Can Dogs Have Vegetable Broth? (Ingredients to Avoid)

Last Updated on February, 2025

Yes, dogs can have vegetable broth. 

Vegetable broth can improve the overall health of your dog in many ways, such as enhancing the digestive system, helping with weight loss, cleansing toxins, preventing many diseases, and more! 

However, it would be best to consider certain factors when feeding vegetable broth to your dog. 

In this guide, you can get helpful information on the DO’s and DON’Ts related to giving vegetable broth to your puppy. 

Quick Summary

YES!!! Dogs can have vegetable broth. And it can have numerous health benefits, including improving digestion, supporting immune system, and preventing diseases.

Vegetable broth should be fed in moderation and specific ingredients, such as onions and garlic, should be avoided. Homemade broth is recommended over store-bought versions.

Dogs can also have chicken broth and beef broth, each with their own benefits such as promoting joint health and increasing appetite. It is important to consult with a veterinarian before adding any new food to a dog’s diet.

Can Dogs Have Vegetable Broth?

food bowl filled with vegetable broth kept on a table

As mentioned already, yes, dogs can have vegetable broth as it is nutritious and good for their health. 

What is the frequency of vegetable broth that is good for your dogs? It is recommended to consult your veterinarian before you start. You should also pay attention to the portion size of the vegetable stock you give your pup.

Sometimes, certain dogs may have allergic reactions or food intolerances, so stay alert!

Is Vegetable Broth Good for Dogs?

Yes, Vegetable broth is good for dogs, but there are certain factors to keep in mind before deciding whether vegetable broth is suitable for your dog:

  • The type of natural ingredients and vegetables you include.
  • Pay attention to the ingredients you must AVOID in the vegetable broth.
  • It shouldn’t cause any allergic reactions in your pup.
  • The portion size and frequency of vegetable stock intake for your pup.

The above factors decide whether the vegetable stock is good for the overall health of your puppy or adult dog. 

Remember, vegetable stock is not equal to the essential vitamins stored in dry kibble and wet food form. 

The Benefits of Vegetable Broth for Dogs

A bowl of soup is sitting on top of grass.

Let’s discuss the 6 primary benefits of vegetable broth for dogs. 

Low Calorie

Vegetable stock is a two-in-one dog food. Why? Because it is low-calorie and highly beneficial for dogs. 

As it is a low-calorie food, it is one of the best foods to handle overweight issues (helps to lose weight).

Vitamins and Minerals 

Vegetable broth has plenty of minerals and amino acids to support the dog’s health.

The broth has essential vitamins such as vitamins A, B, C, K, and more.

Cleanse Toxins

When the dog intakes vegetable stock, it cleanses its internal system. Therefore, it removes free radicals, fat, germs, and toxins in the dog’s system. 

Prevents Digestive Issues

Vegetable broth prevents many digestive and metabolic issues your dog may have. 

What happens when the digestive enzymes are absorbed from the vegetable broth? It boosts the strength of the digestive tract, and your dog will have a healthy digestive system.

Therefore, adding vegetables high in fiber can support the digestive system of your pup.

Supports the Immune System

Vegetable broth helps to improve the immune system of your dog. Therefore, it is less prone to diseases. 

What types of nutrients in vegetable stock boost the immunity strength of dogs? It has fiber, a large portion of Vitamin B complex, Vitamins A, C, E, and K, and Riboflavin.

Using vegetables is an easy way to boost your dog’s immune system effectively.

Helps Prevent Certain Diseases

Since vegetable broth is high in nutrients, it helps to prevent many diseases, such as heart or cardiovascular diseases and cancer. 

Heart or Cardiovascular Diseases

If fat deposits increase, the dog will face many heart function-related problems. Thereby, vegetable intake prevents the accumulation of fat substances in the heart. Therefore, vegetable stock can save your dog from potential heart diseases. 


