the same frequency. But the volume will always be higher. 

There are some solutions to this.

fluffy dog standing on the ground

You can give them the proper dog food with fatty acid supplements, which significantly affect shedding. You should also consider blow drying their coats as that works like magic.

In addition, you should bathe and brush their coats ideally too. While this is a solution to shedding frequency, it is another challenge.

Small fluffy dogs need to be brushed or combed with the recommended frequencies. Some dogs require daily brushing, and some coats don’t require that frequency. In doing so, you also should have the right comb.

Another challenge is the Small Dog Syndrome. 

Although there are no genetic causes for Small Dog Syndrome, some stubborn dogs become more stubborn as they’re born smaller. The good news is that this issue can be corrected by mental stimulation.

However, we highly advise you to always choose a force-free and reward-based training method. These dogs are small in size and can get traumatized for life with punishment-based methods.

Finally, the next most important challenge is maintaining a fantastic relationship with them. Some of the fluffiest breeds get separation anxiety when they are left alone for a long time.

There’s a parallel side to this challenge.

Some families have adults and children who crave the attention and love of their pets. Some small fluffy dogs might find this a tiny bit irritating. So, similar to the previous situation, you should choose and live with your dog accordingly.

Training tools dog owners must have for their dogs:

In Conclusion 

Small and fluffy dog breeds cannot be ranked — how can we rate undying love and affection for their humans? But we understand that not all people share the same taste.

That’s why we took the liberty to educate our readers via a thorough reading. We are fairly sure you know the small fluffy breed you want.

All you need to do is change the life of a bundle of joy waiting for you.

When you do, all this information will surely give you the upper hand.


The small fluffy dog breed that sheds the least is the Löwchen, which is known to almost not shed at all.

The smallest fluffy dog breed is the Maltese.

The most expensive fluffy dog breed is the Purebred Yorkshire Terrier, which can cost up to $10,000.

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Laura Vinzy
Laura Vinzy is one of our contributors. She is also a certified professional dog trainer & currently lives in San Francisco with her husband and her two rescue dogs.

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