Adding vegetables such as potatoes, bell peppers, broccoli, and kale to the broth may help to prevent cancer. 

The primary nutrients in vegetable broth helping to prevent the diseases mentioned above are Phosphorus, Calcium, and Potassium.

Do Dogs Like Vegetable Broth?

a dog sitting infront of a food bowl filled with vegetable broth

Yes, dogs like vegetable broths due to its water consistency and flavor.

That said, if you give the same type of veggie broth of the same taste and flavor, your dog may eventually dislike it. 

Therefore, please make sure to add different kinds of vegetables and change the flavor and the recipe to make your dog enjoy eating the broth regularly. 

Things to Keep in Mind When Giving Vegetable Broth for Dogs 

Before giving your dogs vegetable broth, make sure to keep these points in mind.

No Onions or Garlic

Do not add onions, onion powder, onion leeks, or garlic to the vegetable stock. (1)

Why? Because onions and garlic are toxic for dogs and may lead to life-threatening conditions.

What makes onions toxic? There is a toxic property named “N-propyl disulfide” in onions.

The function of it is to break down red blood cells and if it happens, it may lead to Anemia in your dog.

Garlic has a Thiosulphate substance, which damages the red blood cells. As a result, it leads to Hemolytic Anemia. 

onions and garlics kept on a food bowl and there's a cross mark indicating to avoid them

Reduce Sodium

Have you purchased veggie broth from the grocery store? Remember, dog vegetable stock available in grocery stores or supermarkets has a lot of Sodium. 

You may find “LOW” Sodium vegetable stock for dogs, too, but don’t purchase them! (Little Sodium is equally harmful to your puppy).

What’s the solution to this problem? Making broth at home is the best solution. It is healthy for the dog’s diet and its health.

Other Ingredients to Avoid

Apart from the substances mentioned above, here’s a list of other ingredients to avoid adding to the vegetable broth for dogs:

  • Scallions
  • Mushrooms
  • Shallots
  • Grapes and Raisins
  • Aromatics
  • Herbs
  • Spices
  • Store-bought vegetable stock in liquid, powder, and cube form
  • Preservatives and artificial colors

Remember, when in doubt about an ingredient, it’s best to consult with a veterinarian. For a safe vegetable broth, sticking to basic ingredients like carrots, celery, and peas is a good idea, ensuring they are cooked without any of the harmful ingredients listed above.

Risks Related to Consuming Vegetable Broth

an ice bag kept on a dogs' head

Here are the risks related to feeding broth for your furry friend:

Addition of Toxic Substances

Adding toxic substances such as onions, onion leeks, garlic, scallions, shallots, and more (discussed above) can cause health issues.

Therefore, be conscious when making vegetable broth and only include natural human-grade ingredients (excluding toxic substances as discussed above).

Feeding Broth in Large Amounts

Do not give vegetable broth in large quantities or on a daily basis as it may cause digestive issues.

Store-Bought Vegetable Stock

Never give store-bought vegetable stocks to your pup. Such vegetable stock has high amounts of Sodium, leading to severe health issues for your dog. 

How to Prepare Homemade Vegetable Broth for Dogs?

a woman making vegetable broth for her dog

Now, you will learn the BEST homemade recipe for dog vegetable broth. 


Here are the ingredients you require for the vegetable stock:

  • Chopped vegetables (they may include carrots, spinach, sweet potato, green beans, bell peppers, celery, etc).
  • A Stockpot.
  • Water.
  • A pinch of salt.
  • Apple cider vinegar.
  • Olive oil.

Caution: Don’t use onions and garlic (discussed above).

Steps to Follow

Here are the steps to follow:

  • Add sufficient water to the stockpot. 
  • Next, add the chopped veggies to the above stockpot.
  • Add salt as per the requirement (don’t add too much).
  • Add a few drops of apple cider vinegar (it adds health benefits for dogs, such as regulating blood sugar levels, preventing toxic bacteria growth, and maintaining heart health).
  • Add a few drops of Olive oil (it has Omega fatty acids), and please avoid vegetable oil due to health concerns for your pup.
  • Finally, cook the stock on low heat.
  • You can leave this for about an hour or more until everything is cooked and becomes soft.

If you plan to store it for a few days, ensure to store it in an airtight container and place it in the refrigerator. 

It is a fantastic vegetable broth recipe you must try with all the essential nutrients for your pup. 

What Kind of Other Broth Can Dogs Have?

chicken broth and beef broth in 1 image

The kinds of broth dogs can have are vegetable broth, chicken broth (bone broth), and beef broth. 

We discussed in detail about vegetable stock above. 

Now, let’s learn about bone broth and beef broth, including their health benefits for your pup. 

Chicken Broth

Chicken broth has nutritional value and it is a great treat for your pup. 

Here are the benefits of feeding chicken broth to your pup.

Rich in Protein

Chicken broth has protein-rich properties to fulfill the dog’s dietary needs. It also meets the nutrition needs essential for your dog. 

High in Crucial Vitamins and Minerals

The vital nutrients in chicken broth include calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and silicon. 

Promotes Bone Health

Chicken broth includes chicken bones. Hence, once the bone broth is cooked, the water extracts the nutrients in the gelatin and collagen of chicken bones. These nutrients help to increase your dog’s joint and coat health. 

Relieves Upset Stomach

During an upset stomach, your dog prefers less intake of food and may face dehydration issues. Thus, bone broth is a healthy food during such an instance. 

Bone broth helps to ease digestion and provides additional hydration to ease the health condition of your dog. 

Beef Broth

Beef broth is an energetic and healthy food for your dog. However, some dogs are allergic to beef, so introduce beef broth and check if it suits your dog’s health. 

Let’s discuss the benefits of feeding beef broth to your dog. (2)

Helps Digestion 

Beef broth helps to release collagen and has amino acids to ease any digestive issues in your dog. Also, it helps to overcome stomach sensitivities. 

Promotes Joint Health

Nutrients such as collagen, glucosamine, and chondroitin help to improve both the joint and bone health of the pup. 

Increases Coat Health

Collagen plays a major role in the skin of dogs. Collagen is important for your dog in order to have a healthy coat. 

Boosts Appetite

If your dog is sick, adding beef broth to its diet helps to boost the energy level and appetite. Even picky eaters will love the flavor of beef broth. 

Can Dogs Consume Broth Daily?

a dog is holding a watermelon piece and another dog is watching that

Yes, dogs can consume broth daily but you should avoid giving it in large portions. 

As a precaution, introduce vegetable stock to your dog’s food at a slow pace. If your dog prefers it, you can increase the intake gradually. 

As dog owners, you must consult your veterinarian’s advice on the type of vegetables healthy for your pup and the recommended intake. 

Depending on your dog’s health conditions, the decision to provide broth daily may vary. 

Other guides and tools you might need when training your dog:

Final Thoughts

Vegetable broth is a healthy food for your dog. However, overconsuming it can cause health risks. 

In addition, you must pay attention to the risk factors before making the vegetable stock (discussed above). 

Therefore, vegetable stock can be both healthy and raise risk based on HOW you prepare it, the frequency, and the quantities you provide your dog. 

Give your dog an extra boost with a healthy vegetable broth today!


The different kinds of broth dogs can have are vegetable broth, chicken broth, and beef broth. 

No, vegetable stock cubes are not healthy for dogs due to the presence of artificial flavors and lack of dog-friendly ingredients.

No, dogs cannot have vegetable broth with onion powder, onions, or onion leeks. 

It is not necessary to mix broth with dog food because the mixture adds moisture to the food and results in a low-calorie treat.

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Laura Vinzy
Laura Vinzy is one of our contributors. She is also a certified professional dog trainer & currently lives in San Francisco with her husband and her two rescue dogs.

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